caliam34: How do I keep my puppy from going to the bathroom in her crate.?
My 8-week old puppy is eliminating in her crate. Due to work, I have to keep her crated for up to 4hrs. I am trying to mat train her, but am having very minimal success. It seems as though she prefers going in her crate than on the mat. Any mat training advice? Especially for those who work during the day. Thanks.
Photo Credit: BarelyFitz/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by wuuzle
Are you sure the crate isn't too big?
Answer by Chakra
4 hrs is a long time to keep the puppy in the crate. You might want to get someone to dogsit your puppy. Also, how big is the crate? If you could, adjust the size of the crate smaller (enough for her to sleep on and not walking around). Dogs usually will not pee or poo on their bed place. But don't keep him there too long, they can't hold it. Also, instead of mat training (it's a big no no from pro dog trainers), take her outside, at one spot, to do it. Choose a specific time to take her out so that she will be trained to go at certain hours. Every time she makes a mess in the house, point your fingers at her and say 'bad dog!', then, take her outside at that spot and be patient. She'll soon get the idea, that she cannot do it inside. Once she's done her business outside, praise her and give her lots of pats on the head, saying 'good girl', and reward her with her fav treat.
Answer by T brown
I also work during the day and have to leave my dog inside. When he was smaller I had the same problem. The first thing you must do is eliminate the smell from the create. Resolve pet stain remover is the best commercial product I found or lemon juice works well too. Remember that just because you can't smell it doesn't mean she can't.
Second, remember that a puppy can only hold it their age in months plus one hour. So a two-month-old puppy can hold it for 3 hours, a 4-month-old puppy for 5, a 5-month-old for 6, etc. Most of your problem will go away when she can hold it long enough for you to get home and let her out of the create.
Also putting a blanket or towel over the create encourages them to rest while you are gone and can by a little time.
As far as mat training goes, Bear (my dog) took about 5 months to understand. It wa like a light came on one day and he hasn't had any problems since then. One trick I thought helped was that during this stage a dirty mat that smells of his unirnation is available him encourages them to find that place. When I thought he was getting the idea I would put a clean one over a dirty one so the smell was still there but he got the idea of the mat. Then I moved to just clean ones. It seemed to help.
Good Luck
Answer by bambis_revenge
DO NOT CRATE THE DOG. DO NOT… DO NOT…If you do not have the time to spend with your puppy, you have no business having one. You are creating tons of problems by crating your puppy. You need to understand canines and that they are PACK animals. They do not do weel psychologically if they are crated AND left alone for long periods of time.
PEOPLE WHO CRATE THEIR DOGS OUGHT TO TRY IT SOMETIME. CLIMB INSIDE FOR 4-8 HOURS, THEN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND. Didn't realize there were so many clueless people out there.
Answer by Brian in reply to bambis_revenge
Don't be ridiculous! Every dog trainer I have ever spoken with or whose book I have read has no issue with crate training as long as it's done right. Sure they need alot of work in the beginning and @ibbibud a crate should never be used as a form of punishment. If it is then when you need them to go in for GOOD reasons then they think they are being punished! A crate is a good way to aid your puppy in training. If not then they would simply roam free in your home doing their business everywhere anytime your away.
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