Q: Why does my Yorkie always smell after being outside, even for just a few minutes?
My Yorkie always comes in from outside smelling like he'd been out all day. I was wondering if I need a better shampoo, I've just been washing him with Hartz flea and tick. Is there a special shampoo?
Photo Credit: deanwissing/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by ladybug30_98
My Yorkie is the same way. You can buy puppy perfume at Petsmart. It doesn't hurt the dogs in any way and makes them smell good. Also, try using the bathing clothes that you can get at Petsmart also. Another thing you can use is dry shampoo. All of these are ways to keep your dog smelling good in between baths.
Answer by Ty B
What's he getting into?
Answer by hellosunshine_hb
The moisture outside can give them the "wet dog smell", even though they may seem to be completely dry. Also, the fresh air oxidizes their skin and fur, which can bring out their natural odors more strongly (like a fine wine, lol). The smell usually goes away after a few minutes… you can help the process by rubbing her down with a dry towel when she comes in, to get any moisture out of her hair.
Answer by victoria
ur not really meant to wash ur dog.
this prob y it smells.. coz u wash it 2 much
if u do wash it, u shud wash it about 1-2 times a year
Answer by Indel
Not true for all dogs. Some dogs need to be washed often to prevent smells and other skin conditions like itching and flaking. Find out about the breed and hair/fur type so you understand and know how often to bathe your friend.
View popular Earthbath shampoo on Amazon (#ad)
Answer by Jennifer M~ Got the Giggles
Any hypoallergenic dog shampoo will work well. In the same section at the pet store, they also sell detanglers and conditioners.
I have a cavalier which has long hair although not quite like a Yorkie, and we find the best thing to use on him is a comb. I bought an inexpensive one that is widely spaced on one end and narrow on the other. We brush him daily or every other day to combat tangles and it works great
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