LaVita Harju: How much can I sell my Pit Bull puppies for if they are not registered?
The mom and dad are both full blood American Pit Bull Terriers but they have no papers. I don't know what price to ask for these pups when they are old enough to sell. I will be providing first shots/exams for the pups.
Photo Credit: MrVJTod/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by honey
$50 or $100. Without papers hell naw 300. -800. It is the pitbull price where I'm from.
Answer by Katrina
In my area pitbulls with no papers go for 600-1000, I got lucky and got a discount for buying two (1 for the in laws) so paid 400 each, and 250 for my mix, which is cheap.
Lately mixes in my area are going for 400+
I'll be breeding 1 litter, after that everyone's getting fixed, and ill be charging approx 600 a puppy. The added up cost of the litter base price, will be about 2.5k. they will have 2 rounds of shots, and go home with a puppy package, both parents have been dnaed tested and genetic tested, and I feed premium food.
There's lots that factor in what the cost should be :)
Answer by Mr Harris
Unregistered Purebred APBTs are only sold to novices who don’t know what they’re really looking for. Unless you are an experienced dogman & dealing with another experienced dogman & know-how that man’s dogs are bred, is it ok to sell non-stop APBTs. JMO
Answer by Ace Ellsworth
People are stupid. How is anyone going to tell me what my pups are worth? You don’t tell me what to sell my used car for. Give me what I want or get to steppin. Pits are a great family dog. Have a girl that’s a prego now. I don't need someone to tell me my dog is a purebred. Mine will go for $150 to $1000. It depends on at what age they get them and how much work I have to put into them……. Oh, and for the right people, I would give them the dog….
My price is about who buys the dog. Make someone pay $500 and they sure as shit won’t fight it, kill it, or abuse it….. You sell a dog for $50 and that’s what the dog is worth. The dogs worth who you sell it to. Don’t care what kind of dog it is…. Papers don’t mean anything.
Answer by Ulric Rhodes
I own 2 blues and they are the best pets I have had for my kids to be around. The breed as a whole has been given a bad rap for years, but, quiet as kept, they are the original “nanny” dogs. It’s in the dog's nature to be a caring, outgoing, kid loving, family pet. I sold my last litter for $200 per pup and she had 10 pups. In February she is going to breed again. The pups might go for a little more this time. My time, energy and money dictate the price as well as the parents of the litter. That’s my opinion. Be safe people.
Answer by KaD
Every year two-thirds of the nearly MILLION pit bulls that are euthanized yearly are OWNER surrendered, and probably not because they're 'such great dogs'. Why aren't the people who claim to love this breed screaming for the most common form of BSL, mandatory spay and neuter?
Answer by catanne
Yes in shelters Pitts are killed (as adults). Most Pit Bulls are killed because they were received as adults and yes, an adult Pitt is a risk to buy and have no emotional ties and devotion to any new owner. So there are chances for fearful reactions to any new owner. This is why a PB is best sought after as a puppy and raised. A PB is much like a human being. You raise ‘em right and get a well socialized productive human being, or you abuse and neglect the human being and watch them grow up to commit acts that bring anguish to anyone around.
No one usually adopts an adult human being or a teenager who has been drug through the filth with no guidance and protection from love. Usually, a baby with a clean slate is adopted, so your point is crude and unrealistic. Yes, your point is a point of view, but narrow. Any pet is most desirable as a pup. 150.00 to 250.00 for an unregistered pit bull puppy is a good price if the bloodline is known and trusted without papers. With papers, on a deal, 400.00 to 450.00 is a common price.
- Pit Bull Terrier dog questions and answers
- How much can I sell purebred no papers Pittbull puppies for?
- How can I make my pitbull dog bigger?
Answer by Kidd emcee
My boxer/pit puppies, unregistered, without shots sold for $250 each, and $500 for my last male (I only had 2 males in a litter of 10). I was honest with the buyers about EVERYTHING and since I couldn't afford to get all 10 puppies their shots, I NEVER let them outside (couldn't chance them getting Parvo). Ppl respected how I cared for them and the only reason I charged $250 was to recoup my's expensive af taking care of twelve dogs!!!
People will pay for what they want. Don't take less than you're comfortable with. No one in my city wanted one but I listed the pups on Craigslist and ppl from all over came to get the puppies! The person who paid $500 also drove 6 hours to get the pup...Ijs. $250 sounds like a lot, but you're selling a living breathing animal that should live at least ten years...
Answer by Pitlover
Wow, you people are hating on a person who clearly loves their dog! You want to hate on pit owners! Screw you man. How about the labs and aggressive Labradoodles. They are the most overbred dogs there are. I’m the proud owner of two pits, both from champion lines. Nothing wrong with breeding your dog. Just do it responsibly, and don’t use your dog as a cash crop. Selective breeding to ensure the breed is kept strong is a good thing. You have to treat adopting your pits like adopting out kids. Interview the prospective adopter, or buyer, whatever you want to call them.
I have interviewed every single person who has gotten a dog for me and I have their names and numbers still. I never get anyone to get a pup if I don’t like them! Also if my dogs don’t like em there’s something wrong with that person. Pits are the best dogs period for a family. You just have to train them right, like any dog. I don’t see you people ragging on the people who own lab kennels, or golden retrievers, or German shepherds. I would trust a pit over all these breeds.
Advice to you on price, start out at 200, that will weed out people who can’t afford to feed a pit properly, or to buy a kennel. Don’t “adopt” to anyone you get a bad feeling about. Not one of my dogs has ever been in a pound or abandoned.make sure the home they are going to is the best possible.
Answer by whatchuknowboutdat
I have a man in my area who sells his unregistered pit bull puppies for $ 100 but some people may sell for more $ $ $ ...
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Katrina says
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Shawn says
Pitbulls are best dog in the world, I’ll argue that with anyone. As far as price, I actually have pups on the way. Mother is blue/white, dad is white/brown with light brindle. Gonna ask around 200, as much as 300 for any blues if I get any. I am from a poor rural area, so I would say price depends where you live, and only you know what they are worth. I dont care what anyone thinks of me or my price. I know I have great dogs!! Good luck buddy!
LaVita Harju says
Thank you all for answering my question about selling pit bull pups without papers. I noticed where one of you commented that adult pitbulls don’t bond to a new owner. I have to disagree. My daughter was given a female and it took about a month but follows my daughter everywhere as well as go on rides with me, lays on the couch with me etc. I heard horrible things about pitbulls all my life but I think it is the people that make them mean. I heard dobermans and german Shepard a as well as chows are bad naturally. Is this true?;
RussianDog says
Thank you for your response. There are no “bad” dog breeds, everything depends on the people, their owners. All the dogs were bred by the people for certain purposes – one to guard flocks against predators, another to be a lapdog. Misusing them by mean or just inexperienced owners may lead to trouble both for people and innocent dogs.
Julie says
I had a chow dog n it turned mean gave it to a older couple with no kids. I only asked the price of a American pit terrier mixed with a Staffordshire terrier. I won’t give my puppy up but think I got screwed over. In my price was included all vaccinated n delivery price I ended up paying 1200 n only 2 sets of shots n I drove 4 hours down to pick him up n 4 hours back he suppose to be registered through NAPR but my vet said that’s a bogus place. I’ve trained my puppy to ring his door bell to go out, he done that within 3 days of having him, taught him to sit n stay then ok u can go, he speaks now n I’m teaching him to bark I love you, he wasn’t crate trained nor ever walked on a leash n does good with both. In fact he goes to bed 8 to 10 pm n sleeps until 4:30am n doesn’t have a accident. Best puppy in the world. I just paid for a plain from the vet n along with pet insurance. Took him to the vet n got a microchip in him n physical n he’s gained 4 pounds 6 ounces in a week. The vet said he’s been a vet for 25 plus years n never seen a well mannered not hyper puppy at 11 weeks old. I’m training him well. I’m just saying I wish some sellers wouldn’t take some people for granted. I also was told I couldn’t change my puppies name well I bought him he’s mine, I pay for his bills n food n anything else he needs so why can’t I change his name. I also cut his nails, gave him a bath, brushed him n I brush his teeth with no problem. Love my pit mix so much n I’m glad to be his mommy
Faith says
I am selling a full red nose pit for $800 dollars please contact me if ur intrested
melissa says
how much should i ask for my unregistered but of good blood line on both sides my blue pit bull puppies…….4 girls 2 boys
Shannon says
Can anyone provide a registry for pitbulls that is legitimate and nationally recognized, that can verify bloodlines??
Tiffany says
I have blue fawn puppies that were born 420 at for twenty I have pictures of mom and dad but no papers I live in Oklahoma anyone no what I can sell them for she only had 2 they are beautiful
Ulric Rhodes says
I sell mine for 350-400 depending on the markings and sex. Females always sell for more$$$. As they are the breeders..
cdgky says
Pits are amazing alot of kennels sell more money but there champion bloodlines there amazing lot of ppl use for weight pull I’m going to get another one eventually female are ready at two don’t breed sooner they sell
Ulric Rhodes says
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Galr says
Does your price include shots or vet visit?
Mr Harris says
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Mr Harris says
Charmaine Mcmillian says
I have an adult female that i saved off the street not even knowing how she was with kids I have four kids and since I’ve had her she has been a great dog. And she is a pit bull.
RussianDog says
Congratulations with your dog! All the best to you and your big family!
Mitzi Aikins says
I have a blue pit for sale 6wks $250 shots updated with paperwork. If interested please respond back immediately.
Amanda roush says
I have a 1 week old pit bull puppy her mother was killed in a dog fight. I can sell her 690 miles away right now for 650$ she’s cute but I don’t know what kind of pits the parents are. My truck broke down and now I can’t get her to the people. If anyone is interested in pics let me know.
Preston says
I have a boy blue nose bully ? head for 100$email me if you would like him in your home
CECI says
My Bully is gonna have pups soon and want to know how much I can sell her pups for Both parents are Bullies but not registered. ….
Crystal says
I have two female pitbulls these are are the last two I have no longer going to breed Sky is pure pit she’s 8 months and Gia is 5 months she’s a pit and lab both house broken great with other pets and amazing with kids hit me up if you know anyone that’s interested lake worth FL area 561-909-5343
Annette Sterling says
I got a pit bull brindal american i can not take care of my dog. so i rather sell her to someone who can i want 250.00 for her she is a puppy about 10-12 weeks. can someone help.
Jonathan says
Yes I have a male Tri color bully and I’m now seeking for a female pit bull…
Xavius Young says
My American pit just recently had pit puppies. Her first litter she had 13. The father is a red nose pitbull. He is apart of the family . I wouldn’t trade him for any dog in the world. My female is all white. Beautiful puppies !! If you are interested call me! I will give you my number!
Al says
I heve 2 females pitbull one red the blue Thiere puppies I’m asking 500 for both call me if your untested 678-485-3323
Lana Truss says
How much blue pit. I wanted 150.00 for blue pit where u from my name is Lana tx me on here 256~305~3640
Jonathan says
I’m from nj
angel's momma says
“an adult pitt is a risk to buy and have no emotional ties and devotion to any new owner.”
that statement above is false! and I dotn know why they said that, Ive never heard anything like that ever or seen any proof of that statement either… I got my beloved Angel (pure bred blue nose) when she was a year old and a week later her previous owner (good owner, she wasnt a rescue from any abuse) stopped by to visit and angel barely even said hi, she became a part of our household and never looked back. she instantly attached to us and our two other dogs!
Hannah says
It’s not always like that. I’ve had an experience where a pit tried to bite/attack me when I was going to foster her and I was scared, honestly. Who wouldn’t be? She was two years old with a family she had been with all her life.
So, her statement is not completely false.
And now i have the most lovable pitbull that I had gotten, in August when she was seven months old. She’s now about a year and three months. It all depends.
Chelsea says
I have a pit/lab/boxer mix. He is a male. I was looking to get a Colby Blue Nose FULL blooded PitBull female. If I was to breed these two together what would their pups be worth?? Would it be better to find another Colby Pit to breed her with?
kia says
please find another coldy pit and the bloodline will be great
Cris Acevez says
Plz call at 224-419-0543 if you have any pitbulls for sale
Justin Robinson says
We jus had a litter of Gotti/Staffordshire terriers. They’re being sold at $200 male/$250 female. They’re beautiful. My # is 434-808-3228. If interested give me a call.
Ace Ellsworth says
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KaD says
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April says
I’m selling a female pitbull still a puppy for $150 comes with collar two leashes a bag of food and bowel
honey says
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mk18 says
i have a female blue pitbull, shes a year old the next time she goes into heat i will breed her. I bought her for 200.oo. So thats probably what i will sell her puppies for.
dave says
if she is not pure bred with papers your crazy. make what $50 a puppy hardly worth the trouble. no papers fix her
Stacey says
Don't any of you who are on here know anything about Pit Bull's… Look them up DUMBASS… they are Heroes from WWII, they have been in movies…Hell even one of our Pres. had a Pit in the flipping white house… Yes they have had a bad wrap but that is from BAD PEOPLE… Pits are the best family dog that you could ever ask for…
JenniferMichelle says
I love how all of you put her down and condemn her. First there should be a process for choosing the right family. Telephone interview, home inspection and a contract. Get these pups chipped with YOUR name and information before they are let go. You can legally demand that the dog be returned to you if you feel there is neglect and/or abuse.
If you post the pups as "free" you will get people looking for pits to fight and use as breeding dams. A lot of times they will send you a family they have paid to make it look legit. require a 3, 6 mo and 1 year check up on the dog. Look up puppy contracts and start weeding out the ones that don't seem right now. If they say it will be an outdoor dog, NO. These pups are made to be a family pet. If they say this is their first dog, NO. Pits need a lot of attention, exercise and love. Most people do not realize how much. You ask what you feel you must in order to find forever homes for those babies.
Everyone else, instead of giving your opinion, why not help her out? Self righteous idiots. The pups are here, keep your opinions to yourself and help the owner find forever homes for these wonderful pups, don't just be an idiot!
dave says
ummm no she wants to breed her she has not yet so we should try to stop it.
mark says
Just because the dogs do not have papers doesn't mean that there not worth whatever your willing to ask for them.. you have to excuse all theses dumb asses … I would make sure they go to good homes though.. for the dogs in the shelters… There more than likely in there for a reason.. aggression more than likely. Therefore the owners could not afford the cost of lawsuits from with the animals may have gotten them..
Melanie Trif says
Shut up you tree hugging hippies. I'm so sick of seeing people complain about how
people charge an adoption fee and say that puppies are living creatures not merchandise.
Even when adopting a child there are fees that must be paid. Charging an adoption fee prevents
the animal from going to an animal test lab for one thing. There are labs that will actually pay
people for kittens, puppies, etc. It's disgusting. I agree you should screen the potential owners
of the pet you are trying to find a home for to make sure they do not have any harmful intentions.
I bought my female pit bull for $150 without papers and she was worth every penny.
She is going to be a mother in one more week and you better believe I will be charging in adoption
fee as well as screening the owners. If I see them checking out their teeth, size, etc.. I will reject
any amount of money they offer. My love for animals is far too great to let them be adopted by
a bad owner.
samaket says
You are asking the wrong question!!!! I can't believe this. You should be more concerned about whom you are giving your pups to. If you find a nice family who is able to afford a dog and provide him/her with a nice life, then you are lucky. Please set your priorities straight!!
1stoftwo says
You are an Idiot.
hockey_gal9 says
Check out the people you sell the pups to, to make sure they're good pet owners who will raise the pups correctly. And please, for the sake of all the unwanted dogs stuck in shelters all over America, spay the parents! Save them from health problems in the future by spaying them now.
bon b says
I wouldn't pay anything. Why pay for an unregistered dog, when I can get one for next to nothing in the shelter? The sire and dam may be full blooded, but, if you can't prove that, it's useless.
Darla E says
Great another backyard breeder making a dollar off of pit bull puppies. I hope the money you make is used to spay and neuter your dogs. The last thing this world needs is pit bull puppies who will probably end up like Mike Vic ks dogs. I hop you can sleep at night knowing that YOU contributed to the cruel treatment of innocent dogs!
Sarah says
Why don't you visit the animal shelter and see how much their pits are going for? Oh wait. They will tell you that virtually no one adopts pits. They pretty much all get killed. There are too many. Look in the newspaper to see what people are asking. Oh wait, there are over a dozen ads, so what are your chances of selling all of yours? Too many backyard, irresponsible breeders. Get your dogs fixed asap and never breed again. Please! Dogs are not income producers; they are living, breathing animals that need good homes.
Christina D says
I would charge $ 100. This is because you want to make sure that people can afford to own the puppies and aren't just picking them up because they are free… and then drop them when they cost money. (I would say "free" because there's no reason to sell a puppy with no papers and no proof of what his heritage is for more than that. But if you give away pit bull puppies, then you get the sickos who will pick them up and put them in the dog fighting ring.)
Be sure to screen your buyers, because otherwise those little puppies are going to get put in the pound once their owners get sick of them… and once a pit bull is in the pound, there is no hope for them. I can promise you, that little puppy will be euthanized if it ever goes near the pound. This is because of all the media, etc on pit bulls. There's nothing you can do about it.
Get addresses, phone numbers from the buyers, and offer to take the puppies back if the owners ever don't want them anymore. Otherwise, you're pretty much sentencing those puppies to death.
Not trying to get on a soapbox, or make you feel bad, but don't breed these dogs in the future. Get them spayed and neutered. There is no world out there for un-papered pit bulls, and very little of a world for even papered ones. And when you've got an un-neutered male running around, he's going to make little half-pit puppies, that are going end up dead because of their breed status. Or end up hurting people, if the puppies get raised wrong.
I wouldn't want the responsibility of the death of puppies on my shoulders. And that's the reality of most unpapered pit bull puppies. Death.
I wish you luck with this litter, but really, try and be responsible and spay and neuter those dogs. The world will be a happier place for everyone. And everyone makes a difference.
princessfl2003 says
i say $ 100.
zipperfootpress says
with all the media on pitts I hope you get nothing. Surely you have not taken their well being into consideration. If you had you would have had your dog fixed.
I can almost promise you that some of these pups will end up in the pound one day on death row,…..very sad that you have just contributed to the death of more dogs.
JenniferMichelle says
She is more likely to have these pups end up in a shelter and killed if she doesn't charge anything. Dog fighters, people buying them to sell for animal testing and the ones that don't realize what they are getting into are the ones that get the FREE puppies. You hoping she gets nothing is just wishing to see more dogs being abused and killed. Give good advice or keep your unwanted, cruel, unhelpful comments to yourself.
Morgan R says
? Dont you know that there are pits in the shelter right now in need of homes and are possibly on pending euthanasia ? They sell them for about $ 50 to $ 100 . The maximum you can sell them is for $ 100 …
dragonfly_3 says
I hope you get zero dollars.
Dogs are living things, not the answer to fill your checking account.
How can you even live with yourself, bringing more dogs in to the world when over 6 million healthy dogs and cats are getting euthanized due to lack of homes? You are despicable.
Punk Rocker♥ says
how much do they charge at the local shelter?
maybe 50-100…
some dumbas$ es will be stupid enough to buy it for a larger price but please dont fool them
being pure breed means nothing
giving first exam and shots also means nothing