Q: How to register a dog without papers?
I have a dog that is purebred but is not registered. I have heard of a way to register a purebred dog without papers if you can prove your dog is purebred.
Does anyone know how to do this? I do not care what the registry company is.
Photo Credit: Greencolander/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Amerz & The Labradork
You can get an ILP registration from the AKC to compete in events excluding conformation.
If you want one for breeding purposes( to register the litter, etc), sorry but there is not one reputable registry that will register a dog without proof of ancestry. At least, I sure hope not! It would invalidate the whole purpose of registration IMO.
You should care which registry it is because unless it is a reputable kennel club, you are just throwing money away on worthless papers.
Answer by Storm Wolf
I'm pretty sure you cannot register the dog with any legit company unless the dog's parents are papered. If the dog's parents are papered just go back to the breeder and ask them how to register the puppy.
There really isn't much point in papering a dog unless you intend to show and breed him.
My dog has half registration through AKC and it's pretty pointless unless I want to prove she id pedigree for some reason.
Answer by Dom
THE ‘Reputable’ companies have everyone by the testes. The dogs who do not get registered are for often business practice reasons, unethical and known by the AKC, but they let it slide (when dogs are price hi with papers and low without is one of many examples; or the breeds who breed too much, they will not sign those littler when the owner was the irresponsible one, But punish the dog breed lines hurts breeds.
AKC loses many good genetic traits from the purebred dogs because they want the money from the registration, They are just a biz that hurts just as much as they could help.
Answer by durdenslabs
If you don't care about the registry then you can not guarantee that your dog is purebred. Only purebred dogs are registered with reputable registries.
You can get a DNA test done, you can go to the American Canine Hybrid Association (or another crap registry like American Pet Registry, Inc) – fill out a form, send in some pictures, put parents registration #'s, and get some witness signatures saying your dog is purebred, and send money. They'll send you a paper. It won't do you any good though. People know which registries are reputable and which ones are crap and will not have anything to do with dogs/pups from the crap ones. :)
Answer by John B
If you don't have papers for your dog, the first step is to contact the breeder and see if they can provide you with them. If not then you will need to find another way to prove that the dog is purebred.
Find a vet who is willing to help you with the process, which will cost anywhere from $200 - $300. Some people use their veterinarians as a witness but it is important to note that they cannot do this unless they have seen the dog within the past 10 years.
Answer by Chicha
AKC has a program/registry specifically dedicated to purebred/mix dogs who have no registration papers or if the dog has an application but the owner never sent the papers in (I opted not to register because my dog was to be spayed by request of the breeder).
Here are the application and information you have to send into AKC to register for a limited registration dog.
Info: http://www.akc.org/register/purebred-alternative-listing/
Application: www.akc.org/pdfs/ilpform.pdf
Good Luck!
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Answer by JenVT
You can't unless you have the litter papers from the owner. How will you prove he is purebred without papers? And why would you bother to register him with an organization that is the laughing stock of the purebred dog world? Really?
Answer by Belga
You would need papers from the prior owners with the date of your pup's birth and the breed of dog your pup is.
Answer by white tiger
Next to impossible, you have to prove an actual bloodline. With register litters. Papers don't mean much. Unless you're going to show or resell the dog. I have purebred huskies and their papers have been in a lockbox AKC OR CKC will not register a dog without a linage.
Answer by Amanda
CKC will register a dog without lineage. Though the registry is not reputable and even registers “designer” breeds. All you have to do is send in 3 or 4 pictures, if you dog looks to standard then CKC will register them. SMH
Answer by Amanda Kline
You can register through… Continental Kennel Club, Dog Registry of America, World Kennel Club. All allow what is called foundation stock.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
ChelseaVaughn says
– Have any of you successfully registered your purebred dog without papers using this method? Can you provide any tips or advice on how to navigate the registration process without official documentation?
Wanda Miller says
I have two adult German Shepherds. one is a male and one is a female. they are both purebred but they don’t have papers. is there anyway that they could get both CKC registered and their four puppies ?
Ezekiel's (Zeke) Mom says
I have 3 purebred Labrador retrievers, but no papers, my 1st original Chocolate Labrador I acquired from a family friend who owned her parents, sad thing is he got his from a family member who was a AKC registered breeder but when he purchased his Male & female to not pay as much he forfit the registry for both dogs & that’s been over 20 yrs ago now. I bred my female with another paperless purebred black labrador whom also agreed to a lower price without the papers, she had a litter of 8 , I kept a male. My original female passed away 5 yrs ago her parents & grandparents had passed years before she was 9 yrs old when she passed. I bred her the 1 time for legacy reasons. I then studded my Male for the pick of the litter to another purebred female unfortunately unregistered due to them being less expensive to purchase. Since getting the pick of the litter which I chose a female, one of her litter mates was sold to someone who turned her over to me due to unfortunate reasons of not being a very responsible pet owner the 1st yr of her life. So I had to start training a 1yr old lab which lost her 1st whole yr of puppy hood my Male will be 5 yrs old May 3rd and both his Daughters turned 2 yrs on November 29th 2020. I want to register my Laborers but don’t know how to go about doing it without any registration numbers from their ancestors. They are all what is considered blonde labradors or Yellow, however only one is actually the more yellow a female, my male & his other daughter are more white than yellow with the one I chose from the litter being almost snow white. Can anyone help me with how to get my 3 labrador registered & recognized for the purebred labrador retriever that they are. Thank you.
Dom says
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Lisa creasey says
I bought a blue healer from a woman that claimed she was purebred and she didn’t know anything about the breed when she bought her so she was a nuisance to her due to character and sold her to me promised to mail the papers and shot records from vet. She never answered my calls and number was disconnected so I feel like I have a stolen rescue dog. She had separation anxiety at first but has been awesome. I wanted to breed her but assume that’s not possible since no papers
Amanda says
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Karen Sprabary says
I came across a dog who was turned lose in the desert. So saying the man was buying the one I have and his brother but never finished paying for them since he lost his job, wife, car& house. Anyway I have been told he is pure and trying to get papers on him. The people who so saying have or had the parents are no longer breeding dogs and I can’t get info or papers for the one I have. Would a DNA Breed test help in getting him papered or is he just a total loss. I have many people who want to breed with me but I havent since I don’t have papers on him.
RussianDog says
You may want to read some other discussions on our website:
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Can I breed my APRI registered bulldog?
Stevie says
I bought a french bulldog with no papers but the parents are kc registered, but the person who owns the stud wont give me the info to register my pup
Is there a way around this????
Mark says
It’s just a guess but probably your puppy has some features (color, shape of tail, etc.) that do not suit the official standard. It happens very often no matter how purebred the parents are. In this case the breeder can sell a puppy only without papers, and only as a pet. It’s done to prevent the breeding of non-standard dogs. Do you really need a papered dog (for dog shows and breeding), or a good companion?
Sherrie Stiefel says
I have a purebred Miniature Schnauzer, but will NEVER be able to get a copy of her original papers…I got the puppy (then) from my EX’s father and stepmother, who bred Miniature Schnauzer’s, professionally. My youngest daughter Elizabeth chose Tina, who was definitely the runt of the litter, without hesitation,when she was only a few weeks old, and the rest is history, because they were MADE for each other…That was 6 yrs ago, and, tragically, it has been 8 mo’s today, since my daughter passed away, so now Tina is my dog full-time…My daughter always talked to me about wanting to breed Tina, so we would always have a little piece of her even after she was gone…Since my daughter has passed, Tina has been more of a comfort to me than I can express, and it has become SO IMPORTANT to me Tina have a litter, befpre it’s too late, so I can keep one of her pups and therefore always have a piece of Tina AND therefore a piece of my daughter, in my life…
I do know for a fact that Tina is a purebred, the stepmother actually tried to pull a Cruella Deville on us right after we got her, because apparently she has the perfect dimensions to be a show dog, so the stepmother desperately wanted us to give her back, and even tried to dog-nap her at one point…True Story!! Lol…her grandfather had excellent lineage, I once saw the paper and it was extensive..I know his full name, as it was listed on HIS actual AKC papers, because he was my EX’s dog, but I do not know the names of her parents.. The person I have met who has a male miniature Schnauzer to breed refuses to do so unless I am able to prove she is PUREBRED…
Diane says
I have a Akita make his lineage goes back 5 generations but they were never registered in japon nor here. How can I start his lineage here. I want it for stud. Is there a way to start one of his own?
Melissa says
If I get an DNA testing that shows my dog is a per bred can i get papers for her