Q: What would be a good coyote hunting dog?
I want a dog that's good at coyote hunting. I have acres for the dog but have lots of coyotes around my property. I was thinking of a Deerhound, or a Wolfhound, or a Lurcher, or maybe a Borzoi, or a Greyhound.
Photo Credit: Airwolfhound/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by winterrules
It depends on where you are hunting. If you are hunting in open terrain any sighthound will be good. If there is cover where the coyotes can get out of sight you will be better off with scent hounds like walkers or black and tans.
Answer by poynergoatco
Many of the breeds you have asked about can be used as dogs to run coyotes.
Greyhounds are great at running coyotes.
Borzoi and Irish Wolfhounds are too.

Answer by myspiderungoliant
I would check to see with your state's fish and game to see if coyote hunting with dogs is even legal in your state. Typically a sighthound does not tree or corner it's a quarry, it attacks. You run a real risk of your dog getting seriously injured if you let it fight coyotes. Who knows what diseases they carry.
I am not opposed to hunting the coyotes. Human encroachment has not hurt their populations any. But you should be smart in how you do it, and you should obey the law.
Answer by Julie D
Irish Wolfhound... that's what they're for.
Answer by Little Coyote
Coyotes are good for population control of rodents and vermin or week, sick & dying animals in the wild. if they don’t have any predators to keep their population in check they need to find more food. With the overpopulation of domestic dogs, they tend to crossbreed with dogs. This creates a different strain of predator and more that prefers to stay around towns or cities. doing this they also have to adapt to the local food supply. That new, ’easier to get’ food supply is now your livestock, chickens, goats, sheep, cows, young horses, cats and dogs which are much more abundant than deer or other wild game and kept in a contained area for their selection of, ‘What am I in the mood for today?’
They are very brave, will go anywhere they think they can get a meal, and have killed many house pets. all it takes is the door left open for you’re pet to get out, or for them to come in. They have attacked people, both adults, and children and can carry rabies & many other diseases.
So, if you want to know why hunt coyotes….It is to do the same job they are to do with rodents. We need to keep their population in check. We need to protect our property, livelihood, and our families, including our beloved pets. It's kind of like saying, ’Why lock up rapist or murders… they were here before we moved in.’
Master Coyote Hunting on Amazon (#ad)
Watch one of your pets being carried off, ripped in half, or euthanized because of a disease received from an attack by a coyote or coy cross & maybe you’ll understand. We have to be responsible for our actions too & keep their numbers down in and around residential areas or make all the people move out & give it all back to the wildlife. Wait, we’ve changed the wildlife & their lifestyle so we need to be good stewards and both cleanup and look after our own mess.
For those animal lovers out there, My Cherokee/Pawnee grandmother named me,’Little Coyote’ when I was young. I have never personally had a reason to kill a coyote. I respect their usefulness in the wild. I do hunt and fish for food. I live in the country, never take more than I need. Recently I have lost 3 male dogs that were very close to me to coyotes..gone. Several pups have vanished & many neighbor dogs have been killed or nearly killed by this pack including registered, adult German Sheppard, Pitts, and Labs.
Two nights ago my mom let her 4-month-old white lab mix out & it was attacked, & being carried off for dead within 30 sec of leaving the house. The only thing that saved her was my dogs hearing the commotion from next door & tackling the coyote! The pack started yipping in the woods 50 ft away. I’m feeling the need to thin out these animals, this is getting ugly. The two dogs I have left will help, but it's more than they can do alone.
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Answer by Jonnyboytku
Deerhound and staghounds are some Aussie cross favorites for boar dogs and if a deerhound can fight a 100,200, or 200+ boar I feel that a little coyote will be no problem, of course, you have to be sure to outfit them with the proper equipment just in case you get a coyote that wants to fight instead of run, ex. a spiked collar, but yeah deerhounds can be pretty rugged dogs when needed.
Answer by moecartman
I wouldn't use a dog to hunt coyotes, they live in packs and would kill a single dog.
Answer by Sarah
Let the coyotes be. This IS their land, after all.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Degra says
I heard about a Saluki standing up on its hind legs and slapping a coyote with its dewclaw on both paws and killing it.
Rayven says
Don’t know who told you that but if a Saluki stood up it would be TOWERING over a coyote and thus unable to reach it. Not to mention dewclaws are hardly if ever LONG enough or even SHARP enough to kill with.
could a Saluki get lucky and kill one? Sure anything possible. Am I going to hold my breath on it surviving the attack or even the other pack members sure to be around? Nope.
sarahjean says
I highly doubt that that statement is correct. where did you hear that from? no matter what dog it is there is no definite way to know if a certain breed of dog can kill a coyote. why would you want to know that? that’s just stupid. that’s like saying a human killed a bear by scratching it with its fingernails. dumb.