Q: Should I get a Papillon?
I live in a house, not in an apartment, and I have a yard. I also live in Eagle River Alaska, would It be too cold for them?
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Answer by Jessy_Lee50291
You live in a house and have a yard I say go for it! All a dog needs are food, shelter, love, and attention!
Photo Credit: Cherrie 美桜/Flickr CC
Answer by abbyful
Papillons are great little dogs, I adore them. But they aren't for everyone.
Papillons have very friendly, adventurous temperaments. From the AKC breed description, "Happy, alert and friendly. Neither shy nor aggressive."
Papillons are very intelligent (sometimes too much so for their own good!). They are in the top 10 most intelligent dogs breeds.
One of the "most trainable toy breeds".
Papillons come in 2 varieties, the "butterfly" (Papillon) and the "moth" (phalene). They also come in a rainbow of colors to choose from.
And they stay small. The breed standard calls for dogs 8-11 inches. (Over 12 inches is a disqualification from the show ring. Over 11 inches is a fault in the show ring.)
They are very demanding and dependent dogs. They may not like to cuddle, but they like to be around you and they LOVE to play. Paps will literally come up and launch one of their toys at your face to get you to play with them.
They are also tricksters and will find ways to try to manipulate their owners. If they aren't supposed to have something, they'll try to make it look like they have one of their toys and hide the "forbidden object" behind it.
My pap also tricked my parents' poodle when I was dog-sitting for them a few months ago. She would run to the door and bark so the poodle would drop the toy it had to check out what the commotion was about, then my pap would run back and steal the dropped toy.
Papillons NEED to be stimulated. They are not dogs that can be left to their own means. They need training and thrive when they have a "job", such as obedience or agility. (If you want to get into agility, they are the top choice in their height category. They can even beat border collie times on some courses, but due to the size difference, they will never be competing against border collies.)
Also, be aware that they are athletic dogs and can achieve things you wouldn't normally think a dog that size can. For example, my papillon can jump high enough to steal things off the kitchen counter. She can jump at least 4 feet into the air.
Papillons do and will bark. They are a vocal breed and are alarm barkers so if they hear something, or if anything seems out of place, they see it as their job to alert you to it. (I have found the "thank" method works best for handling barking. When the dog barks, call it to you and say "thank you", then give the dog a treat or praise. It will eventually learn to only bark a couple of times to alert you, then it will stop barking and come to you for its reward.)
(Of course, every dog is different. You may find a papillon that is calmer than average, or one that is less vocal than average, etc.. This is just the 'general' information on them.)
Paps require regular grooming, but it's not extensive.
In addition to the regular dog stuff (clip nails, brush teeth, etc.), they need to be brushed a couple of times a week. Also, the hair between the pads on their feet gets long, so that needs to be trimmed, which I do monthly. I use a bristle brush on the fur.
If you are wanting to get a puppy from a breeder, check out the following link: http://www.papillonclub.org/
You can also find a reputable breeder by attending some dog shows and agility competitions. You will find papillons in both places and can get some good recommendations for quality breeders from there.
Papillons are starting to show up more commonly in puppy mills, so be wary and make sure you are getting one from a reputable breeder.
If you are okay with getting an older dog (which can have its benefits, like it's already housebroken, already done teething, likely has some training, etc.), then you may be able to get a dog from a Papillon rescue group.
A papillon from a reputable breeder will typically be no cheaper than $ 750. I've found prices are usually closer to $ 1000-$ 1600 for a pet. (Although I've seen pet-quality puppies as cheap as $ 450 and as expensive as over $ 2000.) Females tend to be pricier than males.
"The Complete Papillon" by Carolyn and David Roe
(I highly recommend this book.)
"A New Owner's Guide to Papillons" by Deborah Wood
"Papillons" by Jacklyn E., Dr. Hungerland
Answer by Xeleena
A yard is best for any kind of dog
If you want a papillon, go for it
Just make sure that you have a lot of time to spend with them and make sure that you can play with them because they can be very playful
hope that helps
good luck
Answer by Victoria D.
Papillons are my fav. dog. cute gorgeous and you know, it seems like it's just perfect!!! LOL.. anyway, a papillon is more than a beginner dog. they are always active and sweet. if you are willing to take care of it then go for it!
- What are the pros and cons of owning a Papillon dog?
- What are Papillon Dogs like as Pets?
- 7 Small Dog Training Tips By A Professional
Answer by kimbo98
I don't really like them My friend has 2 and they are so hyper! get a West Highland white terrier or a Maltese!
Answer by Toni
I have a 2-year-old papillon. They are awesome little dogs. I would highly recommend one. Mine is very sweet. Great with my kids and other dogs.
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