Q: How old a lab puppy has to be to start training for duck hunting?
My husband and I just bought a chocolate lab puppy he is five weeks old now and we are into duck hunting and want to teach him to retrieve but we haven't tried to train a duck dog yet any information you might have would be very helpful thanks :)
Photo Credit: bgautrea/Flickr CC
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Answer by samiah lowe
I started at 7 to 9 months old but between now and when your puppy is that old you can work on obediance and call back get a book Water Dog: Revolutionary Rapid Training Method
it will help
Answer by Smuag
I have several bits of information for you. First of all, return your lab to wherever you got it from. It is illegal to sell a dog when it is under the age of eight weeks old- and for a good reason. The dog learns valuable social skills and behaviors while it is with its litter mates and mother.
Second, there is no set age for official training for duck hunting because it is done in stages. At eight weeks old, you need to start conditioning the dog to see the water as a GOOD thing. Get a kiddie pool and let the puppy play, giving lots of praise and treats when he does. If you will be using a boat, he also needs to start going on boat rides with you to get used to the motion. Basic training comes first, so start by teaching him sit, stay, down, and his name.
After that, I've never seen the training done for getting them to retrieve the ducks themselves- in my area, they usually go to a specialized trainer to learn the commands they need.
Answer by Blue Bel
5 Weeks old is very young for a puppy to leave his mother. Owning a puppy that is too young can be illegal in some places.
There is no answer to this question. A Lab can start duck hunting at any age, however, get your pup's shots first. Some Lab breeders start bird hunting training when puppies are about 7 weeks old. The breeder usually lets the puppies get used to the feathers.
To start the training, get your dog used to water. I would recommend buying him a small kiddie pool and let him interact with it. Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot! Then get a duck and let your dog smell it and let him fetch it. I believe there is a pre-scented fake ducks that have a duck scent to put on your rug to start training. Good luck!
Answer by NLM
I would think you could introduce him to a dummy early but I would wait until he is several months old and past the fear stage before considering taking him to water or introducing him to the gun. In the meantime,work on the basics of obedience.
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