schubert: What is the best remedy for ear infection for my Shar Pei?
I think it is a yeast infection.
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Answer by halfpint
Don't think unless you know for sure. Go to the vet to make sure and get the right meds.
Photo Credit: christels/Pixabay
Answer by smilingmick
I had a Shar Pei, I loved him dearly. He got many ear infections.
It's those darn folded ears. You need to get the black/brown stuff out of his ears that you can see… gently use a q-tip to clean out the outside part of the ear that you can see. Do not dig in at all with the q-tip as it will make the ear infection worse.
My vet told me I could use the over-the-counter antibiotic ear drops that humans use. (My vet is excellent and told me this after the first visit with Hooch my dog with his bad earaches)
I found this worked nicely especially when he would tilt his head at the first sign of earache. If it is a really bad infection his ear will stink and you will need to get him something stronger from the vet.
Good luck
Answer by
Antibiotic drops from your vet. For your dog's sake, don't do a home remedy.
Answer by Angela T
get a cleaning solution from the vet and alternate – one day use the vet's solution and on the next day use Listerine and then go back and forth between the two and within 7 to 10 days both ears should be immaculate and clean smelling.
Most Chinese Shar-Pei end up with two different types of bacteria in their ears, and the vet's cleaner only kills one type and the Listerine should kill the other type – after several years of frustration – this is the solution that allowed me to clear up my Shar Peis ears for once and for all times – never had a problem again with their ears – Good Luck
Answer by K M
You can put peroxide in the ear until you can see a vet. It is very important to get proper veterinary care as long-term fungal ear infections can cause permanent hearing loss.
Answer by Cornsilk P
Suroloan from the vet.
Answer by Muttlove
An ear infection can occur from either bacteria or yeast, and generally, you need to know which so you can treat it with the right product.
If you're interested in natural remedies, raw diets do wonders for dogs in this kind of situation.
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Answer by tiffany a
Besides getting antibiotics at the vet you can go to the pet store they sell an ear powder that reduces inflammation for infections and mites. It will make your shar pei feel better until you can get it the proper care antibiotics or antibiotic drops are really the only remedy.
Answer by surroundedbyidiots
If you care about your dog then you should take it to the vet! I'm a vet tech and doing any home remedies without knowing what (which kind of bacteria) is causing the infection can do more harm than good.
Answer by miaugh
Talk to your vet about an ear-cleaning regimen & medication. Knowing exactly what the cause is of infection and getting the right medication is important. Some infections become resistant to certain medications and a different one is needed. Owners who are diligent with cleaning and monitoring their dog's ears can sometimes keep the infections at bay.
Sometimes even with constant treatment though, the only solution is total ear canal ablation. I hope this isn't the case for your dog, although it does provide relief when the infections cannot be managed with medication. Good luck.
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Answer by Cinnamon
Do not do any home remedies since they can actually do more harm than good, especially if you don't know what you're treating in the first place. You need to take the dog to the vet asap since they are the only ones who can diagnose it properly.
Answer by tejas_yuki
You need to keep the ears clean (with ear cleaner, not alcohol or peroxide) and DRY. If it is a repeated ear infection, it could very well be allergies. Make sure a vet checks the ears and you get a proper dx, then it's all about maintenance. If it is due to allergies, sometimes it can be tough finding what is causing it and then correcting it. Good luck. Food allergies are not fun.
Answer by mrsannman
flush ear with water and vinegar
Answer by trainwreck89
Some ear infections can be caused by food allergies, so talk with your vet about what you're feeding your dog, and try to rule that option out. Yeast has a very distinct smell, any vet or vet tech knows it, even your groomer will know it. If it is yeast the best natural suggestion I have is to dilute the vinegar with water and rinse the ear once a day for at least a week.
If that doesn't help it's time to go to the vet because it may need antibiotics and ear drops.
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