Steward S: I have a pretty good-sized yard and one small child. I am an experienced dog owner but I haven't owned a breed as large as Neo Mastiff or Bullmastiff. I do, however, desire to own a large powerful dog.
I am definitely considering adoption. I have no problem with going to a rescue and getting a pooch that is near adult age.
Photo Credit: CowCopTim/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by caregrl
Animal shelter dog. Cheaper! You can get a dog that fits your child's personality. IF you decide to get a certain breed get it from a breed rescue or
Answer by High H
BULL. I have had them my whole life the best dogs. and i have one now. shes a doll she swims and in good health
Answer by Gillian
Neither Neo Mastiff nor Bullmastiff. You say you have a small child? These are big powerful dogs and you would not be able to take your eyes off them for a moment while they're around your child. This would probably lead to the dog being locked away from the family (his pack) and would lead to severe psychological problems for the dog. Also, you are looking to adopt one of these breeds and there is no way you can know what the dog may have suffered before you got it. Please, please don't endanger both your child and a dog who may not know any better.
Answer by Annie
In my experience, Neos are more work than bullmastiffs in terms of training. You will need to socialize them a lot because they are very territorial, especially with other dogs. Neo's can also go for as much as $ 2,500. If you haven't owned a large bully breed, I would suggest a bullmastiff, especially if you have a small child at home.
Answer by Moby
The Bullmastiff is courageous, loyal, calm, and loving with those it knows. It has a very strong protective instinct and will defend its owners against anything it perceives as a threat. However, it does not normally attack to protect. Instead, it knocks the intruder over with its massive size and pins them to the ground, or, will simply stand in front of the stranger/intruder and refuse to let them pass. Bullmastiffs become intensely attached to their families and do best when they can live inside with them. Their protective instinct combined with their great size and natural wariness of strangers means that early socialization is a must. The Bullmastiff may or may not get along well with other dogs. Occasionally, females in heat will also not get along with other females. The Bullmastiff gets along well with children and is very loving towards them. Parental supervision must be maintained when they are with children because of their size and may knock smaller children down accidentally.
The Neapolitan Mastiff is fearless and extremely protective of its home and family. They prefer to be with their family and to remain in and around the home always. They are not a dog to go and wander off. As a guardian breed, they are very wary of strangers, but usually if seeing that their master is relaxed, will soon accept them. The Neapolitan Mastiff rarely barks unless under provocation, renowned for sneaking upon intruders as opposed to alerting them of their presence first. As a breed the Neapolitan Mastiff can be extremely stubborn, but learns things very quickly. Once it understands what its master wants, it obeys. They have a very dominant attitude and must be taught from puppyhood that its master is the boss, not the other way around.
Males tend to be much more aggressive and dominant than females and at maturity can make another attempt at dominating their master. Females are usually more easy going and tend to be the choice of families with children. Though both sexes are, however, usually very loving with children. Males do not get along with other males of any breed, but the Neapolitan can get along well with non-canine pets if raised with them since puppyhood. Trying to introduce a new pet once your Neapolitan is matured can be extremely hard work as many can be jealous of the new arrivals.
The Neapolitan Mastiff is not a breed for everyone and certainly not a dog for beginners
Answer by chihuahualady
Answer by Captain Obvious
I'm a big Neapolitan Mastiff fan.
Just be sure that you understand what you are getting yourself into. "Pretty Good Sized Yard" just doesn't cut it. And such large dogs can accidentally hurt small children.
Visit to be sure that you are ready. Then, either use one of their breeders or rescue.
Answer by mutt lover
Neither Bullmastiffs can be generally aggressive, and Neopolitan Mastiffs always have prob. I have an English female mastiff Big but the sweetest thing on earth I have a minnie doxie/jack russel who is smaller than most yorkies and she is gentle go with the em. In my opinion bull they CAN be very sweet but be careful some can be very aggressive
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