Q: What are the pros and cons of having a Saint Bernard? (from a puppy to an adult)?
I am thinking about getting a Saint Bernard puppy and I was wondering if anyone had anything to tell me before I buy her. Whether it is positive or negative I would love to hear it. Thnx!
Photo Credit: Cherrie 美桜/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Shasta
they are cute but I can't stand a dog that slobbers.
Answer by mcsaintbernard
Very loving
Easy to housebreak
Like to please
Good with children
Need moderate exercise(no "roadwork" when they are pups)…this may be a pro or a con depending on your lifestyle…if you want a dog to go jogging with you this is not the one(I personally like their more "laid back" energy level)
They are almost sure to draw a crowd wherever you go
they drool
they "blow coat" twice a year, with some shedding year-round
Medical care is more expensive, especially if dosages are based on weight
they have relatively short life spans(8-10 years)
they have their share of medical conditions that they are prone to: bloat, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, ectropion/entropion

Do your homework. Go to the Saint Bernard Club of America website, as it can give you a tremendous amount of information. Buy from a reputable breeder. Be prepared to take them to some sort of obedience class, as they grow very quickly and a badly behaved giant dog can be a liability.
Saint puppies are the cutest, however, remember that they do not stay little for very long…so many Saints are surrendered to rescue because people don't think that "they would get that big".
If you are a neat freak and are bothered by the hair and the drool, then this is definitely NOT the dog for you. If you can tolerate those types issues, then they will more than makeup for these inconveniences with the amount of love and devotion they give to you.
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Answer by Ruby
Great dispositions
Great with children
Susceptible to BYBs so it's important to find a good breeder
Large size equals rampant health problems later on
Shorter lifespan
Larger dogs can be harder to control
They do drool
They eat more
Answer by selina.evans
Pros: they are big enough to eat a burglar.
Cons: they are big enough to eat a burglar.
They are beautiful and friendly dogs, very loyal and unless they are badly trained, incredibly gentle but they cost a small fortune to feed and care for, require huge amounts of exercise to stay healthy and happy and, if bored, can trash a room faster than a drunk rugby fan after a bad match! Also, they suffer from the heat in Summer and you suffer too because they shed like crazy.
I love the breed but they are not suited to living in modern houses and apartments unless you are really close to a large park or have a vast garden..and if you have any fragile ornaments you are fond of then lock them well away! Without being in the least bit destructive by nature, such a large dog can not help knocking things over!
Answer by Tin Can Sailor
Pros: They are great lovable big, no, huge dogs. I loved the ones I have had.
Cons: You can feed a horse for less money.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
jane barrington says
I have rescued 5 Saints. They have changed my life in so many ways, all for the better. I can’t imagine living without at least one of them. Sure, they shed and drool. However, the love they give you is so totally unconditional it’s beyond amazing. They will love you and take care of you every day of your life. Their happiness is being beside you all the time. If you plan on leaving them alone for long periods of time, a Saint is NOT for you. They must have human companionship with many people to be happy, healthy and thrive. All 5 of mine adored going to the dog park. Sure, there were other dogs. All of them were friends with the dogs and the people they met. They’re a crowd pleaser. People love them and Saints love them back. I’m totally, utterly devoted to rescuing these wonderful dogs who came from horrible backgrounds. All it took was love, patience and time for all of them to come out of their shells and be the “person” they were meant to be. Saints are beyond a doubt the very best breed…but they really, really need human companionship almost 24-7. If you can’t provide that, please find another more independent breed. I loved my with all my heart. It’s been 8 months since my little boy passed away. I’m still not ready to rescue another other breed than a Saint.
Nick G says
BIG seasonal shedder