forever awake: What are some good names for Caucasian shepherds?
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Answer by Enzie
- toffee / coffee
- cloud 9
- choco mucho
- tiny
- spongy
- tabachingching
- tabachoy
- Lei
- Potchi
- Aichick
- Blue
Answer by Art Fl
It might be a good idea to give your new puppy a Russian dog name. If your new puppy is of Russian dog breed it is quite natural to give a Russian dog name to him or her. Even if it’s not, it can still be cool because Russian dog names sound unusual and attract attention.
There are a lot of good names for Caucasian Ovcharka on this site:
Choosing the right Russian puppy name is very important. Most of them have their meanings and may sound inappropriate for your pet if translated from Russian. The name you choose will always tell people how you view your dog and how you treat him.
The Caucasian Ovcharka is one of the oldest mastiff-type breeds, originating from the Caucasus Mountains between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It was used for centuries to guard flocks, kill wolves, hunt bears, and protect properties against trespassers and thieves. Its type differs a little from region to region. The superior Russian Caucasian dog is a hybrid of established Caucasian types and some lines of the Central Asian dog.
Answer by Penny Movery
We encountered one of Caucasian Shepherds at a Street Fair. While he was very much on the alert, upon a command from his owner, he sat and allowed our grandson, who is very much a lover of dogs, to pet him and talk to him. Liam was 4 at the time and the sight of him with this gentle giant was something to behold. Reminded me of the Angel statues with the Lion and the Lamb.
I would have to select names from Doctor Zhivago:
Thanks for the web page. I could never own this dog, but I fell in love with the breed at that street fair, knowing this beautiful beast was an exception to the breed, thanks to his incredible handler.
Answer by Марина
Here, in Russia, the Caucasian Shepherd often called Asian names, such as: Akbay, Boksar, Buyan, Vulcan, Kazbek, Sultan, Shaitan.
Answer by Julie D
Answer by Raven
what pray tell, is a caucasian shepherd?
That was a sincere question – I never heard of it. I wondered if it was a politically correct version of white shepherd …:-)
Anyway, I googled and see they are very sturdy and beautiful looking dogs. Good for you!
And I like DANTE for a name.
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