Q: What breed of dog gets along with a Miniature Schnauzer?
I'm interested in getting a second dog in the future. I have a Miniature Schnauzer currently and I'm wondering what breed gets along with Schnauzers?
She is a purebred.
Photo Credit: Theodore Scott
Answers and Views:
Answer by Deb
We have a mini schnauzer and adopted a retired military GSD 2 years ago. They get along fantastic. Of course, since Zoe (mini schnauzer) was ours before Heidi (GSD) she still thinks she is the boss but Heidi is okay with that. Wonderful combination! Would pair again in a heartbeat with no worries.
Answer by Rich Mcilvain
I have two Rottweilers, one a male and one female and we found a mini schnauzer that we just had to have. The rotts absolutely love her! She loves to play with them and this helps keep the larger dogs active. She is a wonderful addition and the perfect puppy for our house.
Answer by magnetic_azimuth
It is all about socializing your dogs.
I have a German Shepherd that I can take anywhere, any animal, monkey, child, dog, turtle, rabbit, political hack, or lawyer and he does not mind, does not care, and unless they can throw a ball for him to chase, they are not of interest to him.
Answer by Sam
Well, I have a mini schnauzer He's a boy He Is ONLY aggressive with our neighbor's dogs … but not other dogs. He has stayed out of our dog sitter's house with many other dogs sometimes even 10 other dogs and he does just fine. My family and I want to get another dog. Except we want a larger dog.
Answer by the flaming poo
They get along well with each other and we have a Jack Russell that yes is not their favorite but that just causes she's annoying:)
at one point we've had 4 schnauzers at one time under one roof
They can get used to any other dog but don't do to well with a big dog
Answer by Barbara
My Mini Schnauzer mix loves everyone and gets along with other dogs — with visiting dogs, with open boarding, and at the dog park, etc. I do find that some dogs aren’t happy or comfortable with her upright tail and her bold stance. I think she plays harder than some sensitive dogs too. That’s the terrier in her. That may be an issue at least to start with when introducing another dog. I might add my dog has never gotten into a fight though even when attacked or put in place. She looks more aggressive at times than she actually is.
- How do you deal with shedding Mini Schnauzer?
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Answer by Audra
Our two Miniature Schnauzers (not litter-mates), Remy (female-black & silver), and Kaiser (male-salt & pepper) were almost 4 when we brought home 7-week-old Havok (male German Shepherd). All three are inside dogs in a large, open-floor-plan house and have a large fenced-in yard area too. Havok is now 19 months old. They get along very well without any aggression and they frequently play together. Havok and Kaiser or Remy often eat or drink out of the same bowl at the same.
Previously we had two female schnauzers (rescued adults), a female Yorkie (rescued adult), and a male American Staffordshire Terrier (abused, rescued adult) that got along very well together. Before that, two schnauzers, Yorkie and a male Black Lab (rescued adult). Other family members often bring their mini schnauzers over to play as well.
Answer by MissMay
My parents have a basset hound and a miniature schnauzer who get along just great. They cuddle and play, super cool.
Answer by the Logan
I have a mini schnauzer and I also had a lab at the same time. They got along great
Answer by the Lilla
any dog breed can. it all depends on how you raise and train them. if raised with the Schnauzer, it should get along with it.
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