: Which is better a Saint Bernard or a Newfoundland and what are their pros and cons?
I am having trouble deciding which is better to get.
Photo Credit: 3D Photographers/Flickr
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kendra~ *Aka Skipper*
No breed is more "better" than the other, other than which fits your lifestyle more. Google the Breed and visit their parent club for the most useful info, contact them for more. Avoid DBI & Wiki.
Answer by Soquel G
Ok I am going to tell you from my experience..
I would pick a St. Bernard HANDS DOWN!
I am a groomer and I have a St. Bernard. though I don't have a Newfie I have groomed a few.
they seem aloof and though they are all friendly, They just don't seem to care about you.. again I am only their groomer. But my St. Bernard loves everyone! ( but everyone seems kind of surprised at how friendly she is, so maybe this is not normal.At both houses I have lived at with her even our mail ladies have loved her.. each brings her and my other 2 dogs bones everyday.I caught her jumping into the mail truck the other day and I ran out to help the mail lady and she was just laughing in delight, hugging my dog..lol..nice to meet you new mail lady! apparently her and charlie are already old friends..)
But that is not even the deal breaker for me.. because for all I know they are super sweet dogs at home.. It is all the hair! OMG! It takes me hours to groom these dogs and that's not even shaving them. ( I wish I was shaving them, though it would probably be hard for my clippers to get through all that) They often have mats and I can never get them to smell really good. And these are house dogs.. not outside dogs. I think a well groomed one is a beautiful sight.. but to get from point A to point B is HARD ( I actually had to come in on a Saturday to finish a dog I had started on Thursday because I had so much more to do on it!)and not to mention cost the owner about $ 65. Plus the few I have done drool a whole lot more than my St Bernard. I just shave my St. Bernard in the summer and even though she is a rough coat her hair is nothing like a newfies.. and even better is that you can get a SHORT HAIRED St. Bernard..
Again all my opinion, I am not one for high maintenance breeds.. My St. Bernard is hard enough.. and she's pretty easy(for a giant breed )..Super loyal and loving.. I love her to death!
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