INDI: What is the best natural guard dog? Is there any better breed than Fila or Ovcharka?
What is the best guard dog in the world? Take into account Natural guard dog that does not require extra training. I have researched the subject somewhat and from what I have read it's likely a Fila or a Caucasian Ovcharka. Does anyone know a breed better as the job than these 2 dogs?
Photo Credit: Prefeitura de Itapevi/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Shanna
I would rate the Boerboel up there with the Fila. Most dogs just don't have the protective instinct that these breeds have.
German Shepherds, Rotties, Pits, etc. are great protectors but not to the level of the Fila or the Boerboel.
Answer by yingyang
Fila Brasileiro and Caucasian Ovcharkas are in a different league of guarding instinct. These dogs shouldn't be owned unless you need 24/7 protection.
Answer by Jordan
Anatolian Shepherd is the best guard dog. they are bred to be very protective and are very loyal to you. I have one and it is such a nice dog to have around but is very very protective to you and if you have animals like cats. if you ever want a guard dog you should really consider one of them! :)
For average owners please try with a German Shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman.
Comparing which is better Fila or Caucasian Ovcharka. Personally CO. They are a huge advantage to take down easily. Caucasian Ovcharka is a better fighter against aggressive stray dogs and wild wolves. They have natural mane line fur protecting their neck.
Answer by Chris
German shepherds are among the top of "natural" guard dogs. They were bred to both herd sheep, and also guard them against predators like wolves and Lynx. They are the top pick for both police and Military as aside from their "natural" protectiveness, they are the most well-rounded dog in the world combining power, speed, agility, endurance, loyalty, bravery, drive, and the ranking of 3rd most intelligent dog in the world! That said; make sure you get a straight back working line German shepherd, and stay away from the sloped back show line version!
I have a female working line German shepherd, she was never protection trained, but yet.. she will not let anyone in the house without my approval, and will bite if they try. Also, we tested her by doing a simulated mugging, and she attacked immediately! That is a natural guard dog!
Also Read:
- Black Russian Terrier, the "KGB Dog"
- Best Guard Dog that is Cute and Good with Family?
- How Good is Cane Corso as a Guard Dog?
Answer by missourisam
I have owned several breeds of dogs, and have had no problems with them being protection and guard dogs. The best natural guard dog when we were children young was a GSD/standard poodle cross. He was a natural guard dog that loved his family beyond measure. He would protect every family member from a non-family member, and even stop us from spanking our kids.
He would not allow the children to fight among themselves. He never left a mark on any of them but had them believing he would. Then he was not out of control aggressive, but would firmly catch our arm and hold it as long as he perceived a threat to the child. Turn the child loose and he would turn you loose but was extremely serious if a stranger or non-family member was seen s a threat, to the point that we carried an insurance policy that paid up to one million dollars.
He bit five people during the time we had him, and in each instance, he was deemed justified, Two peeping toms, one burglar, and two people who grabbed one of our children. Only one had the nerve to try and sue for damages and was laughed out of court as he was clearly in the wrong.
The most dangerous dog I ever owned was a hound. He would attack if he perceived a threat, and went for the body or throat. He would not take an arm, but duck it or ignore it to get to a kill zone. Most hound breeds are bred to kill the game, and not by biting a leg. They carry that over to attacks on human threats.
Answer by Ashley Griffiths
GSD are not natural protectors they are very common in home bites, mauls, deaths of family members. GSD have been so overbred that they have some mental stuff going on. Totally reactive dogs, I want a predictable man-slayer. I’m on my 4th Fila (out of 9 mastiffs) and they surpass ALL OTHER guardian breeds, in temperament, protection level, endurance, bite force, and loyalty. As the old Brazilian proverb says “As faithful as a Fila”
Answer by ArtFl
I would suggest the Eastern European Shepherd, often called the Russian German Shepherd. It's as good a guard as the German Shepherd but it's much bigger and strong like the Caucasian Ovcharka.
Answer by shwetabh
I own a german shepherd and he is very loyal they are one of the best guards. I also have a Boerboel but they are slow in attacking, and gsd is more intelligent.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Nicholas Namefield says
Chow. Chow's were bred to be guard dogs. They have black tongues and the whites of their eyes are mostly obscured because they have large irises so you can't see them at night. Chows don't bark so they can't give themselves away either. Additionally, Chows will only bond to one person, making them fiercely loyal and not good around children.
lei hello kitty says
german shepard and chiwawas
naturegirlhd says
I have 3 shar-pei's and I dare anyone to step into my house uninvited. They are harmless unless we are home or they are out with one of us alone. There great friends also.
Doraemon says
Jereme M says
bull mastiff, american bull dog, females seam to be more protective
colourfulspots says
german shepard and pitbull's