Q: How do you get rid of german shepherd odor?
Our two-year-old German shepherd has a really bad odor. It smells like he's been rolling around in poop all day. It's coming from his coat. It stays on your hands after you pet him too. Is there anything we can do to get him smelling better???
Answers and Views:
Answer by Raymond
I love the smell of my german shepherd.
Answer by Winnie the Corgi
Don't bathe him too often- it dries out their skin and washes out their natural body oil.
Instead, brush him regularly and feed him a high-quality diet. My dog eats raw and she smells fantastic.
What do you feed? Some good foods are:
Taste of the Wild
Answer by robscutieboo
yes, better food and wash him
dogs LOVE baths
Answer by Sandy Harrison
We had the same problem for months with our 8 yr old GSD. We tried "medicated baths", numerous trips to the vet, brushing every day, wiping her coat with doggie wipes and even some sprays. It wasn't until we noticed a red, irritated patch on her belly and began investigating what was going on beneath that thick coat. She had several areas that were red and irritated. I would call them open lesions. Her regular doc referred us to a canine dermatologist. We made many, many visits and she prescribed both oral meds and topical treatments but it just wouldn't clear up The doc finally recommended that we shave the areas that were affected - which by this time was almost her entire body - and she gave us a tube of ointment that we mixed with warm water and sprayed it directly on her skin.
We did this diligently a couple of times every day. After several weeks, I am happy to report, our dog is much better. Not only has her skin cleared up but she actually seems to be a lot more lively. I shudder when I think about how she must've suffered all those months with that condition.
We never confirmed where or how she got the infection but I am almost sure it was because we were having our yard treated every quarter for pests. Even though the pest control company said it was safe for the dogs after 30 mins. or so, I think the pesticide eventually built up so much on our lawn that every time she rolled around in the yard (one of her favorite pastimes) it was making the condition worse.
I hate to tell you but you may need to see a specialist for the problem. Our Sadie's fur still hasn't grown back in and it may never look the same again and our lawn has all kinds of issues with various pests. But Sadie is much, much happier and no longer smelly.
Answer by k a y l a '=]
I have german shepherds too. I use shampoo for the hydrobath. You only need to wash him when he gets really dirty too. I only wash mine about every 2 months.
Also, brush them every day so when they are malting the fur and dirt won't stay in their coat. The food shouldn't really matter, only if he isn't eating it. If you don't have a hydrobath then just wet the fur (warm water better) rub in a small bit of the shampoo (the same amount you would put in your hair) and rinse it out thoroughly. Avoid washing the face and don't get it on his eyes! if his face is dirty wipe it with a damp cloth with NO soap or shampoo.
Answer by joseph
try to wash him, to the end of the wash make sure he is fully dry which will prevent the smell. also, there is a doggy perfume you can buy from any pet store. just make sure you only use the one for dogs no other which can cause drying of the dog's skin.
View popular Earthbath shampoo on Amazon (#ad)
Answer by Bonzie12
Give him a bath and watch where he goes during the day – it sounds like he found something he likes rolling in and believe me they find the rankest stuff to roll around in. I'd recommend a heavy duty dog shampoo. You may have to shampoo and rinse a few times but it should help with the smell. They also make stuff you can spray on them after the bath to make them smell better.
Read More on German Shepherds:
- Health Concerns to Watch for in German Shepherds
- How much is a purebred German Shepherd puppy without papers worth?
- How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers?
- Russian German Shepherd
Answer by z8bm
get a reallllyy good shampoo and conditioner!
there are some kinds that help with bad odor for dogs–it may also be his sweat glands..
they also have multiple coats so you will want to make sure that you shampoo thoroughly to make sure it works its way to the skin..
my bf has a puppy german shepherd and he has really good shampoo… it also helps to take out some of that extra hair!
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Chelsea Vaughn says
Have you considered that your dog may be intentionally seeking out and rolling in feces as a form of communication or distress signal? Could there be underlying behavioral or health issues causing this behavior?
Sylvie says
I have the same problem! I decided to blow dry him after bathing him yesterday to see if the smell is because he stays damp even after towel drying. We also go to the river everyday and I think towel drying him just isn’t enough. Fingers crossed the blow drying works because dang he can smell really bad!!
Sandy Harrison says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
Cindy Miller says
We have a gds puppy and I’m here to ask anyone for help he has a horrible odor I mean it makes me nauseous I’ve done everything that I’ve been told spent hundreds of dollars on shampoo sprays etc I’m at my wits end please help
Dana says
I have a 4 year old German Shephard and she smells awful. I have tried everything and have come to believe that it is just the GS thing. She also eats poop and that doesn’t help the odor problem also. I grew up with poodles so this is quite different to me. Everything that Bob said about his dog is exactly what is going on with her. She is itchy, was heavy and then lost weight. Also she smells a half an hour after her bath there is just no getting rid of that smell.
Bob says
I have a male German Shep. 11 years old. For sometime his odor has gotten worse as he gets older ..and I mean “rank”! What worries me is his skin is always itchy and he sctratches constantly.
He gets regular baths every 2 weeks with oatmeal and various dog shampoos..but a day later the odor is back.
He was over weight and now he is thin. I worry about cancer maybe? I hear it can smell? He has very soft hanging skin on his under belly but it is not sensitive when you touch it. I took him to the vet, & they gave me ear wash and antibiotics for yeast infection. The odor is not the same now but worse. He is on Salmon and Sweet potato dry food and also Venison. No grains but it still does not make any difference.
I just do not know what to do. The more you spray him with perfumes to try to cover up the odor, the worse he smells! It is hard to describe the smell but sort of a putrid smell. Any ideas? Please help me! I think he is suffering more than me.
admin says
Only a good vet can find the real cause. Maybe they should make some tests.
Bob says
I had him to a good vet and they gave me solution to clean out his ears and drops to put in them. I did it for a month. It did seem to be better but not for long. He also was on antibiotics for yeast infection. I am going back to get more ear wash today. Do ears really smell bad if not cleaned? Has anyone else had this problem here? Maybe that could be it but it seems to come from somewhere and I cannot nail it down? He won’t hold still to place your nose at his ears and smell. He could knock my teeth out jerking his head! He is a very strong and healthy dog other than this odor problem. They have a skunk wash at the store. I wonder if that would work? But it is not a skunk smell.
Sandy says
Bob, we have the same problem with ours (9yr old female). We’ve gotten a second opinion from another vet and have had her washed 3 different places. Nothing helps and neither of the vets could find the source. She lives inside, I watch her when I take her out to make sure she doesn’t roll in anything and we feed her very high priced grain free food. Maybe it’s just a thing with older GS? I’ve never had one but my partner has had several, (the last one was put down at 14yo) and he says he’s never had this problem with any of them. If you find a solution, please share. We are desperate.
Diane says
Don’t bath him in oatmeal. It will make his yeast overgrowth worse. Only feed him food with nothing in it that will feed the yeast. No potatoes, rice, or yeast products. You can google about yeast in dogs, it stinks. Peas or chick peas are good. We have a 8 month old GDS that has the same problem. Diane
Ann says
After he is done playing, take a wet rag and wipe his fur let it dry and then brush him. I have a German Shepard/Boxer mix I do this for he and I actually get compliments my dog smells nice all the time.
Zephyr is the Shizni says
Better food with no fillers, and twice-monthly trips to the groomers so his undercoat can be blown, and he will be thoroughly washed and dried. If you wash him, you will make the odor worse, as you won't be able to get him dry.. which causes odors.
A Diva with Doggies& says
Get rid of the German Shepherd (just kidding)
Keep him from rolling in the poop! Pick it up right away before he has time to roll in it. Give him a REALLY good bath, and just keep him away from the poop.
You can also look into changing his diet because that could be playing a factor in his odor.
Is he an inside dog or outdoor?
What brand of dog food does he eat?
Bob Jennings says
Hello: I wrote this question a couple of years ago! We found out after he had a skin test that he had some kind of fungus and they treated him. I don’t remember if it got rid of the odor. The test was $200 and worth it. Unfortunately we lost him when he was 12. He past away one night at 11 PM on Jan 3rd I think it was 2015. His rear hips gave out and we had to lift him with a rear harness. Have not found another as we hate the grief after three times going through it with our other dogs. BUT I feel we will have another when the time is right. There is no dog quite like a German Shepherd! Thanks for your answer!
Best regards
Beth says
Bob I have an 8 year old GSD that stinks. He swims as the cabin in northern mn. Very clean lake. So I know he is not dirty. He is our 3rd one and never had this problem before. Did you take your dog to allergist?
Bob says
Yes and they pretty much good rid of it. The first one I had way back (1) out of 2 since, loved water and swimming.
You could not keep him out of the water! The 2nd one was just ok with it but not that interested. The 3rd one hated to be in water. Only liked to play in the hose water!