Q: How old is too old for a Pomeranian to have puppies or get pregnant?
I have a 7-year-old Pomeranian and I don't know if she is in heat or not. Or even if she can still get pregnant at this age. I can't find any info on this anywhere. Does anyone have experience with an older toy dog getting pregnant or having puppies?
Thank you!!!

Answers and Views:
Answer by kat
My pom, who never leaves my side, got pregnant while I was on vacation and had her one and only pup at age 7. Now she is 10 and a Houdini dog in heat. I'm worried she could get pregnant again. Our vet advised against getting her fixed at this age...what else can we do. We're trying to keep her inside because she suddenly has found numerous places to get through the fence. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Answer by xallyxx16
I would NOT recommend getting her pregnant, at 7, it could kill her.
Answer by Jaclyn
Seven is not too old to have puppies. Her age is fine. Dogs do not retire from breeding until after age eight.
If she has never had puppies at all then you should have her spayed at 8 to avoid a pyometra. They are more common in older dogs who have never given birth.
Answer by Kit_kat
In most cases, breeders will retire the dog at 7 – 8 years old
If she never had pups there is more chance of complications
also a good chance you will have to raise the pups and that is feeding and making go potty every 2 hours day and night.
Answer by $arah(APBT owner x4)
Why would you want that, it could kill her she is too old and her body cannot handle a pregnancy.. more than likely you will lose her and the litter. Have her spayed.
kit kat you bred dogs for 20+ years, and you bred them until 7-8 years old???? What the hell is wrong with you people..NO… real breeders usually retire their females at 5 yrs old 6 at the latest.
Breeder’s Bible: Book of the Bitch: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Caring for Bitches by J.M.Eavans & Kay White
Answer by ♫♪ Nekkid Bootie
technically she can get pregnant.. however it is NOT SAFE for a dog that age to carry a pregnancy or whelp a litter.
Get your dog SPAYED. Breeding at that age could kill her!
Answer by rahul
i have two toys ……..one is male and second is female but they have got seven years old till ten she doesn't get pregnant ……….when male dog try to cross her when she in heat….so she can not do anything n fight each other
once i have to try to another dog but there is the same condition…..
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
CherylHaskins says
I’ve heard some strange rumors about interspecies breeding and I’m wondering if there’s any truth to it. My Pomeranian is pregnant and I’m starting to worry about what might come out when she gives birth.
Debra Lundy says
I just got my pom fixed she got pregnant we had to abort for she is 9 next month she will be 10 this would have been her first litter we fell said that we had to abort her babies for she is to old to have puppies
Dora says
It was probably the only thing you could do at her age.
Robin says
Pomeranians are very long-lived dogs and I think the dog that got the puppies aborted would have been fine because that type of an operation is extremely stressful and if the dog came through that okay I’m sure the dog would have been fine whelping a litter as long as the person who was assisting the dog knew what they were doing because at best Pomeranians are difficult to breed as it is. They call them the Heartbreak breed because it’s not easy they’re very tiny and a lot of times you have to feed them and it’s like taking care of a helpless Mouse they are so small you can’t even imagine so I wouldn’t even consider breeding any age Pomeranian unless you have experienced or have somebody that has experience helping you age notwithstanding. A first time pregnancy with a Pomeranian can be very dangerous because of calcium deficiency and all kinds of other things and it is imperative to know how many puppies are on the way so they need x-rays to count so you know whether one is stuck or retained you just can’t breed a Pomeranian without experience no matter the age. They’re Hardy dogs at the same time and live quite long if they’re taken care of properly of course and don’t have any serious genetic defects which many of them do because irresponsible people are constantly breeding dogs with other dogs that have these genetic problem so that’s another issue entirely
Slm says
Will be 8 in May n I think she may have gotten pregnant. She’s never had a litter before but is pretty healthy. Shes a mix breed about 15lbs. Is she gonna be Ok?
Mark says
Who can tell… If she’s already pregnant you can only wait and help her to get through this safely. Look for advice on caring for bitches.
RussianDog says
Show her to the vet first, maybe they will recommend abortion. As for caring for pregnant dogs we’ve got a discussion on that.
Alycia Zeleny-Huber says
I have a male Pom and a female I would like to breed them for puppies 1 time that I keep the puppies, what is the oldest she can be to breed for the first time? I don’t want them to be to Close to the same age I just don’t want to be left with no dogs when the others pass. She will be 3 in March 2018.
Thank you for any info
Dora says
She’s now in her best years for breeding but it’s not recommended to start after 7-8 when the dog begins to age.
kat says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
Brenda says
We have a 17 year old Pomeranian female and was bred with a 17 month old and only has been caught together once as far as we know. Is this really dangerous for our female and so you think she can become pregnant?
Vaishnavi says
My pom is almost 10years old., And now she’s a pregnant. Will she be safe after her labour? And this is her second time of pregnancy.
RussianDog says
It could be risky for her but a lot depends on her state of health. You should show her to a vet.
sl_mj1960 says
shes to old for breeding to many complications.i have 2 poms i is 3 yrs old n due to have puppies in 5 days i will stop breeding her at age 5 ones 2 yrs old getting ready to breed her to a chi her next heat but wont breed her after 5 yrs.
Toy Fox Terrier says
Breeding an older maiden bitch is a bad idea.