Anonymous: How do you tell if a Samoyed puppy will grow up to be pure white?
I'm looking to get a Samoyed puppy and I'd love to have a pure white one. Is there any way to tell if a Samoyed puppy around 1 month old will grow up to be pure white?
Photo Credit: jwillier2/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Jayse Ö Think before you breed
Samoyeds are not really pure white., rather off-white. However, if you mean white with no coloured markings then by 8 weeks you will know. Aso, a reputable breeder will be able to guide you when choosing a puppy. You should also see the parents and assess them, or at least the puppy's mother.
ETA: Animal Artwork said: "For those claiming to be able to tell what color a Sam will be while it's a puppy I sure would like to know what brand your magic hat is.... Samoyeds can and do change or add color at any point in their life with most developing at least some biscuit as they age."
My meaning was that by 8 weeks you should (surely?) know whether or not the puppy was parti-coloured or had patches of wrong colouration, such as black spots!. I already said that Sammies were not usually pure white. But I am not a Sammie owner or breeder, so perhaps I am wrong?
Answer by Sammy
Samoyeds can come in colors other then white and they are still PURE! Read the standard. They come in white, cream and biscuit and white. In other countries they can be cream and biscuit or pure biscuit as well.
Some Samoyeds are born with color that will get darker as they age. Some are born with color that will fade and some don't get their biscuit coloring until they are older.
The best way to tell is to speak with the breeder of your dog and ask about the parents and grandparents and wait and see what happens with your dog.
Biscuit coloring should be treasured, it's beautiful and important to the breed to keep good pigment.
Answer by Bri
Samoyeds are all white….. so if it changed color its a mix.
Answer by Lyn
Not at all true – read the Breed Standard!
'Biscuit' color develops with age – one of mine had a few tiny spots on her nose at six weeks and is still becoming more colored at eight years.
It should be treasured!
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