Ali: What's a unique, powerful name for a Mastiff puppy?
Im getting a mastiff in a few weeks and I want to name HIM something that stands out and is original. Any suggestions?
Photo Credit: Claudio Gennari ..."Cogli l'attimo ferma il tempo"/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Raymond K OFFICIAL
Answer by CatByrd
Answer by mady w
Rupert (ima surviver fan)
Answer by jaisy721
Simba or Sinbad, Bailey,Sunny
Answer by G
a friend of mine had a dane named argos — its the name of odysseus' dog in the oddesy.
i think any mythological name would be great for a mastiff.
Answer by Monia
HERCULES, the largest ever dog!
Answer by buddynlucky01
World's Largest Dog?-Truth! & Fiction!
Summary of the eRumor:
A story with a picture about a dog said to be named Hercules that had become the "World's Largest Dog" in the Guinness World Records. It was an English Mastiff that weighted in at 282-pounds and had a 38-inch neck.
The Truth:
Hercules, the massive English Mastiff, was real but his time in the limelight was in 2001 when he was the Guinness world record for the World's Largest Dog. For some reason the story began circulating widely on the Internet in March, 2007, and was accompanied by a picture of an enormous dog being walked near a horse. That picture is not of Hercules because it's a Neapolitan mastiff and Hercules is an English mastiff. Also, the picture appears to be fabricated. The dog is about half the size of the horse and an average horse is around 1,000 pounds.
The real Hercules was owned by John Flynn of Peabody, Massachusetts. In an interview with WBZ television in Boston in June, 2001, he commented that he weighed 270 pounds so his dog weighed more than he did. It was a comment by a 9-year old friend of his that led to the Guinness world record. The friend, David Delauri, was thumbing through the Guinness Book of World Records and commented that there was a dog in there that looked like Hercules. It turned out to be a 296-pound mastiff but that had died and after submitting veterinary records to the folks at Guinness, Hercules became the heaviest. There are other categories for the tallest such as Geat Danes and Irish Woulfhounds.
There was a larger English Mastiff on record named Zorba from the United Kingdom. He weighed in at 343 pounds and measured 8 feet from nose to tail.
A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:
Now this is a dog!!!!
Hercules was awarded the honorable distinction of Worlds Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules was an English Mastiff And had a 38 inch neck and had a weight of 282 pounds.
With "paws the size of softballs" (reported the Boston Herald), the Three-year-old monster was far larger and heavier than his breed's Standard 200lb. Limit. Hercules owner Mr. Flynn sayd that Hercules Weight was natural and not induced by a bizarre diet:
"I fed him normal food and he just grew"…. And grew. And grew. And grew.
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