ima boss: How do i sell my red nose pitbull puppies?
Photo Credit: MrVJTod/Flickr CC
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Answer by Quilla33
at the flea market or have a puppy sale
Answer by doldaggabuzzbuzz
You really should have a list of buyers on hand before you ever breed a litter. That is how you prevent this from happening. If there is no market for them, there's no need to breed them. The market is absolutely flooded with APBTs.
Put ads in papers, on breed websites, whatever you can, but be prepared to take them to the Humane Society…
Answer by eurostar987
GOOD JOB! This is what happens when you breed and you don't know how- obviously you're not very experienced. If you can't find homes for them, you're gonna probably have to bring them to a shelter, where they'll be put down. UGH people make me Sick
Answer by oso
there a lot way and maybe if you live close to me I can sell them all for if you sell me a one really cheap price or for free.i can sell for you for but debent how you are selling them for.
Answer by BIG DADDY
you're probably asking too much. Lower your price and you should be able to sell them.
Answer by JOJO
put them in the local newspaper classifieds or set up shop in a parking lot where there is a lot of traffic
Answer by Chelsea H
yeah, what the first person said try selling them at the flea market real cheap but not too cheap just enough so ppl can afford them…
Answer by bullykennels
I have a 7-month-old red nose female she doesn't have papers but she is a loving and very obedient dog. I don't have the kennel space to keep her so I am trying to find her a good home. All I am asking for is 200 so email me via this site
Answer by siara jones
I have a golden brown 13-week pitbull (boy) …… kid-friendly, enjoy long walks in the park, I don't have papers on him because I resue him, I'm currently in the process of moving and cant provide the right care he needs…….. I'm asking for 150 cash but the lowest ill take is 125-100, if your interesting please text/call only (the number is hidden) ……. pictures are also available
Answer by torbaynewfs
Do not breed again. You should not be breeding if you cannot find homes for the puppies. I guess try and sell them cheaper than you have been.
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Laurel says
Hello, Please let me know you still have puppies as I would like to take them (3)
justin butler says
i have a rednose colby pitbull 6 week old.asking 500 but im am will to talk about a better price..she comes with can contact me at 540-235-6769
T.c. says
Do you have pictures of her parents?
I♥Pitbulls says
I will take one. Where r u located??
Lameshia says
it all depends on were you live because in macon ga i know lots of people who love pitbulls. just tell people you know and tell them to tell people they know . you'll sell those puppies. i wish i knew you . i'd buy one from you
suzyfirestarter says
Put an ad in the paper. Use the other types of news papers and compare prices for placing an ad. Have a garage sale with the puppies for sale too. Talk to local pet stores. They may be interested. Good luck.
Mary T says
Do to a dog park I have seen many puppies sold at the park.You can also go to the store fronts plant a seed in people's head to get a dog.
paintedrain2 says
Post an ad on and
Just do your best to make sure the dogs are going to good homes, and won't be used in fighting.