Kiersten1218: How old should my Newfoundland be to breed?
I was wondering what's a good age that a Newfoundland male be old to breed. What would happen if I bred to a female of age when he was only 9 months old?
Thank you for your answers. I'm not actually going to breed my dog, I was just wondering what would happen if I did at this age. Sorry to make your lives miserable.
Thanks for the help. I'll definately get around to doing that. Right now he's a good and healthy pup :)
Photo Credit: Wanna Be Creative/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by ♥ Beardies
2 years old is the minimum because dog's can't be OFA certified until age 2. Any younger and you'd just be irresponsible. Genetic disease runs rampant in dogs, you should be testing for common ailments as well as trying to earn titles on your dogs. Pets are not breeding quality, you should only be breeding a dog who has something to offer to his breed.
Answer by Stacy S
First of all, you should not breed your dog unless he is of good quality and has had all of his testing done for health problems. Some males do not even produce quality semen at that age. Furthermore, you can not test his hips or anything at that age. You need to look into the healthy tests that are required for his breed. If your dog is carrying a disease that you dont know about or can not see and he breeds and the puppies have the problem, you will be financially liable for those puppies and the losses of the new owners. Be responsible and do your homework to make sure he is good and sound before you accidently breed a bunch of broken dogs that you have to pay for later.
Answer by Jennifer w
At 9 months old he is too immature. As a giant breed a newfie matures much slower than a smaller breed. He should be sexually mature around 18 to 24 months. You can have some of his testing done before then, but his OFA's have to wait until he's 2. You can get a prelim done earlier, but many newfs have trouble with anesthesia and unless you have to, this is unnecessary. Until then, you can work on his titles.
Answer by clarity
Please don't breed your dog just because you can. There are so many unwanted puppies, and adding to that is not something you should do. Unless there is something phenomenal your dog can add to the Newfie breed, please have him neutered.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
MyThoughts says
Okay, so this person asked the question wrong. I guess I am the only one reading it correctly. The question asked was when is a young males seamen able to reproduce. Also if an accident were to occur would the pups be okay and healthy. Not that they wanted to breed, but just incase there was an unforseen accident.
Dora says
Normally, they should be capable to breed by 9 months but you shouldn’t do it because the puppy is still growing, and it’s really bad for them to start breeding before they become adult.
Samantha says
I am trying to make sure mine don’t have any accidents .. before he is old enough to neuter … so if dumb question I apologize .. but how YOUNG are they capable of breeding with a female in heat?
Dee says
I agree with Mike above. A whole lot of entitled breeders giving you mostly helpful information, but certainly in a condescending way. Too bad we can’t tell them to not have kids because they do not have anything “phenomenal” to offer our breed…
mike says
Nice to see so many breeders with nice helpful info for you obvious not happy somebody else might want to have a litter taking money out of there pocket,
Sound Bay Newfoundla says
A good age is after he is 2 and has completed his Championship and passed all necessary health checks. Physically your 9 mo old is capable of breeding so keep him separated from your female if you have one.
Samantha says
I am trying to make sure mine don’t have any accidents .. before he is old enough to neuter … so if dumb question I apologize .. but how YOUNG are they capable of breeding with a female in heat?
(Mutt Master) R.I.P. says
Please wait until your dog is 99 years old. You should never ever breed your dog. Well, you can, I guess.
Yes, if: Your dog is healthy and certified (OFA, CERF) to be free of genetic disease and came from parents and grandparents who were certified.
Your dog fits the standard (a word picture describing the perfect Bichon) well enough to be awarded points at a dog show under respected judges
Your dog has a stable temperament, meaning not shy as well as not aggressive
Your dog has at least four titled dogs (conformation. obedience, tracking, agility, etc.) in the last three generations
You have a minimum of a five-generation pedigree on your dog and are aware of any health problems in those five generations
You are prepared to meet the costs of veterinary care for the mother prior to and after birth and to care for the puppies, including veterinary care, for at least 10 weeks (or longer if you cannot find suitable homes for them). This includes preliminary house training and the first two sets of shots, early grooming and coat care and early teething
No, if: You do not have room for pups and mother to be in a quiet indoor place during and after birth
You do not have finances to prepare for emergency care that may arise prior to or during birth or with the puppies in the critical weeks after they are born
You have no information on the health of previous generations. This applies to the father of the puppies as well as the mother
Especially not if you are doing this to teach children about birth. Birth is bloody, messy and may include dead or dying puppies if you do not know how to assist the mother in whelping her puppies and you must be present during whelping!
You should be aware that most breeders who provide the proper care find they often lose money instead of making money. If they are lucky, they may break even. If they are unlucky, they may not only lose money but may also lose a beloved pet when they find too late that she was not a good breeding prospect
Breeding should be done to improve the breed and this can only be done by being completely knowledgeable about the breed and about your particular pet. Be sure that your motives are the right ones. We encourage neutering and spaying for the health of your pet and for the breed. Did you know that neutered animals live longer and are more likely to be free of cancer and other life-threatening
jesska101amp says
Leave her alone she doesn't want to give birth to puppies that will probably end up in a shelter!
Ms. Obvious says
Neuter your dog, because if you have to ask this question at all you have no business breeding.
Ceasars Mom says
unless your dog holds title and has had all appropriate health and genetic testing, they should not be bred at all.