Q: Who would when out of a fight a Presa Canario or a Bullmastiff?
Im not trying to fight dogs or nothing just very curios
Photo Credit: Eran Finkle/Flickr CC
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Answer by …:::S-T-A-R:::…
Presa Canario.
Presa will shit bricks on Bullmastiff man. Bullmastiff is breed for guarding and hunting poachers. Its not a top pit fighting contender.
You should look for Tosa, Pit Bull, American Bandog, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro to compare with Presa.
Answer by purple rules
the presa for sure
Answer by Taboo
Neither one of these breeds are game dogs…They are Guardian Breeds…
Generally Speaking: Though they can be dog aggressive…they typically wont fight for long..they gas out quick. Once dominance is established..they just walk away and might lick each other and pant for a while. They are not game dogs… of course like anything…there are always exceptions with rogues who do want to kill or predate.
As to who would win?? It all depends on soo many factors.. every dog is an individual. That would be like saying..which would win in a fight.. a German or a Mexican..
Answer by Samson *rest in peac
Bullmastiff all the way. They are so powerful you can almost see their strength from a mile away. They were bred as guard dogs and later were the new best dog in dogfighting until this brutal 'sport' was outlawed. But never, ever, ever, ever fight dogs, it is a horrible thing is animal cruelty, no matter how brief the fight. I hate it!
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Answer by cbrannlayt
If both had the alpha agressive temperament…I'd have to say the Presa Canario. Of the two breeds mentioned, the Presa is the one that Homeowners insurance companies don't want you to have because of their history of biting.
Answer by Aussie mum
Likely the two dogs would not naturally fight and thus everyone would win.
There's no way to tell- Too many factors involved, and honestly no one should need or really even want to know.
Answer by bumblebee858
If you're not trying to fight them then why are you asking? Dog fighting is disgusting and wrong and whoever takes part in it should be made to fight to the death just to see how the **** it feels.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
joann says
not you asshole
joann says
people, inclding yo are undafe
hudsongray says
Properly socialised dogs would not fight.
casper32 says
Ask Mr Vick!!!!
Clarice says
Who would when – that makes no sense.
Do you mean " who would win " ?
Karen O says
The winner would be the police officer(s) who came in and arrested the owners of both dogs.
•Poppy• says
church says
well good and i would probably say the bullmastife would win because there very strong
Corgi Girl *Witty P says
Why would you ever need to know? They both can be very sweet, so I think it wouldn't be much of a fight anyway.