Q: How many puppies could a Maltese have because my Maltese is pregnant?
I'm asking this because I think my Maltese might be pregnant and I want to know at least how many puppies could this kind of dog have.
Photo Credit: Julianna/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Lizzie
Talk to the person who bred your dog. Find out how many pups were in the litter. Toy breeds usually have small litters. Did you do all of the health testing/screening?
Answer by Anonymous
It depends on what type of dog she mated with. Smaller dogs tend to have between 1 and 3 but she can have any number of puppies especially if she mated with a large dog.
Answer by Jenny
It varies, but small dogs generally have smaller litters.
So sorry to ruin your plans, but breeding won't make you any extra money. You'll only be adding more poorly bred dogs to the world.
Have the vet do an emergency spay.
Answer by Crystal to Alesi's Chis Su
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps the person with the pregnant dog is trying to make arrangements for the puppies expected? Why does everyone have to be so damn ignorant when someone says they have a pregnant dog. Get a grip! Go find another soapbox to stand on somewhere else! What a person chooses to do with their animal is their business. A simple question is being asked…if you don't have an answer to that question, then be quiet!
The size of a litter from a Maltese dog depends on many things. Is this her first litter? First litters tend to be smaller as in under 3 pups. What kind of dog bred with her…and her general size. Maltese dogs can run from 4 lbs to about 8 lbs if they are standard breed size.
Good luck with your dog and have fun with the puppies! I hope you find them all good homes!
Answer by Whiskers
It will be best to take her to the vet and first confirm that she is Pregnant and find out exactly how many puppies to expect, and learn about what to look out for and how to help her and make sure your vet is willing/able to help in any emergency no matter what time it is. Make sure you have a lot of money aside for any emergencies and to have the puppies vet checked, dewormed, vaccinated even better microchipped, and spayed/neutered before going to new homes
If the parents are not registered and tested for health/genetic problems you will lose a lot of money on this litter if you do everything responsibly.
So. Even though it seems sad it would be best to have an emergency spay since it's a lot harder to find permanent homes for puppies (without creating even more puppies) than it seems to be
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Syl says
Jenny. Did it ever occur to you that vets who spay every dog that ends up in their clinic, by default are creating puppy farms so people like you and other unscrupulous people can make money off cute little badly bred puppies. I think this lady that asked the question is a dog owner who truly loves her dog and wants answers so she can do the best thing possible for her beloved pregnant dog. I’d much rather buy a puppy off her than off some puppy mill breeder or you who thinks dogs are a commodity to do with whatever you want. You do think like that because without knowing this person you recommended she spay her dog. Sorry but you are ignorant and creating the overbreeding problems via puppy farms.
Sheryl says
I’m sure your puppies have now been delivered. And i hope everything went well.
I’m not commenting about the number you may have had but two them two really rude comments left by Jenny and the old bat or whatever their user name is.
Jenny you need to mind your own damn business!
Fyi: you don’t just find this breed at a pound. You find your type of dog at a pound. The kind people keep over breeding and the ones no one wants. So you keep adopting them “really unwanted”
aggressive dog breeds and i will keep buying the breed I want from a reputable breeder.
To other “old bat” you have a lot of oaudacity to call someone ignorant, when you can’t even form a sentence.
Now both of you, mind your own damn business!!
For future reference to the lady asking the question. Ask your vet to do an X-ray on your girl at about 45 to 55 days of pregnancy.
leana says
Unplanned….but proud…FIVE healthy pupps.. and it is her first litter…Truly
a brave mom. Well done my little one.
RussianDog says
maylj says
I have a maltese female who is about to have her puppies any day.I am concerned about the entire pregnancy deal my dog is 45 yrs .She’s never been breed before, does any know anything about Maltese dogs and what warning sings to look for during litter processes .if so please reply to this post? Thank you
mimi sib says
Hello, how was your dogs delivery? I hope it all went fine.
Anita says
She could have up to four. Maybe more, depending on how many times she got bred, and how big she is. My 6lb dachshund had 5! That's a BIG litter for a mini Dachshund.
Treasure; <3s BAT says
You're about the direct definition of the person who would own such a breed. Ditzy, dumb, and oblivious.
A VET would be the perfect person to ask ironically. Conveinently they are specially TRAINED in caring for animals, even those that are pregnant.
Dip into your shopping money and pay for an X-ray, as well as store some away for a potential Emergency C-Section [yes, dogs can require them just like people!]
Laura loves Luna! says
Call the vet and get an emergency spay. You don't know how to take care of newborn puppies.