Lobo, the Siberian Husky from Pennsylvania, has made the headlines after his adorable participation in the prestigious Westminster 24-inch class agility competition.
The Husky - a rare breed in dog agility – seemed to be more interested in having a good time than in competing with other dogs. Despite handler Alan Davis' best efforts, Lobo was very distracted and didn’t bother to follow the instructions. Nevertheless, the audience was absolutely amused by the unique agility performance of the charming Lobo.
After repeatedly getting off track and finishing in 76 seconds against 29 seconds of the winner, Lobo has lost the competition but he has definitely won the hearts of the audience!
People say:
Seth Rox: "You can have my body on a leash but you will never get my soul," thought Lobo.
KaedinKane: Husky's don’t go "off script" they just go Husky.
Ivy The Blind Husky: One of many reasons to own and love a husky.
perfectly imperfect: Lobo is the best!!! Such a talented smart and beautiful baby!!!
A: His name is literally "Wolf" and that's adorable.
Rebecca Wolf: He did pretty much exactly what I expected from a husky. Can he do the course? Of course, no problem. Does he wanna follow the human rules? Nah.
Please watch the Siberian Husky’s endearing Westminster Dog Show fail in this video.
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Some of the Comments:
The FuzzyMonkey: Perfectly explains Huskies. They know exactly what you're saying and asking out of them. But will they do it? Maybe, probably not. I'm gonna run at warp speed now.
Rástradamus: Lobo: "I run 100 miles on snow, these silly games are beneath me."
cocomunga: He is too happy, lol. He’s trying to listen but his happiness is making him stop.
XxConstant AnxietyxX: Lobo may not have won a medal, but he won everyone's hearts
Ivbo: One of the fastest and most durable dog breeds in the world, also the most stubborn form of life since the dawn of time.
Life Simply: Huskies are extremely stubborn because they were bred to ‘lead the way’ so, therefore, they don’t usually follow commands. The riders on sleds would rely on huskies to find the way when they were lost, so huskies became very independent and too smart for their own good. They aren’t fooled to do tricks just for a treat.
sharon illenye: Lobo says I can do this, but do I want to do this?
Ti C: The only interesting thing about dog shows are the ones that go off-script.
Kugelblitz: He does so gracefully. Is not about speed is about being charming, and boooi he has some charm!
Amelia Branch: Husky’s are just the breed to do perfectly in training, and then at the competition be like “Nah man I really don’t feel like it”
Smokin Jax: He was multitasking:
- Getting more attention than all the other dogs combined
- Light snack along the way
- Give handler heart attack
Sebastian Uparela: I love how they don't care about the competition but to see the husky having a great time.
Nacho MAFIA Gaming: This is just a reminder that none of the dogs actually care about winning lol the owners do...
Alysandir: Having owned two huskies, I'm impressed as heck with the job this guy did with Lobo. Talk about playing on hard mode.
Pretty Cosmos: Lobo is great I watch this every morning and he makes my day he makes me happy. Way to go Lobo he is a husky.
Barrett Keller: Lobo's trainer is a person of immense patience, faith, courage, and optimism to even consider training a Husky for such a level of competition…
I know, I have two.
Huskies are recalcitrant, obstinate, argumentative and in possession of a wicked sense of humor.
They take commands only after the third issue. And then, only as a suggestion.
I didn't know joy until they came into my life.
Kiyoncé Kartier: The handler should get a reward anyway. This is an accomplishment within itself. Surprised Lobo didn’t lay in the middle of the course and throw a tantrum lol
Kate says
It’s so easy, isn’t it? That was the attitude of my Alaskan Malamute x German Shepherd Dog. She’d stop on tippy bridges for a look around or a bit of a groom, run around short jumps after doing much higher ones. She was so wonderful