Q: What are Great Pyrenees puppies worth to sell without papers?
I Have full-bred Great Pyrenees pups. a few months old. parents full-bred
No papers, no shots, dewormed.
How much are they worth to sell?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Silvestre
The price of a great pyrenees can vary depending on where you live. The cost of the dog may be more expensive in certain areas.
In general, it is safe to assume that the price of a great pyrs without papers will range anywhere from $150 to $250.
Photo Credit: ChuckThePhotographer/Flickr CC
Answer by CanineTruth
$ 100 a pup. No more. Bump it to $ 150 if you get them shots.
No papers means no PROOF that the animals are, in fact, purebred. No proof the parents are who you say they are, or that the parents themselves are even purebred. Also, no genetic history so no proof these pups are less likely to inherit genetic diseases – do you even have a legally binding contract written up?
Answer by Brian Burdick
I had a litter of crossbreed puppies from my Argentine dogo bitch and Turkish Kangal male. I gave two to a friend for free, kept two myself, and sold the other three for $350.00 each.
I didn’t make a penny profit as between vet bills and chipping them all, I almost came out even. My number one priority was to see that they all went to wonderful homes, and they did.
I had my female spayed as soon as the vet said it was ok to do so.
The thing is, I sold them as crossbreeds and not as purebred.
Answer by Love a Poodle not a
Around $ 100 I'd say.
All you have had to do is feed and deworm him so you can't charge any more than what he has cost you.
Not getting shots is very irresponsible.
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Answer by Thornita
Unpapered pyrs? $90 or 50 pounds depending on what currency you have.
You believe you have pedigree dogs but there is no proof so unlucky there and that takes a large chunk out of the amount they could go for.
Thanks for adding to the unwanted dog population by the way, :(
Answer by Beth
Wow! People are so rude, and without even knowing the whole story. In our area, I live in the south US, unpapered great pyrenees go for 250-400$.
Answer by GP owner
Well with GP’s all you need to do is look for the double dewclaws that are a sign that the dog is full-blooded.
Answer by Mark
Not all dogs are born with dewclaws, some only have the toenail on the front leg and others have them on four legs. Some dogs can have two dewclaws on one or more legs.
Sometimes the dewclaws are not properly attached and have to be removed.
Answer by JenVT
No papers, no shots? free. At the shelter, it’s about $ 100 and those dogs are spayed/neutered and UTD on shots. Your dogs may as well be mutts because without papers you can’t prove that they are purebred. Stop trying to make money off your dogs.
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Answer by Nedra E
You didn't say where you live. Prices vary from place to place. My 6-year-old girl, I paid $100 for. Her parents were on-site and looked to be the pure Pyrenees, but no papers. She and her parents all have double hind dewclaws which is a good sign indicating pure breed.
My male is papered, and I paid $300 for him. I have copies of his parents' papers and was given his paper from when the litter was registered.
I live in a rural area in East TN. Talk to your local Tractor Supply manager, local pet stores, maybe even the local rescue groups to see what pyrs go for in your area.
Photo Credit: Aiko, Thomas & Juliette+Isaac/Flickr CC
Answer by di
If the puppies are a few months old they should have their vaccinations or you could lose the whole litter to parvo or distemper. You should sell the Great Pyrenees pups for $ 50 to good homes that will get them the health care they need.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Candy McCall says
How old is this Pyrenees? Male or female?
I would be interested if in driving distance and if it is young enough.
teresa Saul says
I found a a great pyrenees last week he has the extra toe and is grate with the kids i don’t know what to do with him
Mark says
Great pyrenees is a wonderful breed, and you’ve done a good thing taking him home.
No one can tell you though whether you should keep the dog or find him another home. It depends on your will and your living conditions.
Brian Burdick says
Thank you all for your kindness. Napoleon ( Nappy)as he was known as, was a wonderful dog. He passed away with as clean a soul as he was born with. Not a single blemish on it!
He was born the runt puppy of the litter, but never let that stop him.
His siblings would push him around, but only till he had enough. He might have been the runt, but the good Lord gave him the biggest canines of the litter, and when provoked the little guy would turn into a buzzsaw! He would get downright nasty!
When he passed, he was still the runt, but he was also 130 pounds. I can’t begin to tell you fine people how much I love and miss him. He was such a joy to be around.A Big good.Happy, loving and so good matured.
I miss him so much.
Thank you for putting up with an old man’s sniveling.
Your friend,
Theodora says
Condolences…. sorry to hear about your wonderful dog…
Brian Burdick says
Hi Folks,
The above comment was made by me over a year ago.
My heart is breaking as Nappy, my beautiful runt puppy, passed away on September 12th from conjestive heart failure at a little less than 2 1/2 years old. He was 138 pounds and as wonderful and sweet and good matured as could be.
He was the one that his mother laid on the second day he was born and I pulled him out from under her and gave him mouth to mouth resesatition and revived him. He was 1 1/2 pounds then.
He was my favorite of all the pups. Thank God I kept him and his brother. His brother Tank is perfect. Both physically and mentally.
I can’t tell you all how heartsick I am. I received his ashes today and they are in my bedroom over my bed with my other passed furbabies.
Please love and treasure your furbabies for you never know when God is going to call them home to Him.
If you might, please say a prayer for him.
His name was/is Napoleon but we all called him Nappy for short.
Thank you all .
RussianDog says
So sorry about your loss! RIP Nappy…
GP owner says
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Beth says
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GP owner says
Yes they are rude! They do not know the facts so they just post whatever they want.
Doug says
Sorry for your loss:(
Where i am in canada, When we have puppies we sell for $4-600. Without papers. With papers around $1500
Brian Burdick says
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