Q: How can you tell a Chihuahua is purebred?
What features do you look for when trying to buy a purebred Chihuahua? Also, I can't decide whether I want a male or female dog. What are the pros and cons associated with males and females?
Photo Credit: crispee/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Mutt Mommy
If he is AKC registered then he is a purebred. If he is not registered, he is considered a mutt no matter what.
Answer by Dallas
For any breed of dog unless the puppies are papered under like a CKC registry (in Canada that's what its called) and if you're not buying from a reputable breeder there isn't an abundance of things to look for as far as characteristics go to figure out of the dog is purebred or not, other than spending an outrageous amount of money on DNA testing. My suggestion, deal with a reputable a breeder or make sure the pups are registered with a reputable agency.
Female dogs can be higher maintenance if not fixed as their heats run about 2wice a year – If you plan o have her spayed, which is always highly recommended unless you wanted to begin a breeding program, than females are great dogs and dependant on the breed can also have breed typical personality tendencies, and I don't know much about the Chiuaua so bare with me, as I am being rather general to canines as a whole. As for males, not fixed, they can pee everywhere, mark territory etc but tend to be of the calmer of the sexes, less stressed, easier to maintain I've found – as for fixed, the same thing – I find males tend to be a little more laid back. I truly believe that females tend to go through a CANINE PMS stage….hahaha But both are fantastic
Have fun and happy puppy shopping~ : 0)
Answer by Bec
There is nothing wrong with a mutt Chihuahua, I have one and she is the prettiest, smartest, loyal and loving dog I have ever met. She shits all over most purebreds. I've seen both of her parents and they are lovely too. Calling a dog a mutt because it is not registered is prejudice!
Answer by shannon in reply to Bec
Exactly. I have a chihuahua w out papers and she is amazing. No idea if she is purebred or not and I don't care, she was a rescue dog that's all that matters to me :P I also think mutt is a terrible word. Mixed sounds much better.
Answer by Jessica
Well, truly I love the teacup short hair breed A LOT better than the other breeds because they are short little companions and don’t shed as much as the other breeds they also sit on your lap and love on ya more which is a loving characteristic about them. And the gender part is all on you there is not much difference between the two genders. I myself as a girl prefer boyz for some reason. But there is no problem with girls.
Jessica Lennox, SD
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Pat says
I am looking for a female purebred teacup chihuahua I lost my dog last Tuesday-she was 6 years old-I cannot function properly she was everything. She was so sweet and loving.
RussianDog says
Sorry to hear about your dog. It’s such a big loss! Try to look at sites like hoobly and puppyfind.
Kitty says
You have to have ACK regrister papers. Here are the Positives of males:
Male dogs tend to be "lovable slobs" and "good ol' boys."
Male dogs tend to be more outgoing, more vigorously affectionate, more "in your face."
Male dogs tend to be more stable and reliable in mood, less prone to emotional swings.
Male dogs tend to be clumsy and silly and prone to acting like oversized kids.
Male dogs mean well and are easy to love.
On the negative side:
Male dogs are more apt to test their owners and engage in dominance struggles, especially during the hormonal adolescent months, which can last a long time — from about six months old all the way up to two or three years old in larger breeds.
Male dogs have obvious genitals, which can make for embarrassing moments if they become aroused or decide to lick themselves when Grandma is visiting. Some males are enthusiastic humpers who will mount stuffed toys, other dogs, sometimes people's legs.
Most male dogs lift their leg to urinate — a consideration if you have expensive shrubbery or lawn ornaments. Some males are territorial markers who spray urine on every vertical object (ranging from telephone poles to blades of grass) to mark it with their scent.
Female dogs tend to be more subtle than males. They're affectionate on their own terms. They'll request or demand petting, then reassert their independence by walking away when they've had enough.
Female dogs tend to be quicker to learn and are not as easily distracted during training sessions.
Female dogs are less likely to be openly defiant or to engage in blunt power struggles or dominance challenges — yet they can be clever, passively resistant, and manipulative about getting their own way.
Female dogs are prone to mood swings and emotional theatrics. They can be sweet one day (or one hour!) and grumpy the next.
Female dogs are experts at The Dirty Look and The Sulk.
Females go into heat.
Good luck choosing!
wicked.aliens says
look at the color of it -The color shape and size tells you alot
about a dog.
And you can tell by the teeth
they are a perfect bite straight.
those are pure bred dogs :)
Diamond says
General This dog has a compact body shape. Of great importance is the fact that his skull is apple-shaped and that he carries his moderately long tail very high, either curved or forming the shape of a semi-circle with the tip pointing towards the loin region.
Characteristics The Chihuahua is a small, active dog with a rounded skull; a short, pointed muzzle; erect ears that flare out somewhat to the side; and a sickle tail. The breed comes in all colors and color patterns and in both a short- and long-coated variety.
Temperament Despite its small size, the Chihuahua is an alert, active dog with plenty of self-confidence. The Chihuahua's small size and devotion to its owner have made this breed a popular companion dog. Chihuahuas are courageous little watchdogs who are more than willing to defend their territory against strange people and dogs.
History The Chihuahua is regarded as the smallest pedigree dog in the world and carries the name of the largest province of the Mexican Republic. One assumes that these dogs used to live in the wild and, at the time of civilisation of the Tolteks, were caught and domesticated by the inhabitants. Illustrations of a Toy dog called " Techichi" which lived in Tula, were used as decorations on town architecture. These small statues are very similar to the present day Chihuahua. The history of the Chihuahua is lost in antiquity. It is known that both the Toltecs and the Aztecs kept dogs, some which were used for food, some for religious purposes, and some for companionship. Whether these dogs were Chihuahuas or not is uncertain. The breed came to the attention of the modern world in the mid-19th century when American visitors to Mexico brought the tiny dogs home. Chihuahuas first appeared in American dog shows in 1890. Today the Chihuahua is a popular companion dog.
Origin Mexico
Utilization Companion dog.
Classification Companion and Toy Dogs
Size Small
Height –
Weight Between 500 gr and 3kg. A weight of between 1 and 2 kg has preference.
Grooming Little
Excercise Little
Activity Medium
Locality Town
♥ DP ♥ says
The purebreds come with Legitimate kennel club registration papers.. The mutts and the mixes do not / cannot be registered.. ONLY a purebred will have papers. No papers, forget about it!
shamrockgreen says
Actually stone ground whole wheat pure bread dogs offer far more in the way of nutrition…unless you have issues with wheat gluten, then I suggest a pure bread made out of soy flour….
danagator414 says
as long as it's real ugly and mean it's probably a chihuahua
Yo LO! says
If it only eats butter, then you know it's pure bread…
I think you're looking for the word PUREBRED, in which case you make sure it has a AKC (Not APRI, UKC, CKC or anything else) Registration.
ELLE T says
If you are in the UK you need to get a dog that is 'Kennel Club Registered'. Go to the Kennel Club website and there will be a list of breeders who have registered dogs for sale.
Stacey H says
I don't know but there are tons of chi's in shelters that need good homes. My friend just adpoted a chi and he is the sweetest doggie.
Save a life!
German shepherd love says
there is no way u can tell unless u have akc papers but they should have pointed ears and a apple head i have a chiwawa hes so cute
JR says
You have papers that say he is AKC registered.
Abstrax Kennels says
I would look for a breeder through the Chihuahua Club of America and seek our a reputable breeder who shows and registers their pure bred Chihuahuas. I have a male Chi and and he is the sweetest thing, I really am his whole world and he just adores me as I do him. I don't really think there is a difference in personalities between sexes. I would go by your own personal preference.