Yelena: I work a 9-5 job. Is that too much time to leave a Weimaraner alone at home?
I am considering adopting a Weimaraner and want to make sure I have realistic expectations of what this breed needs. I have read that it doesn't like to be left alone for long. Exactly how long is too long?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Kelly E
Depends on the dog. Some dogs get nervous and destroy things when their master is away. Dogs are pack animals by nature and want to be with their "pack". I suggest you find a dog sitter or get another dog for a companion.
Photo Credit: bertknot/Flickr CC
Answer by Weimaraner Luver~
I have a male Weim and people end up putting them in a shelter cause when they bought the pup it was so cute, then as the pup get bigger they do start to tear up stuff. So they end up in a shelter cause they are not as cute and are 70-80 lbs and can really do some damage to your house. I really wouldn't recommend this breed for you right now. Good Luck with finding a breed that fits your lifestyle.
Answer by Lo
My husband and I both work. We do try to arrange our schedule so that Draco is not alone too long. He has, unfortunately, had to stay sometimes until 6 pm and we leave at 7 am. That is very atypical. I think it really has a lot to do with the individual dog. Weimies do tend to be a little hyperactive and can get into trouble when bored or feeling that separation anxiety.
Answer by Michelle M
If you work a 9-5 job this is the wrong dog for you…You need to get a dog that fits your lifestyle some breeds are great being left alone all day but not the Weimaraner…You may want to rethink this…. Check out the Weimaraner Club Of America. Best of luck
Answer by BADBTCH
YES!! that is too long. I use to have the same hours and my dog got really depressed after a while and she needed all of my attention once I was home. She even got scared looking every time she thought I was going somewhere. that would hurt me really bad. you need to work something out. at least have somebody the dog knows stop by a couple of times. That's what I did!!
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Answer by btdt
A Weimaraner, like any hunting dog, is bred to work with its owner. Take it for a run before and after work, so it will settle down to sleep, and consider doing obedience, agility, or bird hunting with it, to occupy its mind.
Answer by KAP$
Yes, I think it's too long bc that type of dog needs a lot of exercise and if you're not home, then he's going to become destructive and chew everything
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robin j says
If you decide to leave your dog outside, i can tell you all the things we did to weim proof our back yard. It will save you alot of heartache!
Ben says
Hi There,
Im thinking of getting a Weimaraner too but just the thought of keeping him locked in a crate whilst im at work doesnt sit well with me. Do you have a Weimaraner and does he stay outside during the day? And if so what tips and advice can you give?
Roofus the doofus says
Heart U Heart-or
Steve says
yeah, 9 to 5 is too durn long for that breed… pick something smaller and less active
Rachel S says
I think another dog would be alot of company for it while you are away. Give them part of the house, not ALL of the house.
KAP$ says
yes i think its too long bc that type of dog needs alot of exercise and if your not home, then hes going to become destructive and chew everything
heart o' gold says
You can easily solve this problem by getting two. I have found that for my lifestyle (single working gal away from home all day and occasional evenings) that two dogs are far less trouble than one. They are companionship for each other when you aren't there and are much less needy and in your face when you are there.
savannah says
That might be too long because it could tear up your house. But it might be fine. I would suggest you getting a toy dog,such as a maltese or a toy poodle. Ones that you can crate. Or if you make your Weimaraner an outside dog and leave it food and water it will probably be fine.