Kristy Dagostino: What Colors do Labrador Retrievers Come In?
The Labrador Retriever is one of the breeds I'm considering and want to find out all the colors they come in. I've heard of yellow, chocolate, black, silver, champagne, white, red, brindle, chocolate and tan, and black and tan. Are there any others? I know any color can come with white. Oh, and I've also seen charcoal. I'm leaning towards a chocolate Labrador Retriever. Even though it isn't the breed standard I love the little white spots on the chest of some Labs.
Photo Credit: smerikal/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Dogs Rule
Black, yellow, or chocolate-colored are registered.
Answer by Bassets4Life
The ONLY colors that a Labrador Retriever comes in is yellow, black, and chocolate. Any of the other colors you mentioned are due to the dog being a mixed breed. Only purebreds have the first three I mentioned. There is nothing wrong with liking a Lab mix, there are tons in the shelter, why don't you consider adopting one from there? I'm sure they have tons of varying coat colors….
Answer by CanineTruth
Labs only come in THREE colors. Period. End of.
1) Black - Blacks are all black. A black with brindle markings or a black with tan markings is a disqualification.
2) Yellow - Yellows may range in color from fox-red to light cream, with variations in shading on the ears, back, and underparts of the dog.
3) Chocolate - Chocolates can vary in shade from light to dark chocolate. Chocolate with brindle or tan markings is a disqualification.
No reputable breeder would breed colors other than what is recognized by the parent club and the AKC. Period. End of.
And "silver labs" are mutts - usually Weimaraner/lab mixed breed dogs. Again, no reputable breeder breeds mutts.
Also read:
- Difference between Labrador and Labrador Retriever?
- What Smaller Dog Matches a Labrador Retriever?
- How can I get my yellow Labrador to stop shedding so much?
Answer by JT skier girl
I don't know where you got your information from but it is very wrong. A Lab only comes ins 3 colors, Yellow, Black and Chocolate. There is no such thing as a silver lab, or a white lab. The White labs are simply a washed-out yellow. These silver dogs are a result of cross-breeding a Weimaraner to a Labrador and radical inbreeding schemes. Any other color is not recognized by the AKC. If the lab has any other coloration's, IE a white start on chest or white paws, all though common, there is most likely some other breed mixed in.
I can tell you from experience, any lab is a great dog and companion. I have owned a lab for 25 years and that is the only breed I would consider having. I can also tell you, a reputable breeder will only have the three standard colors. They will not have mixed coloration's. Good luck
Answer by Alida
I personally do not like labs with white markings on chest, but what many of you may not know is that Labs originated from the St. John's water dog. When you see labs with white stray hairs on the chin, spots on the chest, or on the underside (bottom paws of feet) of black labs, you are seeing 100-150+ years of genetics coming through modern-day lines. I actually find it funny that the AKC doesn't prefer it considering the fact that these markings are from the Labs actual ancestor – St. John's Waterdog.
I have dogs from known champion lines. This last litter, I had two black, chocolate, 1 fox red, and what would be considered champagne labs.
Fox reds and champagne labs are registered as yellow labs under AKC. The so-called champagne lab is yellow with a liver nose and eye rims with greenish/blue eyes. They are considered rare and they are definitely not mixed. Basically, a champagne lab is a chocolate lab in a yellow coat. Also rare are yellow labs with Dudley (pure pink noses and eye rims). These are recessive traits. I did not try to breed champagne labs, they just came out. Generally, they are eebbdd genetically (which means they are chocolate, yellow coats, and nose color for black is turned off).
Answer by Liz L
Officially they only come in 3 colors yellow, chocolate, and black.
Obviously, they come in different shades of these colors ( silver tan red, etc)
A quote from the web is 'People seeking to buy a Labrador puppy should be warned not to buy a puppy described as having a "rare" color for the breed. '
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