David: Which dog would win between a Kangal and a pit bull in a dog fight?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Tiliba
Kangal dog will win Pitbull in the dogfight because the Kangal’s teeth are more long and sharp than pitbull’s. Kangal’s muscle is bigger than pitbull’s.
I told you the answer but you are really sick and stupid if you are in a dogfight how could you take your dog to fight like this if you lose your dog will die even you win you are still a bad person to me.
Photo Credit: thomaswanhoff/Flickr CC
Answer by dimitri
Kangal wins hands down, it has longer teeth, stronger bite force, and its bred to kill not fight and has larger muscles than a pit bull, but sometimes, it gets soo bored of betting down that pitbull, people will say "The Kangal is a coward, pit bull ponds that dog", well people can say that but the dog just got really bored and sick of beating up that pitbull, so it leaves, but on the other hand, pit bulls are tireless animals, and very alerting.
Pitbulls are strong and fast, but I'm not sure if they're intelligent though, but Kangal beats it by speed-strength, bite force, and smartness, cmon seriously Kangals are not bred to fight actually, they're bred to kill.
Answer by Caomhin Reid
No breed of dog is as game as the game-bred Pit Bulldog is. Period. You see videos of unconditioned Pit Bulls going against dogs three times their size. If the Kangal is all some are saying then the tens of thousands of dollars that breeders are spending on Pit Bulls would be spent on Kangals. Period.
Catchweight (conditioned weight of 52 lbs on up) outlasts Kangals.
Answer by Garry.
The Kangal will quit if the fight is long … I saw the fight of the champion Kangal and the red nose Pitbull owned by a lady! They brought them to a park in Turkey and a large crowd was there to watch the match...
The Kangal appeared to dominate from the top for a few minutes and it was not looking good for the pitbull … but the vaunted bite of the Kangal just did not appear in this fight, it did very little damage and hardly any blood at all…

The pitbull from the bottom got a bite on the back left foot of the Kangal and began to break the Kangal down. The much larger Kangal began to try to leave dragging the pitbull who had moved to the soft part of the Kangals belly area and was doing much damage …
The owner of the Kangal asked for a break and they separated the two dogs and the Kangal refused to engage with the pitbull and by rule lost the fight … so I say the pitbull in this particular fight of best vs. best was the clear winner .. self-preservation instinct kicked in with the Kangal dog … which the pitbull does not seem to have…
Answer by Jack Red
Pro dead game pit will destroy any Kangal are any dog on the planet.
Answer by Jack Robert
First of all, it's a joke right?! I love American Pitbulls but we are talking about real-life situations, right?
well 1st. Kangals haven’t been interfered with and become what they are today naturally and adapted to their surroundings! Weak ones died off and only the strongest smartest ones became what they are today. Natural Guardians of the flock!
2nd Their PSI bite force is much larger than the American pitbull!
3rd these dogs fight off Wolves and not just one but even a pack of wolves... Yes, there is more than one dog on guard but these dogs, and yes look it up proof they can fight more than one at a time and they destroy a wolf!!
4th Man hasn’t interfered with the evolution of the Turkish Kangal like the pitbull, unfortunately… It's hard to find a pureblood pitbull nowadays u have to search hard..No bully breeds aren't pureblood... Colby bloodline is one of the oldest bloodlines around and pit bulls weigh 45 to 65 no more... These mutts they call pit bulls are bred out then breed back in for more size and wider chest also taller from the withers... Razors Edge, Gotti, etc garbage...
5th The Kangal would have a walk in the park even with a game pit bull... I'm not for dogfighting and against it but there are sites that are illegal and have these blood sports to watch and even bet on... The Kangal is a lot stronger but also has a huge advantage they fight in real scenarios people!! they have an advantage in height by large amount some are reported to be over 80inch from the withers... And I'm not done...There are Kangals then there is Boz Kangals which are faster stronger thicker as well and less aggressive towards their own flock but the same aggressiveness towards threats...
Americans bringing dogs to Parts of Turkey for huge purses only to go home empty-handed not just talking about money either!! besides the king of the hill isn't even the Kangal!
Caucasian Ovarcharka is by far the most Majestic yet the most ruthless dog on the planet! 1 single dog attacks the whole pack of wolves vs Kangal is in a group of more than one not even close...Do your research and actually be around these animals before u pass judgment!
I've owned Perro De Presa Canarios before! These dogs use to fight pits back in the day but were herding dogs as well.. I've owned American Bulldog and a Staffordshire Terrier.
Silly post. Anyone with intelligence would know these dogs fight not for their master but for survival every single day! they live for the Flock and die for the flock.
Answer by Calgon
The bite force test was done on a 40-pound male pit bull with a small head and neck. One dog has somehow been the deciding factor that all pits bite with a 235-pound bite force. Sorry. Understand that many pits get up to the 90-pound range with giant heads, jaws, and necks.
I’ve personally watched a stray pit bull murder a large, aggressive bull mastiff that weighed over 160 pounds. We couldn’t get the pit off of that dog's throat. We ended up having to shoot the pit and kill it in order to pry it from that dead mastiff’s throat. It was a bad scene.
It takes 25 pounds of proper force to crush the esophagus so bite strength doesn’t matter. It takes a proper bite, biting in a vital spot, and the ability to do those things. I’ll take the pit bull over the Kangal all day and any day. Its size allows it to reach all vital spots on the Kangal and properly trained pits always go after the throat area.
Besides, professional dogfighters choose pit bulls in the “unlimited rings” for a reason. They bring home the goods. Wolves aren’t fighting dogs folks. Sorry.
Wolves are known to turn tail and try to escape a death situation. Pit bulls will not if they are game bred.
Those of you outside of the United States who get those beautiful pit bulls are not getting game-bred bulldogs. The renowned pit bull champs are heavy in terrier genetics and will do battle with 300 pounds wild boar and win. They aren’t bred for looks. Just the fact of the matter.
Answer by Brian Burdick
I have two very large and when cranked fierce dogs. One is a 140 lb Turkish Sivas Kangal and the other is his son, a cross between him and my Argentine Dogo female ( now sorrowfully passed). He weighs in at 125 lbs. Between the two he is far more aggressive, I think from the Dogo side of his breeding.
The Kangle is the most loving, docile dog you could ever want. The son tries to take the leader position from his dad every chance he gets. Dad will do everything to avoid confrontation. I’ve seen him walk away with his tail hanging down. When the son really tries to push it and pisses dad off, dad always comes out on top.
The truth is when all skills are equal, size and strength will always win out. I hate to see them go at it, but at 76 years old, I’m not about to get involved. Other than the show, they never really hurt each other, but if a strange dog was involved, I’m sure the result would be different.
By the way, both the Dogo I had God Rest Her Soul and the Kangle were and are the most wonderful and loving dogs you could ever imagine.
Answer by Jack Woods
If ANY breed could best a Pit Bull then the handlers and owners in dogfighting would be spending and betting their tens of thousands on them instead of Pit Bulls. It all depends on the dog, but at the top level, no dog is any match for a world-class Pit Bull. There are no size limits and no money limits in the pit so why else would they risk their money only on that one breed?!
Answer by ABC
Answer: Kangal
Kangal dog can kill wild dog or wolf.
I've seen an underground dogfight, a trained muscular Pitbull vs. regular Kangal dog.
Pitbull was almost killed in the battle. Kangal dominates from the start until the owner of the pitbull asked to stop the fight. LOL!
Answer by wolfspirit
why does it matter sicko? I'll tell you what post something stupid like this again ill come and throw you in a pit with one of each and then as your screaming ill ask "HEY WHICH ONE DO YOU THINK WOULD WIN?" even if you don't dogfight that's still a horrible question to ask and if you're expecting a nice answer then you are not worthy of existing on this earth
Answer by naviin singh
I have seen real dog fights not staged ones. My best friend as a child was a dog, breed unknown. Fang was the King on my street. But a loving friend. I am against staged dog fights. I hate it.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Matt says
Eh, hulk isn’t a real pitbull, and besides that, Kangal and Ovcharka that are of big size can both wreck pitbulls. Those fighting videos are dirty to watch anyway, but I watched a few. In 1, a pitbull died literally, another, pitbulls get their asses kicked enough times. Pitbull’s only chance is to gas out the dog. Even German Shephard can beat a pitbull lohl. Pitbulls are like ants that bite ur ear n stay there for 20 minutes hoping they win
monied says
no matter how big the Kangal is, it won’t take down a massive game-bred pitbull. if you are to compare hulk the biggest pitbull to any Kangal, it won’t last 5 minutes with the hulk. hulk would dismantle the Kangal neck to the head area leaving it lifeless. apart from that, I’ve trained lots of pitbull my entire life, they are so vicious when it comes to fighting.
B Osborne says
I had a black female Great Dane that was very fast and muscular. 160 lbs in prime and over 200 in later years She did not like pits and before a pit could do anything she would pick the pits off the ground shaking it by top of neck. Had I not gotten them apart I know more blood would have flowed. I don’t know what my Dane – who was more thick and not as tall as some Danes, would do with a Kangal and would not want to find out.
wayne b bell says
I am not into dog fighting,but that said I am tired of bullies. That is why I am getting a Kangal. I am so tired of people with their pits. Me and my dachshund/beagle both got bit by a pit mix and I swore if something happens to my dog I am buying a bigger and better fighting dog than the pit. They are out there. Either a Kangal or a Dogo Argentino will protect me when I need it hands down.
jim says
A kangal has a 750 lb bite force strongest of any dog in the world. the biggest pit has a bite force of 280. They will kill a full-size wolf, take on the whole pack
I’ve seen a kangal fight on youtube. a same size shepherd dog was standing on its back tearing into the kangals neck and back they have extra fur and fat there, the owner let it happen for about a minute while the kangal was just looking at the owner like it was no big deal.
Then the owner said something and it was like a light switch. the kangal turned around flipped the dog over onto its back grabbed its neck and put its 750lbs of bit force on the dog, it was screaming ,it made me sick, dog fighting is for pussy’s that can’t fight themselves. the last part of the video was the big ass shepherd dog lying there. I think dead…
I’ve had pit bulls my whole life, real pit bulls. and I would not want to see any of them get into a fight with a kangal cause they would lose. all these interbreed pit bulls are not pit bulls they are making them big but there not fighting dogs there bread so they are a family dog and they did that to get rid of their bad reputation.
If i had a dog that was to protect my family against a person or a dog it would be a kangal, pits are too much a lover of people. they don’t have a high prey drive it’s the idiots that make them that way and give them their bad reputation. just look at youtube and see which dog is the superior guard dog, that would die for its family, and it’s not the pitbull! Kangal any day.
Mike says
100% Pitbull! If u pit the best of the best of size strength and agility of the pitbull breed, there is absolutely no chance that any Kangal would stand a chance! This is the 100% truth. Although I am against dog fights. Also I would like to add that pitbulls can be very intelligent dogs. I think that they get a bad rep due to there trainers/owners lack of intelligence.
wayne b bell says
Dogo Argentino will tear a pit to pieces too.
Roger Dooley says
Then why don’t they fight them?
Caomhin Reid says
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Masit says
Much of these comments are coming from people that are breed loyal.
And there is nothing wrong with that .
But if we forget all our emotions ..
And just talking plain facts.
Then there is one thing standing out .
And that is this :
If a kangal , no matter how aggressive ,
No matter how much of an athlete , was pitted against a pitbull terrier , agressive , an athlete , a pure blooded game dog ..And most important off all , had the SIZE of a average pitbull terrier ..
Then no one , and i mean no one , was ever talking about a kangal again , ok maybee that he
Could bark much when someone was trying to steal flock .
How can people ask these kind of questions , and how can people even be proud of a animal 3 times the size of a pitbullterrier , for taking down a pitbull from time to time .
No real dog man , no mater how much i hate the game , will put his precious money fighter against a mountain shephard because he simply has no intrest in the outcome since the kangal is not made for the “ game “
Lots of the videos on the net are extrrmeley aggressive kangals fighting very poor or average pitbullterrier ( or even am staff mixes )
If you ever saw a real game pitbull fight , and i hope your’e not …
Then you have your answer .
A pitbull terrier of game stock is very , very
Tough animal and deserves rrspect for being such a warrior in such a small package .
People who nowadays are busy trying to convice otherwise are missing some important points .
Kangals are not dead game and the never will be .
Being proud that brock lesnar beat the shit out a 100 pound skinny male is the same thing .
Stop denying a pitbull’s mental and physical skill,s
There is nothing in the world on par with him .
Carter oglesby says
Not a Caucasian ovcharka.
Garry. says
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naviin singh says
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GIL says
50-60 pound game pit with a hard bite in a pit defeats all dogs on this planet regardless of the breed!
Brian Burdick says
Hi Folks!
I am forever amazed by people who forever ask the stupid question of “who would win” between two different animals.
Why in the world would you ever want to know that? I thought dog or animal fighting was banned and illegal.
I hope and pray that each and every one of you stays safe from the virus stalking our wonderful country!
God Bless you all.
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RussianDog says
Thank you for your nice comment and wishes, Mr. Burdick.
JM says
Nobs….you’ll never understand that a game bread Pitbull is the Jiu-jitsu of the dog world, dosen’t matter the other dog size, they have a natural genetic ability for fighting and will never stop until done. All dogs fight for a reason, territory, their owners, a female etc, pits are natural born fighters. These silly conversations were down on 1950’s and they already did all this fictional test for us, please guys do s little research and stop the bullshit. Also I’ll choose a gamebread Tosa Inu over a Kangal….just saying.
Calgon says
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Armstrong says
No damn kangal can beat my Pitt,although itcan beat urs it can’t beat mine,mine will handle it like a toy
KangalsKillPittsEZ says
Let me educate some of the idiot’s in here…
Fact: Turkish kangals “Although large” actually have better stanima than a pitbull does. How? They have greyhound decent (Look it up) which is also why they are one of the fastest dogs in the world.
Fact: Pitbulls CANNOT kill a kangal period. They don’t have a big enough mouth or bite stregth to do anything. They bite less than 400 psi.
Fact a Kangal has been recorded biting over 700 psi several times. A BOZ Kangal was once recorded over 800.
Fact: Watch ALL the video’s online of Kangals vs pittbull’s (pure vs pure) and see how many times a pitt wins lol. I’ve seen pits killed by kangals, not the other way around.
Gary Oliver says
Listen you sound like you know what you’re saying, I think? The real American Pit bull Terrier with a size of 30 to 80 lbs is correct, now some may bite at less than 400 psi? It’s not true completely, first how is the test performed?
I know that less than 400 psi is what your saying but I like to check facts and yes your were wrong about most of the numbers you have. And first let me say I’m so against dogfighting if I caught you fighting dogs I’d string you up in a pit with just 1 Pit Bull terrier 60 lb female and then see if you can get out of the pit by yourself, okay you picked the wrong one to have posted all those lies. Kangals are strong have a decent bit power and they are bigger than my small 60 lb girl, you say they have all the advantages because of their size, bit power etc…. But let me tell you about a 29 lb female Colby red nose, a pit dog a champion pit dog ,she won her fights within 5 minutes into the fight never lost 29 lb fought all kinds of other breeds. Her last fight was with a well trained 80 lb male another American pit bull terrier never lost a fight, well that night he fell in less than 2 minutes after the Colby had a death lock under the male’s throat, which was her famous take down.
I’ve raised American Pit bull terriers for over 40 years and I know when mine Red Dog is her name she’s a normal loyal companion dog a pure breed American Pit bull terrier, she loves all other dogs when we go to the dog park. So back to the bite power my first American pit bull a Colby, and she was small to about 45 lbs, but when outside and the dog next door is messing with her she crabs the chain link fence and snapped straight through the fence, so you are going to say that her bite power was less than 400 lbs ? No, it was much higher she could pop tennis balls in less than 30 seconds, and one day she popped a small blue handball, it did take her little over 2 minutes because it kept popping out of her mouth, do you even know how hard that is to do?
Sorry if you’re a Kangal lover( I’m an animal lover) not all Kangals will win a fight with a true American PitBull Terrier and the same is true with an American pit bull terrier not all of them will beat a Kangal. So I left this one very important part about American Pitbulls that have the advantage over any breed, they seem to lock on while playing on a rope or tire or another dog in a fight they never have to let go? Why? Because unlike other dogs they have these rubber band type muscles in their head and jaws. And American Pit Bull terriers also can breathe in and out their nose, which only a few other dogs can, and lets them have to never let go, you can check your dog by holding their mouth shut for as long as they will let you be easy, but they will try breathing through their mouth, a PitBull can hang on a rope or tire for hours at a time 10 foot from the ground , my first Pitbull could swim 11 foot underwater to get her logs, she loved doing that, she held her breath for over 3 to 4 minutes , this dog was truly amazing Tara Red even though it was 30 years ago I think of her often, yes I had my share of breaking up dog fights because having more than 2 at a time is hard.
I have never fought one of my dogs , but Tara and Tigger got a hold of a few dogs and it didn’t turn up good for the other dogs, oh mine hate cats and I have the coolest cat Kush he doesn’t take crap from my 2 year Pit Red, he will chase her down and smack her on the butt Red knows better, she loves Kush, I would recommend a Pit Bull for first time dog owners , they are the most loyal of dogs but need to be socialized with other animals and they love to play. Dogs are for companionships to watch our home and sometimes our children or the elderly stay safe, not for fighting NEVER FIGHT YOUR DOG. And if you do fight them you are not an animal person and should never legally own any animal again.
Gary Oliver says
“Let me educate some of the idiot’s in here”
Your words not mine.If your just going to insult everyone because you know that a Kangal can kill a Pit bull,
Well I know a 80 pound pure muscle Pit Bull named Tigger that would destroy any dog in a pit. “why they are one of the fastest dogs in the world.” your words again your wrong Kangal because they have Greyhound in their bloodline, Large dogs don’t make good fighting dogs, period!!! Experience is 1 for any dog to step in a pit with a 80 muscle a top of muscle. Maybe you were at somewhere Pit bulls are abused for 2 weeks prior to a fight with a Kangal
your words again Fact: Watch ALL the video’s online of Kangals vs pittbull’s (pure vs pure) and see how many times a pitt wins lol. I’ve seen pits killed by kangals, not the other way around. I think you just thought it was a Kangal that won or Killed a innocent cure dog, not a actual Pit bull there are a lot of dogs that people confuse with a pit bull though, I think that is what is happing your just being told it was a pit bull.
Facts: on training
Training Facts
Trainability (Easy to Train)
Kangal XXX
Greyhound XXX
American Pitbull Ter…XXXx
Intensity (Eager to Please)
Kangal XXX
Greyhound XXx
American Pitbull Ter…XXX
Kangal XXXx
Greyhound XXXX
American Pitbull Ter..XXXX.
Kangal XXx
Greyhound XXx
American Pitbull Ter…XXXXx
Top of The Page↑
Physical Ability Facts
Kangal XXXX
Greyhound XXx
American Pitbull Ter…XXXx
Kangal XXX
Greyhound XXXx
American Pitbull Ter…XXXx
Kangal XXX
Greyhound XXXXX
American Pitbull Ter…XXX
Kangal XXX
Greyhound XXXX
American Pitbull Ter…XXXX
Kangal XXXx
Greyhound XX
American Pitbull Ter…XXXXX
Top of The Page↑
Check facts
Pit bulls won across the board.
Jason says
Kangals are a tough dog but it is a fact that they don’t always beat pits. There are lots of videos of Kangals fighting these mutan pits that weight 100lbs. Sorry to inform but those aren’t pits and there is a major difference between a real game bred pit or a scatter bred pit mixed with mastiff. The real pit weight no more then 60lbs and the reason for that is so they can have incredible stanima. Pits beat Kangals by using their fearlessness and their stanima. The Kangal always wins for the first 30 or 40 min then that’s when the pit always comes back. Once the other dog gets tired the pit takes over and makes the Kangal quit
KangalKingOfAllDogs says
Funny…. “Always comes back”… I saw a blue APBT fighting champion get destroyed by a Kangal in a 6 min video. The kangal even let it up once and the stupid pitt came back 4 more. Only the second time he was barely moving. I’ve seen large cats carry off pit bulls like a little doll and hop a fence like a deer to go eat it. I saw a Caucasian Shepherd snap a chain to protect an old man that was outside gardening who was attacked by pitbull. The pitt was limp in 5 minutes.
KangalKingOfTheDogs says
I’ve seen 100’s of fights between game ‘true game champion’ pitts and kangals. A lot of the kangals aren’t even pure Turkish kangals and still win. I don’t know what f’n vieo’s you’re watching Jason because the ones I’ve seen usually last about 5 minutes before the pitt is done. Stanima doesn’t do much when half the pitts blood is gone. I’ve never seen a pitt beat a pure turkish kangal ever. If you watch the 100’s of video’s of pitt’s vs kangal’s, pitts don’t do so well…
ZVER says
Dont talk abot something if you never watch this fight.Kangal is bigger dog and normaly is in first couple minutes he was dominate!But kangal is not fighting dog like pit bull!He lose a condition and he start cry and run away from pit bull.Only chanse to kangal win is to kill pit bull in first couple minutes!After that kangal dont fight any more and pit bull wining! A god pit bull against kangal will win in 30:1 ! And shit bull is diferent breed than pit bull,dont look a turkish videos with shit bulls!If you want to have a kangal a pit killer you must specialy train this dog for litle dogs!Condition is in first ,your dog must fight about 10 minutes!And your kangal must be a killer dog!This is not so dificualy to train this but is no moral to talk about this!Your kangal must kill a pit bull in first minutes of fight!This is posible becouse a diference in weight is extreme!And than is 50:50 chance to kangal.Pit bull can not demige kangal when kangal working!Pit bull starting demige to kangal after kangal stop working and crying and trying to run awey from fight!And this moment is equal to phisic condition nd training of kangal.Not so long like pit bull never!And every kangal run awai if he loose a fight and if he not a wining easy!But many pit bulls can fighting to dead!This is diference betwean fighting and stock dogs!Tosa Inu is only serious breed from big fighting dogs!Big tosa is a pit killer! Good Tosa in pit condition about 60kg can work 45 minutes and this size of dog when working is mortal to any weight pit bull!But you dont have any working tosa iny in USA and Europe!Japanese sell a shit tosas to west people!Shit Tosa Inu is same like Shit Bull Terrier!This is no fighting dogs! Read my comment and stop talk a bullshits about dog fighting!Kids read this and make a totaly wrong picture of dogs fighting!Some bullshits like size of musculs is ultra bull shit!A biger size of musculs is a hendicap in dog fight!Becouse big muscules need a big cooling and big portion of oxygen!And bite force is important only if you have a two same oponents in same weight class!Every big dog can bite a litle dog and make a demage to little dog if he can bite!Bite in rubber and bite in fight is a diferent!A dogs in stress and dogs in playing have a totaly not same bite force!A most dogs can make any good bite in stress situation in fiht!
Carlos says
HAHHAHA so much text and so much bullshit. A pure blood Kangal will kill any pit or other dog within minutes.
It has the best attributes and unlike you say it will get tired etc etc it can go on all day long. Pure blood Kangal is know
for their stamina and they will never stop when fighting untill they kill. Running away from a pitbull? AHHAHHAHHA dont make laugh. Any one can uploud any video. A real fight is a real fight and not vids with dogs looking like Kangal loose against pit. Have seen vids where pure blood Kangal kill game pit within a minute. KILLS it.
Stop the bullshit…
Kevin says
Dave that is a load of crap.
Mark says
I’m looking to purchase a kangaI. I also have had shepherds and pits. While I lived in northern California I owned a 120 lb pit. Every where I went my loyal dog would go. Riding my hoses 7 miles to the mail box he took a bite from a rattle snake, when my wife went to close to a cafe a Brahma bull got to close to comfort and Luke took care of the danger the bull lived after Luke was called off. Walking down a trail on our property 1 day I felt the thumping on the ground behind me as I turned my head Luke had already had it in a tree. It was a beautiful mtn lion. But he would also take treats from kids hands with just his lips Pits get a bad name due to people who do not know how to love or train them. So my next buddy will be a Kangal who will also have love and be obedient from a lot of training.
ZVER says
120LB is not a pit bull tis is a bully,a wery diferent breed than pit bull!
GATS says
Stryker says
Sorry that this question is so contreversial, but I understand the question as a perspective. I have had several relatives and friends attacked by pit bulls (probably because of poor treatment to the dogs), however the threat of irresponsible pit owners is still there. I think the question is asked because people want a dog, that if this situation occurs, will their family be protected? Not to know which dog they can fight to win money at the pit fights. Pits are generally some of the sweetest dogs to own, but not all pits are raised to be wholesome family dogs. There is some cruel and disturbing people that believe fighting 2 dogs is morally okay. I am looking to get a gaurdian dog and the Kangol sounds like what I want. It is loyal, incredibly smart and loving. It does have destructive behaviors to property whenit gets bored, but it is good to know that it is proven that if a pit or any other dog gets out of line that a Kangal can defend second to none.
Bert says
That was a great answer!!! Good for you.
Red says
Pittbull wins
Dave says
My 110 pound male put s a house dog and a big baby but when me and kids were out playin in snow in mts a big male cougar tried to get ys and our pit killed it in a fair fight i couldnt break it up i just got my kids in truck grabbed a shovel and went back but he had already broke every bone in that cats body and tore it in pieces pancho is our dogs name and he has been a hero several times he has killed a cougar chased a bear jumped on a bees nest to save my little girl and jumped a deep pond to save my boy pits are the best most badd ass dogs ever
PitGambling says
How about you take care of your kids Jesus Christ
Motherfucker I hope your kids kill themselves rather than have a pRent like you ROFL
Dave says
That’s why I had a bad ass dog with them dumshit and my kids all grew up just fine we did lots of fun shit in woods on lakes and streams and nobody ever got hurt so thanks for your concern dickhead
Robert says
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Red says
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James says
Pit bulls are only used because they are readily available people that fight dogs should be locked up because it is not the dog but the sick mentality of the owner who is to blame a dog should be a loving pet nothing more.
jojo says
pitbull are without any doubt nr 1 .
a dead game putbull terrier is not even began to fight the first 20 minutes of a fight .
the kangal and asian owcharka are indeed vert powerfulll and dominant breed ..
but they not on a par with a real game bred pitbull terrier .
lots of kangal fans post vids of kangals killing pitbull,s
off course they do not post vids of all those kangals died in a long during fight , or all those kangals running away from a dog 4 times smaller then himself ..
the ingredients a real dead game pitbull terrier has is a good kept secret and
a even bigger mystery.
i am nor talking about american staffordshire ,s or bully breeds …
these are no fighting dogs .
people are so hyped with the kangals lately..
it is just a shephard , with all the respect.
there also are rottweilers who killed a pit .
and cane corso,s …
i really hare dogfighting
but i hate it too that people are so full of it when a dog of another breed then a pitbull has killed a pitbull..
like if the pitbull has not proven yet that he is the best fighter ever bred by men.
he has proven this for centuries !
so stop this cruel thing and stop denying this .
kangals are beautifull dogs but they are only doing great in fights when they have a feeling of winning the fight.
so he is not a thrue warrior
maybee the centeal aaian owcharka is tougher to beat and this dog will give up a litlle less easy..
but again , when best put up agains best …
pitbull nr 1. period
shaun says
If you think that your dead game pitbull will beat my Reich pls bring him to be I give you 5 million dead is dead money is I money right?First one dead does not win dumb ass!!!Lol
JOJO says
the fact that you don,t understand the
term ” dead game ” proves you are not familiar with this particular subject.
so before adding comments about someone being stupid..
read , and learn.
Allan says
First of all! most so called pitbulls, are so mixed and it gets harder and harder to find a true pit nowadays..With all these bully breeds being mistaken for true pits..Colby Bloodline is one of or thee oldest bloodlines to date and are true pits with true gamness! 45 to 65 max.. not these 90lb plus pits u see today.. People have softened many breeds and actually without knowing it or on purpose have tainted many breeds of there natural instincts and characteristics which in the end ruins the breeds! Look at the English Bull dog for instance its a shame these dogs baited and were hard working breed dogs of the past now a show and couch potatoe… So what I’m getting to is no matter a true game pitbull or not it will not defeat a Kangal and a Russian Ovcharka would have a pitbull for dinner coming from a pitbull lover!! These are 2 Ancient breed of dogs that had no interference in the breedings and have naturally adapted to its surroundings and only the strongest and smartest dogs survived to what we have today as the Kangals and Caucasians Ovcharka. No A pitbull cant win they would die a horrible death for what. These dogs live in dangerous terrains and harsh climates and are always fighting off wolves or larger game and u think a game pit would win?! I have a buddy in Alberta Canada where he had two pits kill a Large wolf not a Coyotee and these dogs were game dogs male and female it took two of them!! Female was badly injured and male lost one eye due to the fight… Kangal would have that 4 lunch.. Ovcharka would kill it in mere minutes..These dogs are not breed to fight but to be killing machines in a part of the world that protect its Sheppards at night with its flock from packs of wolves and even bigger threats.. I’d put my house up for a bet on a kangal or Ovcharka any day vs a pitbull..There is reasons why u dont see other breeds especially these types in a pit with a pitbull..The handler would be out of alot of money..
RussianDog says
Thank you for your interesting comment. We’ve copied a part of it into the post about pit bull terriers and wolves , and another part into the post about pit bull’s bloodlines
shaun says
What is a true pit? You kidding me?Lol lokk this is rdal no dog beast my mountain beast these kangals will tortue a pitbull very quickly it isn’t a pretty right and any reasonable young girl would show you her titties to keep you from entering the ring with that lil piece of shit 65lbs or 35 or 45 or 100 pound walking carcass.
j says
Lol man these western fights are open weight no rules they all use apbt . Apbt 60 lbs with sure determination more often then not kills these dogs hence why they are almost always the only dogs used
shaun says
Not mine I give to my whole land 799,9o9 cash to see it.
Noob kangal says
Then fight kangal champ first before you fight international you dont have fighting breed kangal im sure you just have a pathetic imagination think about it dumb why these people choose pitbull dont you get it? Because no other dog breed win $ apbt dog fighting have no weight limits if you think kangal is best for fighting then these gamblers pick kangal than apbt so gtfo and by the way kangal was first than pitbull and this pitbull is a man made. Ask your self why western never use ancient kangal
Venompool says
A lot of people responded with comment like it’s sick to think of dog fights but I think the person just wanted to know who was the stronger dog not meaning to fight them
Allan says
Agreed dog fighting is a cowardly act!! But for home and property protection American Staffordshire terriers and Pitbulls are good at this..
bassadiq says
You people are hypocrites, you let men fight in cages like animals but then say its inhuman letting animals fight while you pay thousands of dollars to watch men beat the hell out of each other
Jigger says
Big difference! A man can think for himself and decide if he wants to fight. A dog is forced by the man to fight. If you asked a young dog if he wants to fight for you, he would say no. It is when a man abuses these dogs and makes them fight. That was a very dumb statement from you.
Blazerdude says
My brother has a Kangal, It Attacked a pit once, Sad to say the pit didn't stand a chance, The Kangal has weight on its side and Forces the pits to the ground if you really wanna know
Al says
Ah ah ah you are ridicoul
Crys says
Pitbull…as long as your just talking about it and not acting on it who cares. People need to get the stick out their ass.
CoolCat says
who cares im pretty sure dog fights are illegal anyway
Niko_mkvli says
don't know don't care, bad question.
CarrotCake says
you are sick. the thought is disgusting and the act is cruel and inhumane
seek therapy now!
JessieAckles09 says
Ur retarded. hope u get arrested.
Hanna says
You're sick.
Bonzie12 says
who cares