Q: What are some suggestions for making a pit bull more human-aggressive?
I am looking to have a pit bull that will be aggressive toward anyone should my home ever be broken into... I know people say pit bulls are the best for fighting so I would like to have one as a guard-type dog, can I train them to be nice to my family who may come over but mean towards other people?
Answers and Views:
Answer by laughing; the pup is growing up!
Sorry, pit bulls are dog aggressive, not human-aggressive.
Photo Credit: Hugo Quintero/Flickr CC
Answer by Nicole
It's all about how you raise them. I love pits &' Have been around them since I was a baby. The pit I have now is aggressive to other people but not my household and that's how we raised her. I'm getting another pit puppy soon and will raise it the same way. My dogs are good dogs but if you act scared they will play with you, BAD! So pits can be made to be people-aggressive and dog aggressive.
My dogs are backward, they are not dog-aggressive but people-aggressive. People can judge, and that's fine but they're my dogs. Don't try anything stupid if you don't wanna get bit. Pitbulls are good dogs. Just have to raise them the right way.
To answer your question, to make them more people aggressive, keep the dog away from other people. Basically, make it YOUR dog. When you have company in your household, lock your dog up, and don't let the dog see them. Therefore, when they see other people they have never been around before they will most definitely warn them to leave.
Answer by Tj
I have a pitbull if you want your dog to be aggressive feed it raw meat so the blood can get to it and put hot sauce in it two and just watch you will see some differences in your dog
Answer by lo
A german shepherd across the alley alerted me to a window peeper before he ran off making noise. The dog barked at people near windows and fences and must have been trained. I have bo doubt that my half-pit would protect us if a stranger got in the home, especially if he sensed my fear. However, my tiny chihuahua heard intruders over at the neighbor's and barked his head off. My vote: german shepherd outside, a devoted pit inside along with an alert chihuahua.
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Answer by netbeagle
Your question is very frustrating. NO dog should be expected or willed to protect home or property. Most home robberies are armed and your dog would 99% percent of the time be killed. Is that what you want? And Pit Bulls are the last dogs you want guarding a house anyways, they would most likely help the robber move your TV into their car.
I get frustrated because I deal with people daily with your mindset who secure a Pit Bull based on all that they hear on the streets and in the media and when they see the true nature (sweet, intelligent, needy) of the dog, they discard them like trash and I have to jump in to save them, retrain them and find them a suitable loving home. And this is hard to find because Pit Bulls do not make good first dogs, it usually takes an experienced and previous dog owner to handle them.
Please, PLEASE look into other means of securing your home besides unfairly putting a dog into the position of protecting it for you.
Answer by ben
any dog will naturally protect you from other humans or animals as it is their natural instinct to protect their pack, as long as you love your dog and show them you love them they will protect you at all costs, I own a lab and she is lovely towards everyone but she can sense when there's a danger that's when she gets protective, so no dog needs to be trained they will pick it up naturally
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