poynergoatco: What is the largest dog breed in the world?
Consider height and or weight....Irish wolfhounds are quite tall, but have a fairly slim build. Caucasian Ovcharkas are quiet large, some in the 170 - 200 lb range.
Some lines of Spanish Mastiffs are quite large as well.
What do you think is the largest breed?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Angie-Pangie
Irish Wolfhound
Answer by Motroo
The Old English Mastiff is the LARGEST breed of dog in the world.
They can weigh anywhere from 110 pounds to 343 pounds. Zorba, an English mastiff, held the world record of the world's largest dog. Although most Mastiff males weigh around 160-230 pounds and females around 120-190 pounds. The height of a mastiff can range from 25 inches at the shoulder to 36 inches.
The Irish Wolf Hound and Great Dane can be taller than the mastiff, but do not match the mastiff for weight and overall size.
The mastiff is also one of the most powerful dogs in the world. My friend's mastiff "Abraham " was the top weight pull dog in North America" PULLING 7300 POUNDS
Answer by Joe McClain – US Army Retired
The Caucasian Ovcharka, Russian Dog can have a height of over 6 feet standing on his hind legs with a weight of over 200 lbs. Has to be the Largest all around Dog in the world.
Answer by Archie
The world’s largest dog was a Great Dane named Zeus that has died in August 2014. This five-year-old 154 lbs Dane stood 44 inches at the shoulder, and he topped 87 inches when standing on his hind legs.
Zeus had been declared the world’s tallest dog in the 2012 edition of the Guinness World’s Records. The owners’ photos showed Zeus dwarfing a sofa that he sat on, and drinking from the running kitchen tap without having to stretch or strain. His daily ration was up to 29 lbs of dog food.
Answer by Andrew from Poland
On the question: “what is the biggest animal (excluding seas)?” we reply elephant (not giraffe). So why we say that biggest is Great Dane (tallest only because of longest legs), not English mastiff (heaviest because of thicker paws, biggest head, broader and most often longer)? Is that logical? (Sorry for my English)
Answer by rescue member
As you said, Irish Wolfhounds are the tallest, therefore technically "biggest".
If you mean heaviest, that would be regular mastiffs, they can get over 200 lbs. in some cases.
Answer by Kimbeej
Irish Wolfhound holds the record for tallest, St. Bernard for heaviest.
Answer by Theo22
Caucasian Mountain dog is quite large but they are not very heavy. A fully grown adult male is usually about 28 inches tall and can weigh about 99 pounds.
The Hungarian Kuvasz is one more extremely large dog. The Kuvasz adult males can grow to be 30 inches tall and weighing up to 150 pound - almost twice the size of the Caucasian Ovcharka!
As for the English Mastiff, it is not the tallest dog but it’s the heaviest. The English Mastiff currently holds the record as the heaviest dog with a dog named Hercules. In January this dog was awarded the honorable distinction of World’s Biggest Dog by Guinness World Records. Hercules is an English Mastiff and it has a 38-inch neck and weighs 282 pounds!
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