Q: What are some suggestions for making a pit bull more human-aggressive?
I am looking to have a pit bull that will be aggressive toward anyone should my home ever be broken into... I know people say pit bulls are the best for fighting so I would like to have one as a guard-type dog, can I train them to be nice to my family who may come over but mean towards other people?
Answers and Views:
Answer by laughing; the pup is growing up!
Sorry, pit bulls are dog aggressive, not human-aggressive.
Photo Credit: Hugo Quintero/Flickr CC
Answer by Nicole
It's all about how you raise them. I love pits &' Have been around them since I was a baby. The pit I have now is aggressive to other people but not my household and that's how we raised her. I'm getting another pit puppy soon and will raise it the same way. My dogs are good dogs but if you act scared they will play with you, BAD! So pits can be made to be people-aggressive and dog aggressive.
My dogs are backward, they are not dog-aggressive but people-aggressive. People can judge, and that's fine but they're my dogs. Don't try anything stupid if you don't wanna get bit. Pitbulls are good dogs. Just have to raise them the right way.
To answer your question, to make them more people aggressive, keep the dog away from other people. Basically, make it YOUR dog. When you have company in your household, lock your dog up, and don't let the dog see them. Therefore, when they see other people they have never been around before they will most definitely warn them to leave.

Answer by Tj
I have a pitbull if you want your dog to be aggressive feed it raw meat so the blood can get to it and put hot sauce in it two and just watch you will see some differences in your dog
Answer by lo
A german shepherd across the alley alerted me to a window peeper before he ran off making noise. The dog barked at people near windows and fences and must have been trained. I have bo doubt that my half-pit would protect us if a stranger got in the home, especially if he sensed my fear. However, my tiny chihuahua heard intruders over at the neighbor's and barked his head off. My vote: german shepherd outside, a devoted pit inside along with an alert chihuahua.
- How can I make my pitbull dog bigger?
- What are the best pitbull bloodlines?
- How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers?
- How to Make my Doberman Pinscher Aggressive?
Answer by netbeagle
Your question is very frustrating. NO dog should be expected or willed to protect home or property. Most home robberies are armed and your dog would 99% percent of the time be killed. Is that what you want? And Pit Bulls are the last dogs you want guarding a house anyways, they would most likely help the robber move your TV into their car.
I get frustrated because I deal with people daily with your mindset who secure a Pit Bull based on all that they hear on the streets and in the media and when they see the true nature (sweet, intelligent, needy) of the dog, they discard them like trash and I have to jump in to save them, retrain them and find them a suitable loving home. And this is hard to find because Pit Bulls do not make good first dogs, it usually takes an experienced and previous dog owner to handle them.
Please, PLEASE look into other means of securing your home besides unfairly putting a dog into the position of protecting it for you.
Answer by ben
any dog will naturally protect you from other humans or animals as it is their natural instinct to protect their pack, as long as you love your dog and show them you love them they will protect you at all costs, I own a lab and she is lovely towards everyone but she can sense when there's a danger that's when she gets protective, so no dog needs to be trained they will pick it up naturally
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Lihodei says
To those who’d like a man aggressive pot bull, I recommend ether a bandog, bull herder or a presa canario…bandog traditionally is a bull and mastiff cross ,(I put a little cattle dog in as well), so in brasil a fila pit, in England a bull mastiff pit ect. Or some use the bull terrier or ambull…with what ever large mastiff tye dog you can aquire, dane Corso st Bernard ect., The bull herder uses a herding dog with the game dog …mal pit, gsd pit, or dutch or bueceron….make Shure the herder is a work line bred to bite men, use a high octane game dog not a pet bull…if you doubt this method check out igp/ ipo/ring ect. It has produced many many manstoppers. Or you could just go get a presa canario, fila, or ovcharka…it will kill them just as dead…the gun issue is made less of an issue if you run a pack, and if you have more than a half dozen dogs and have means to cut the lights in your house now it gets interesting….if you have forewarning id recommend fish hooks at face level random hing and many a few bear traps as well and then hide in a closet or on floor behind couch with your favorite fire arm…when you hear the screaming and struggling be it the hook or the dog or the trap …just fire twords the sound…..it beats just giving up anyway.
Samuel says
I raised pit bulls,my hold life, you can train your pit to do anything with no harm done..it’s in all pits bulls to be aggressive,so please stop with all the blaming people how they raised there dog lol some of you don’t know what you talking about ???
Dinuka says
I have a girl bully pit and a boy dachound. I don’t mind all my valuables are robbed but by leaving my boy and the girl and my family members unharmed!
She is aggressive but I wish if she would stay calm if my house is broken by armed robbers…
think wise!
Kimberly says
No one should ever judge if someone wants their dog to be their protector & home guard dog so they feel safe. If you show your Pitbulls have it in their dna to be protective. They are great dogs & behave perfect if you take your time to love & train them . My dog sleeps with me & she does a great dog protecting me cuddles with me all night she’s great. One day my mother was coming home from work & pushed the botton for the gate to open she parked inside & the gate was closing back up. My dog Dutchess ran out the gate trying to attack another dog.(my does not like other dogs) the man was acting stupid & just stood there my mother ran out the gate trying to stop her. The instant I heard my mother yelling no to her I hurried outside. the gate had closed & I needed the key to the gate to open the door side my bf went to get it while I was outside I immediately yelled at Dutchess saying No! Come here. She came to me . Then I told her sit & stay. She stayed while the dog & the man where still standing there the idiot man then started walking away my bf came back out with the keys & she came right back into the gate. You raise your dog & train them they will be great they listen perfectly don’t judge the dog breed.
bradlyn says
Snuggles 2414
My dog is not aggressive but will attack my friends try to get to close to me.
Black pit bull
Mr Harris says
It’s dumbass dog owners like Nicole that’s the reason Pitbulls are being banned. Nicole your dog is going to be confiscated or worse, like having a bullet between the eyes. Ijs
Dennis Chowanskyjr says
My Pitt will only growl when he’s in my Infiniti car. Otherwise no I love when he does that because people e more likely to not mess with u when outta ur car even because he growls & acts so vicious in it. I love it i want my dog my bodyguard !!! Anyone know y he is nice outside the car thou ? He will lick u to death outside
Miss Cellany says
Don’t make your pit bull aggressive please. There are enough aggressive dogs mauling people, we don’t need more.
Pits don’t tend to be human aggressive – many of them want attention from strangers and don’t see humans as threats or as prey. They’ll naturally defend you /your property from dogs and other animals but usually (unless you train them otherwise) won’t defend you / your property from strangers.
If you want a guard dog a gsd, doberman or rottweiler is a much better bet. These dogs are naturally protective and will naturally guard you / your property without needing training (the GSD that warned a poster above was likely not even trained to do that, gsd don’t like “suspicious” people and aren’t afraid to tell them to take a hike).
I’m training my gsd mix NOT to be protective / territorial and it’s really hard work (I wanted a “take it anywhere” kind of dog which she isn’t). Can definitely see she’s naturally inclined to protect and guard despite me not raising her that way (in fact, training the opposite).
Gail A. Passmore says
I think the agression of the dog all the depends upon the training we give the puupy in the begining.
Amber Butcher says
Pit Bull is the no.1 most dangerous dogs in the world. And very aggressive and best guard dog.
Black Pit Bull dog
ganjaguy3121 says
my APBT is a lil bitch towards ANYFUCKINGTHING however that raaw meat and hot sauce sounds intresting
Rachel Jackson says
A normal, healthy pit bull will not be aggressive towards a human and anyone who attempts to deliberately change that is not only sick but a danger to society, not to mention to your own household. This is why there are so many pit bull attacks in this country and as a pit bull owner myself, I’m sickened by much of what I’m reading here on this thread. I was attacked by a friend’s pit bull- completely unprovoked- and I’m lucky to still be alive.
Anouck says
I 100% agree with you. Pit bulls are by nature NOT people aggressive, and that’s part of why I love them. People like this, who deliberately want to make them mean, are the reason they have such an undeserved bad rep.
I don’t doubt my dog would protect me if he had to, but until that moment, he loves everybody he meets. And that’s part of what I love about pit bulls.
m jovan says
I raised a nice dog and it got stolen..I’ll make sure the next one bites whatever that fuck moves. He/she will have no human contact.. just wait till your nice cute cuddly dog is stolen and you feel the way I do…You’ll wanna raise an aggressive dog too..
Melissa says
I’m really concerned about the dumbass who feeds his dog raw meat with hot sauce. Really bro??
mantion says
Pits attack because they want to. there is no training that can or needs to be done. Any pit will attack any human when it feels like it, that said it isn’t aggression this is normal play for them, they enjoy it.
brandon the great says
you my friend are why our citizens are ignorant, stupid, slim minded, dumb. however you’d like to describe yourself. maybe you should be a news anchor to feed us some more ignorant facts. id attack you if i had a chance.
Pitt momma says
Mantion your an idiot
jose ` says
no u fuckn idiot u need to treat dogs like a human so the can be nice u fuck
educated8604 says
Most of the people here are just fucking morons especially bluebonnetgranny with this dumb ass comment
"If you have the dog trained to be a guard dog, personal protection, site dog or anything that causes aggression. It would be the same thing a you shooting the intruder & if the intruder wasn’t armed You would go to prison for attempted murder. A trained dog is as lethal as a gun."
While he may be right about the lethality the comment about going to jail is utter garbage. Its called a castle law, look it up, it gives you the right to shoot them dead no questions asked if they break into your home or property. And to be honest I came here looking for advice because I'm fear full my pit will be to nice to intruders as she is an inside only dog. So rather than spewing bile like a bunch or lack luster fools asking the guy why or only give advice that will actually help and guide them into the right direction to having a mediocre to great guard dog instead of flaming and acting a fool.
alex says
so like most of all idiots here say…u have a dog or a cat is tha same…..if i want a cat to play whit the robbers i take it…i want a dog…..not a cat….if u wish ur dog help the robbers to empty ur hause is ur problem…i want some one at my place who protect the home when i`m at work…so i got a pitbull….i didn`t take him i found him on a road….i hate pitbulls but because ive find him and he was small……like 2 mounts…i take it dont like the animal killed on road by cars….and also i got another dog….is not breed is crossing somefing whit somefing….i got my dogs to protect m place…if i am home let anybody come to robber me…i will bite them…i`m acctualy invite anyone come and robber me when i am home …im not afraid of no one…but if i am missing i`m at work i need some one protect my place and my woman!…
Dani G says
What the hell? Pit bulls were not bred to attack or be mean to humans. And to all you friggin morons on here, they make excellent guard dogs. They have no fears. My pit bull guards my door every night when I go to bed. German Shepherds have earned the rep of being good guard dogs a long time ago, so now everytime someone seems one they're afraid, but they're chicken these days. No good breeders from german lines. Pits are the best guard dogs, that might be why I have 3 of them in my room at night. I fostered a german shepherd and it was the most neurotic thing on this earth. I had it from 4 months old to a year.
POINT BEING, you're an a**hole. Like everyone said, get an alarm system or a talking parrot at your door. That'll wake you up when someone comes in. Don't train a pit bull to be aggressive or you'll have it taken away and put down.
bluebonnetgranny says
A pit won't cut it. They do not make good guard dogs. Watch dogs yes but not guard dogs. Big difference.
I tried to train 3 pits as guard dogs & all three failed BIG TIME. & the last thing you need is an aggressive pit.
I hope the ban just spreads & spreads & spreads. People like you are the ones who give the pit a bad rap.
If you have the dog trained to be a guard dog, personal protection, site dog or anything that causes aggression. It would be the same thing a you shooting the intruder & if the intruder wasn't armed You would go to prison for attempted murder. A trained dog is as lethal as a gun. Your insurance will go up, you have to have a permit to house a trained dog. you have to get inspections on a 6 month to a year basis. Proving that you have your yard dog proofed so that there is not way he can get out.
Lots of money spent on training $ 3,000 to $ 15,000 just for training. license & permits, dog proofing the yard. This is going to cost you bunches & bunches of money.
Bookworm says
Pit bulls are extremely protective as it is and highly sensitive to human emotions.
NEVER EVER TRAIN A DOG TO BE HUMAN AGGRESSIVE THAT IS HOW YOU END UP GETTING YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY KILLED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when you train your dog to be aggressive you are training it to hate people so there is no guarantee on who will be attacked and who will not.
What you want is a dog that is PROTECTIVE not AGGRESSIVE
"The American Pit Bull Terrier is a good-natured, amusing, extremely loyal and affectionate family pet, which is good with children and adults. Almost always obedient, it is always eager to please its master. It is an extremely courageous and intelligent guard dog that is very full of vitality. Highly protective of his owners and the owner's property, it will fight an enemy to the death. It is usually very friendly, but has an uncanny ability to know when it needs to protect and when everything is okay"
DeeDawg says
all APBT that show human aggression must be euthanized.
they are not a guardian breed, they are a catch dog and sport breed.
anyone who believes they should be any different is adding to the problems which have caused BSL to go into effect.
thanks, idiot(s).
Love is a GSD says
Pit bulls make horrible guard dogs. Check their breed standard some time. Very stranger friendly, as they were bred to fight other animals, NOT GUARD. Human aggression was very unwanted in the breed as the handlers, obviously, need complete control of their dog in the ring. So, your pit bull may guard against the random stray dog, but that's about it.
If you want a loving family companion, get a dog. If you want an alarm system, call an alarm service/company.
UKC Breed standard for the APBT
The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. Because most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog. The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.
EDIT: PLEASE, people, don't tell this idiot to get a german shepherd!!! Poor german shepherd…. :(
Chaoscleaner says
Shhh…quiet….Troll at work.
lauren e says
APBTs are the most human friendly dog there is. They are used by stupid, ignorant monsters for dog fighting because they have no fear and want to please their owner. These dogs love people and an altered dog does very well in a family.
Any dog will protect its environment if it feels threatened.
Why don't you grow some balls and protect your own house? Just a thought.
bakky789 says
don't get a pit bull if you want a guard dog. there are far better big scary strong guard dogs out there that are more naturally protective than a pit bull. you'd be better off going with a Rottweiler. they should naturally bark at strangers. when your dog does this reward him and ;thank' him for what hes doing. dobermans are the 2nd best guard dogs out there, they are more light weight than a pit bull or rottweilers but would still be aggressive towards people threatening your home and if i saw a doberman growling at me through a window i would get the heck out of there as would most people. German Shepard's are also great guard dogs. bottom line, don't get a pit bull they suffer from enough discrimination about being aggressive when really they arn't naturally aggressive.
Marina says
Because of the breed the pitbulls are,
they are born for fighting. You cannot
just teach him to be mean to certain
people, because he's a dog, how would
he know the difference. Bascically the
outcome of you trying to do this would be
a really hurt person who is innocent and
you being charged, and your dog being put
well pitbulls are horrible guard dogs, try a german shepherd or a boxer. u have to consult a pro about this….they say its good to train a dog to do this because most dogs dont know what to do in these situations.
you guys grow up, he said on command! geesh, this is a good thing. bad breed choice though.
Wolf Femme - Account says
Good evening troll.
Have you thought of an alarm system?
They have pretty nice ones for a cheap amount of money at your local Wally World. =]
imgita says
no, if you try to make your dog aggressive to some people, but not others, he will probably end up attacking all people, whether you want it to or not.
Kayla Doberman says
pit bulls have been bred to be DOG/ANIMAL aggressive NOT human aggressive. If you're so worried about your safety then get a gun or a dog that has been trained properly in personal protection
just another dog lov says
you dog will become agressive to ANYONE not just a burgular. Most dogs will bark when they hear someone anyway. STOP GIVING APBT A BAD NAME
la buena bruja says
You shouldn't get a dog. You sound like a troll. Invest in an alarm system instead.
BJB says
not really, and to do so would be very irresponsible. Most dogs will raise the alarm and even be quite aggressive if a stranger enters the house without you, and I'm sure a pit bull would instinctively be a great guard dog in these circumstances.
However, training any breed – let alone a pit bull – to be more aggressive than it naturally is, is just storing up trouble for you and your family.
Laura says
The only way you can make them aggressive towards people is by getting strangers to come into your house, beat your dog and then leave again. I don't think many people would be willing to do that!
A dog will naturally defend it's home should it be broken in to. I have a labrador, she is so calm and sweet around my family but if someone comes into the house when we aren't there she'll get reeaally fierce, growl, all of the hair on the back of her neck stands up and she gets ready to attack..imagine what your pitbull would do!
*Future Puppy Owner* says
If you want a gaurd dog get a german shepherd, here is why: they can sence if the person that is on their property is good or bad.Good Luck!
Launi *BYGrs* AR 15 says
I don't know where to start with you. I think I'll start at the bottom.
Anyone who purposely trains a bully dog (pit bulls etc) to be human aggressive in order to 'protect' their home and themselves is completely responsible for owning a deadly weapon without a license.
You do NOT ever ever want to even TRY to make a BULLY DOG/PIT BULL human aggressive.
If you MANAGE to do that (which is highly unlikely) you will be creating a killing machine.
Therefore, you should be euthanized.
BYB's breed not says
pitbulls should NEVER be human aggressive. Pits are actually poor guard dogs. Any pit that displays aggression towards a human should be destroyed, as that is NOT the appropriate temperment for the breed.
There is also a difference between aggression and protective.. if you dont know the difference, you've no buisiness owning or training a dog. Having a dog that is aggressive towards people is a good way to end up being sued, and having the dog taken away and destroyed.
Akitas are Bomb says
A dog should never be train to be aggressive toward people! Piont blank and end of story! You are asking for problems! A pit bull will normally protect the house there is no need to train it to be mean. Why do you think they have such a bad rep. Because of people who want to do what you want to do. Please just love the dog and it will be protective all on its own
Element says
UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH UGH!!!!!!! Your question is stupid. training a dog to be mean to people can end up VERY badly!!! What happens if the dog gets out and because he hates people hurts someone!!!!!!! Pit bulls are Natural one person or a couple people dogs, they fall in love with there family and will do almost anything for them so most likely if someone broke in the dog would protect you at all costs anyway no need for training.
suzi-q says
No don't.
Rayven~Summer Troll says
You're an idiot you know that. This breed is NOT meant to be human aggressive. You cannot guarantee who the dog will and will not bite. Don't get any dogs and don't reproduce either.
LacieM says
No you cannot. I highly suggest you do not make your dog human aggressive. This is by far one of the most idiotic questions today. If a child happens to come to your house your dog will attack it. What you should do is socialize your pit with other people and dogs as much as you can.
There are so many fatal stories where people and kids are killed by pits with owners like you.
Krocks pitbull inc.. says
Pitbulls are very good guard dogs when it comes too people harming your family or it's owner very loyal too its pack' and u r its pack believe it or not' Other then that they are very friendly! They dont- Usally have human aggresstion unless trained too b' For exsample if u and your dog is hanging out in the front yard and some one comes by your pitbull may stare at them' but if they started yelling and coming towards you they will b there too protect' More then likely the person coming by you see's the pitbull they will go else where any ways' If u have a dog and u two r close and some danger comes your way u r ok' My bluenose pitbull is 1 year and 3-months old he usally gets along with other dogs as long as they r just chill them-selves' if they jump at him he may attack' If they r aggressive at the start he is also' Like i said he gets along with other dogs we bring him too petsmart and never have any issues! But one day i was walking my pitbull and this big lab/pitbull came running out at me and my pitbull stoped growled snareled and barked lous as ever and the other dog stoped and just stared at us' Now when we walk by that dog sits there and does nothing' when at first he was coming out too attack himself' But knos i have my big body-guard with me' my pit loves everyone but one day i was walking down the road and this person came from behind me on a bike a stranger i didnt even see the guy coming we were just walking along my pit swung around and launched at the guy on the bike he almost fell off his bike' If the guy walked up too us he would have been fine! Just alil of my exsperience and opinion and i have owned pitbulls since i was 5 iam 35 now
Krocks pitbull inc.. says
Also my pitbull loves people if u knock on my door he is right there too answer it and he is on guard u can just tell' soons the door opens he peeks around too see who it is' If its family or his friends hes ok if its a stranger and the stranger is calm hes ok just wants too b pet' If the person is hyper,loud,acting weird he gets mean' People can reach in my jeep and pet him but if u come up crazy he gets crazy' i was at a dentist appointment next too a heroin/methadone clinic and this guy comes over too my jeep and hes all loud askin for directions and my pit barked at him like quite down' Then the guy reached in and goes shut-up imy dog almost ripped his arm off' then i got out like dont talk too my dog like that and the guy took-off weird situation………….Just sayin! They r protective not guard dogs…
alexis88883 says
teach a dog to be aggressive to one person they can turn and be aggressive to all people. Not a good idea.