Virgil: What is a good companion dog for a German Shepherd?
We have a two-year-old female German Shepherd (Luna) who is very sociable and loves to play with other dogs. However, we cannot get another dog as large as Luna is because of the considerable damage that she has done to our home already. What is a good type of small to medium-sized dog to pair with a German Shepherd, preferably one that is easily trained and is not too high energy?
Photo Credit: Soren Wolf/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Launi Integrity is n
Every dog is different. Go down to your local shelter and pick out some dogs you find with a good temperament.
Then take Luna with you next trip and do a 'meet and greet'. The dogs will let you know.
Answer by Curli
Just reading between the lines, if Luna has done damage to your house, it might be a good idea to get her under control before you bring in another dog in. ;-)
Assuming that the damage was done in the past and Luna is now under control, try a Basset. Bassets are small, low key and they get along well with other animals. (As the others suggested, you'll want to do the "meet and greet" to pick out the particular Basset.)
Good luck!

Answer by Campong T
black Labrador is a good companion for german shepherd
Answer by Moli
Labs are really bad dogs, you can't train them for defense.
I used to have Dobermans, they are great.
Answer by Glenn
Any. Dogs don't care. It's more about temperament. If they click they click. Take her to the shelter or Rescue so she can meet the available dogs. See who she gets along with best.
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Answer by Laura Ke
Not all dogs do well with a companion. Some of them might have been abused or attacked by other dogs before, and now have no tolerance of other dogs. Actually, they can tolerate a second dog in the house but they won't be happy about it.
German Shepherds usually have a strong bond with their owners, and bringing a new dog into the home might make them feel jealous. On the other hand, dogs are social creatures, and a properly socialized dog should make friends with almost any other dog.
Usually, dogs of the opposite sex get along better than two dogs of the same gender. If you are not sure whether your German shepherd will accept a companion, bring a dog of the opposite sex.
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Thomas says
I look a lot online and never find the right answer. Most posts such as this website are about bring a dog into a household with another dog ( both mostly adults). What I am looking for is to bring a puppy, to my household where I already have a German Shepard female which is around 1 Year old.
Can anyone help me know what would be the best breed and if my female german shepard, if I bring a puppy, will take that puppy as if would be her own, so kind of being her adopted son and still get well together when the puppy becomes an adult?
ArtFl says
You may want to check Russian dog breeds to get an idea which companion dog you would you like best for your GSD.