Gene S: How do you make an akita listen to you?
We use Ceasar Millan's techniques, but our aloof Akita still wont come when he is called.. Does anyone have any expirences when it comes to this breed?
Photo Credit: patireginaslm/Flickr CC
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Answer by hellosunshine_hb
You need to practice "come" on a training lead. Start off in your house, "sit" "stay", and walk away. If the dog starts to follow, then you need to keep working on "stay" first. When you get to the end of the lead, say "come" in an upbeat voice. If the dog doesn't come, give short pulls on the lead until she's in front of you, give her praise and a treat (alternate with treats). Once she's doing this perfectly inside, practice outside (on lead) with all sorts of distractions (animals, people, weather, day/night, etc).
Until she's giving you 100% perfect response ON LEAD, outside, under many distractions, it just isn't safe to have her off lead outside, and expect her to return when you call.
Another VERY important tip: Don't ever teach the dog to come by saying "come, come, come, come", then giving her praise when she finally does. You are inadvertently teaching her that she can respond to your command the 3rd time, or the 10th time you say it, and she'll still get rewarded.
Teach her to come on the first command, by only saying it once, waiting 3 seconds for a response, then using the lead, bring her to where you want her to be. This could save her life one day if she's running towards a busy street, you NEED her to "come" on your FIRST command.
Add: LOL Bassetnut said it, obedience class, is where I learned this and have seen amazing results in many dogs, many breeds. If you aren't confident that you are able to do it yourself, definitely seek the help of a professional before your dog hurts herself off lead outside!
Answer by jen
I have a very well behaved and respectable Akita, he is a great family member, he is highly trained and knows over 15 commands….the only problem, he won't come when called!
It's just something about the breed, outside they only come when they want to and they're easily distracted. If they want to go sniff something and you're calling them they just ignore you, it's a very common thing with Akita.
If he doesn't listen to you all the time then you may want to work on bonding and getting your dog involved with you, making sure he respects you. If it's only outside then he's just being a typical Akita!
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