Heyyo: Which dog breed has the highest bite force?
Do you people actually think the Kangal had a bite force of about 700 something? I find this hard to believe.
Photo Credit: Offutt Air Force Base/Flickr CC
Answers and views:
Answer by jb419
The Turkish Shepherd Kangal bite force is actually fist, then the German and Russian Caucasian Ovcharka shepherds. Several are all very close in the bite force after that.
Answer by Nicole
Pit Bull only has a bite force of 235 pounds, compared to a Doberman which has about 600 pounds of bite pressure. Also, German Shepard’s have 238 pounds of bite force, Rottweiler has 328 pounds, and Mastiff has 552 pounds of bite force. Sources are Pedigree database and National Geographic. So neither the Pit Bull or German Shepard has the highest bite force. Also, do not label any dog as “vicious”. That just shows you are very uneducated about dog breeds. I have owned almost all of these breeds, and they were absolutely fantastic and loving. It depends on the owners…if you have to label anything vicious, then label the human.
Answer by Brian
I've had 2 rottweilers and a large American lined Japanese Akita, I now have a Boerboel a South African mastiff and a Caucasian Ovcharka shepherd he is 4 months old as is the Boerboel trust me when the caucasian wants to play and applies some pressure on your hand you feel it like no other dog it is known they are only one of 2 dogs that can kill a wolf outright and they have a bite pressure more than a lion it truly hurts.
Answer by Fred
You can forget about Pit Bulls, Amstaffs, and Rottweilers. If you would go up to the Sarplaninac mountains and measure the bite force from some actual wolf-killers like some Sarplaninacs, Central Asian Ovcharka (Alabai) and Caucasian Ovcharka who have lived their whole lives in the mountains protecting livestock and fighting of wolfs and bears you would absolutely have a much much higher bite force than anyone of these pit bulls and shepherds and etc, etc.
Seriously, guys.do you really think that a rottweiler or a pit bull even could have a biteforce higher than any one of these breeds if they had the same sort of training? It's absurd.
I own a shepherd and I had a c.a.o before and now own her little sister who is a c.a.o/sarplaninac mix. I had to put down my former purebred c.a.o after she attacked me and I can guarantee you that a shep or a Rottie bite would not even compare to the damage she caused me. There is a reason to why the Ovcharkas and Kangals are the most popular guard/fighting dog in all of Eastern Europe and not Rotties or shepherds…
Answer by Brian H
I just recently bought an XXL bully pitbull pup of the blue Gemini kennel and DDK9 bloodlines and after seeing these dogs in person I'm fully convinced if someone tested there bite force they would rival any dog. The stud my pup is off of weighed in at a whopping 155 lbs with a 28 in the head. These dogs are super pits with some mastiff blood in the distant past of there pedigree that have muscle size and definition (specifically on their head and jaws) unmatched by any other breed.
Answer by Don
I'm 52 and have had dogs since the Dachshund placed in my crib the day my identical twin didn't come home from the hospital with me after being born.
I've had dozens of dog breeds. I bred and trained Pit Bulls for twenty years. I've had Rottweilers, Dobermans, st. Bernards, Shepards, Malamutes, Huskies, and many more.
Until I bought my first Bullmastiff, I had never had a dog, who could crush a cows leg bone, immediately! He can also devour an entire turkey, then drink a gallon of water in minutes!
I also had a very large, intense rottweiler, which made the very bad mistake of attacking my Bullmastiff. Before I could get to them, my Bullmastiff ripped a huge gash in my Rott, and was holding him down.
The same happened to a Pit Bull I also had, the same result! Both the Rottie and the Pit were actually mentally traumatized afterward.
Now, I train my dogs very well, and ( almost ) never have issues like this, but stuff happens !??
My bullie is a great, friendly dog, and never starts a fight, but always ends them,... within 1 minutes time! I hate it, but I have to say, I'm amazed, once things calm down, everything fixed, we're sitting in front of the boobtube, and I start to think about it from another point of view !? I'm curious why the st bernard is never on these lists? Way stronger bite then the Sheppards !? Someone said the Doberman has a powerful bite, comparably, I don't think so! I've had some great dobies, and not even close!
From my point of view, it's the large-headed, wide jaw, midsized snout dogs, who have the greatest bite pressure. More precisely, the mastiff breeds. I am completely sold on Bullmastiffs now, and for every reason, will be sticking to the breed !!!
Answer by Emanuele
Caucasian Shepherds have a bite force 500-750 psi
- Does the Kangal Dog have the strongest bite force?
- American Pitbull Terrier vs Ovcharka?
- How would a German Shepherd dog fair against a Wolf?
Answer by Boguslaw Fietkiewicz
As a retired mech. eng. and dog lover with about 60 years of exposure to all kinds of breeds I may attest that all of the above answers are totally unscientific. 300? 3000? – of what? lb? where? lb/in2? where the in2 came from?
Pound for pound of no matter what, I am certain that my she bullterrier would have something to say about the matter of hanging tough onto anything worth the effort, except my hand, of course, for I have purposefully trained her not to, which is by the way what I strongly advise to do everybody owning a fighting breed. Dogs have bad days too, you know, and apologies after the fact are well – late, 300, or 3000 or whatever.
As a side thought, biting is supposed to serve some purpose and for protection from anything, I would always prefer to get two smaller and more agile dogs than one large. They surely would not be going both of them for the front of the opponent (or at training sleeve), doing which is in real life, not the brightest thing to do. Controlling and calling off a pair is however something quite different. Bog
Answer by Mason
I can't give exact numbers because it changes from dog to dog but the bigger the head the harder the bite. Dodger and could never bite with over 250 lbs. of force and that hurts. My guess for strongest is either Kangal, Caucasian shepherd, or Tibetan mastiff and they all have huge heads.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Boguslaw Fietkiewicz says
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Arron says
A Kangal is the only dog that I’ve seen best a tiger. Put a pack of spuds up against a tiger…10 piece nuggets. 6000 years compared to 99 years of inbreeding [Lord Gladiator]. You must be from West Virginia.
Mason says
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alexander says
i’ve red something about the bigger the head and jaws are the stronger bite you are going to have
T.Greene says
Actually,if you ask ” the guy in the sleeve”,he will tell you the Doberman has the softest bite of any guarding breed.
Guest says
If the Doberman has never been scientifically tested, then how do you know that the other dogs have a stronger bite force? Many people have written that the Doberman has a bite force around 600 pounds. So it’s hard to say that the GSD and Rottweiler have a stronger bite force if they both have been tested but the Doberman hasn’t.
Chris says
As police K-9 handler with a 100lb GSD with a huge bite for a Shepherd and owning a 90lb Doberman. I’ve seen these 2 go at each other more than I would like to admit. Never intentionally I love those dogs. However I wanted to try and have them be a part of the family pack. Failed but my Doberman would kill my Shepherd if I allowed them to “work it out” as they say. I honestly don’t know anything about bite force except through years of training each dog I’ve taken a sleeve from is a different force and depending on the day one might be better than the other just depends how worked up the handler gets the dog and if he is wanted to hurt you or just play! So owning both breeds I know one thing my smaller Dobie would eat my heavier GSD’s lunch.
Sid says
@Chris,I also own a 100lbs German Shepherd,both his Parents are from the Czech Republic,his Mother came straight from the police kennels and his Dad has several working titles,his drive his off the Charts,quite different than the American bred German Shepherd.
I have also owned pitbulls for 30 yrs,in both breeds each pup in the litter will have different personalities &. temperaments,so as far as a Doberman beating up on a German Shepherd I am sure it could very well be a different story in another time and place with 2 different dogs,I have seen some some Nasty and powerful Czech bred German Shepherds that I wouldn’t want any dog to come close to.
Both Breeds have great qualities that are so valuable to so many and fighting is the furthest thing that these 2 breeds should ever be associated with.
Emanuele says
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Phyl says
LOL 300 not 3000 they don’t get any where near alligator power 3000 would be higher.
Midnight Sky says
The bite force of the dog isn't measured by the breed but the size of the dog itself. So the bigger the dog, the worse the bite.
Some good examples of vicious dogs: Rottweiler, a big Pit bull, German Shepard, Mastiff, Doberman, and any wild dogs (wolves…)