Sat: How to take care of a Basset Hound when they are pregnant?
I think my female basset is pregnant. What should I do?
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Answer by PawPrintz
Good quality food, and proper vet care.
Photo Credit: csolingsmith from Pixabay
Answer by bassetnut
First, discuss this with your vet and confirm whether she is pregnant or not. Consider the possibility of spaying her immediately, which would be both cheaper for you and safer for her than allowing her to have the puppies.
Then make sure she is eating a high-quality diet. She should get normal exercise. Get your whelping box ready and have your whelping kit assembled. Make sure you have lots of money put aside for emergencies, food, puppy shots, etc. Arrange for time off work unless you have someone to cover for you.
About a week to 10 days before her due date, start taking her temperature twice a day. When there is a substantial drop, you can usually expect puppies within 24 hours. Notify your vet, so that they can be ready if there is an emergency. Bassets are prone to uterine inertia, plus they often need c-sections. DO NOT leave your basset alone when puppies are imminent.
Once she has had the puppies she needs to be supervised 24/7 for the first 2-3 weeks, as bassets will often lie on their puppies and suffocate them. It only takes minutes for this to happen.
Learn the basics of whelping.
There is lots more to know, please do as much research as you can well in advance so you are prepared. If possible, try to find someone who has the whelping experience to be with you.
Answer by Val
Taking care of a pregnant basset hound dog is not too different from taking care of adult dogs. They usually need more food and water during pregnancy; they may also require more frequent veterinary checkups.
The best way to do all the necessary things is to be prepared.
Answer by emoore
Pregnancy care normally depends on the behavior or personality of the dog. Some dog breeders prefer to put their dog on a special diet… such as meat diets, a fruit and veggie diet, etc.
It's a good idea to have the vet on speed dial too, just in case something comes up.
Also, it may be a good idea to set up a little puppy play place in a corner of the house. Make sure there is a lot of newspaper, water, and toys. Also, puppies are very adventurous so it's a good idea to get down to a puppy's height and look around at all the stuff that they could get to. Such as cables, loose wires, bug spray cabinets, etc.
You could also pick where the birth of the puppies will be… the house or the vets? If the house, you need to learn proper care on how to help the mother with the birth. Like pumping air into the puppy, drying it with a towel, or cutting the umbilical cord.
Rumble Video: While walking, this loud Basset Hound decided to "sing" along to the ambulance sirens, and this video is absolutely hilarious!
Answer by Meagan J
My Basset just had a set of puppies and she definitely didn't want her belly touched during the pregnancy. She wasn't aggressive or anything, she'd just shy away if you tried to touch it. She was just trying to protect the babies.
Answer by Iggy
Pick her up and take her to the vet, only your vet will be able to tell ya...
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Answer by Antoine M.
Pregnant basset hounds are at risk for some health complications. A pregnant basset can experience a variety of symptoms including gestational diabetes, toxemia, or pyometra. These symptoms often go undetected in the mother because the dog is unable to communicate with her owner.
Basset hounds can also experience hypoglycemia, which is when they have too little sugar in their blood. It's important for owners to be attentive to their basset’s energy level. They can provide food and water when necessary and offer treats so that they don't get low on glucose again.
Answer by mary
When our basset hound is pregnant, it’s time to make some changes...
Basset hounds are known for their huge appetite. When they are pregnant, their appetite grows even more. And because of that, she may end up gaining more weight than she should. So the first thing to do is control her diet and monitor her weight gain.
Answer by Marina
Fantastic! Now take your pregnant basset to the vet. Get out your wallet, cause you're in for a long and bumpy ride!
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