Jeffery C: How do I get my dog to eat dog food?
The former owner of my 5-year-old German Shepherd apparently fed him "people food."
Photo Credit: mristenpart/Pixabay
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Answer by brbnryn
If the previous owner gave him "people food" then, continue giving him the same food but with a little bit of "dog food" mixed in it. For the first week, 10 or 15 pieces of dog food would suit him fine. Then, by the second week, add the other five pieces with less "people food" in it. Continue adding 5 pieces every week until there's no more "people food" in his bowl. Just don't overdo it by adding more than five, or he won't want his dog food.
Answer by Barbara S
Make sure you don't even through a scrap of human food his way. Get food that is well-flavored and through in a few doggy treats that are made with natural flavor. It may take a while but when he gets hungry enough he'll eat it. I've also had luck with the soft canned food when I had to break my dog of human scraps. If you must put some juices from the meat on his food he'll smell that and that may help. I would feed him 2 to 3 times a day. (feed him before you eat so he can eat with you)
Answer by Shellback Bill
You may be able to convince him that he should eat the dog food by pretending to eat it yourself.
If you normally eat at the table, put dog food on a plate. Pretend to eat it, then feed him by hand from your plate. He'll get the idea.
Honestly, this worked for my daughter who was given a 3-year-old dog who had been fed scraps all his life.
Another possibility is he just doesn't like the brand you have. Try another brand.
Answer by RobbieG
Discontinue feeding the "people food", and only serve dog food. Dogs can last up to a couple of days on minimal food but it is not in their nature to starve themselves, so he'll eat when he's hungry. Just make sure you are serving good quality food, it might cost more but he'll actually end up eating less of it and being just as satisfied and he'll end up pooping less of it out because good quality food contains fewer fillers.
A good practice is usually to feed a German Shepherd twice a day, once in the morning and once around dinner time. Usually, the food you get will have suggested amounts to feed your dog depending on weight. Be careful not to overfeed because some dogs will gorge themselves and eat everything you put out just because it's out even though they are full and they'll end up overweight because of it.
Answer by nikki
You can also use regular dog food as a treat for your GSD. This will get him used to eat dog food as a positive thing. If you look on the bag of dog food it will tell you how often and how much to feed him. Most foods are 1-2 times a day, but different types of food require different amounts of food.
Answer by chocolate_Mr._Clean47
You could mix his dog food with people food and mix in less every day until he eats the dog food plain.
Answer by horsewhisperer
Once a dog has been fed people food and learned to beg, it can be a hard habit to break. However, if you are willing to stand firm on not giving in to feeding table scraps you can get your dog back on a regular diet of dog food.
A 5-year-old German Shepard should be fed twice daily and the amount depends on the brand of dog food you choose. The label should give a suggested serving amount for dogs in his weight range. Just remember that 4 cups a day means 2 cups each feeding-in the morning, and again in the evening. More so in large breeds, obesity can cause joint problems along with many other health problems. Your dog's health is put at risk by feeding people food.
So, with that in mind, put out his dry dog food and don't allow him anything else to eat. Don't be surprised if he refuses to eat the dog food for several days, DON'T give in, trust me he'll get hungry and eventually eat it. When he tries to beg for table scraps tell him "no" and send him away. He won't learn not to beg anymore or to accept a dog food only diet overnight, but if you stay diligent and be patient it will happen. I adopted an older dog that had been spoiled with people foods and I used the above method with him and it works. Now at mealtime, it's so nice not to have a dog licking its chops watching your every move, whining, and staring you down for a morsel of your food. He knows it isn't allowed and lays down nicely away from the kitchen and dining room. I don't allow my dogs in the kitchen area when I cook or eat. Both my dogs are now happy and healthy eating regular dog food.
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Answer by skyangel
This is what I did with my Mom's dog came to visit (he was a picky eater): I put down his bowl and my dog's bowl at the same time on separate sides of the room. My dog eats, then sniffs his way over to mom's dog side of the room. I shooed him outside as mom's dog didn't eat yet. I leave it 1/2 hour, he doesn't eat it so I picked it up (my dog will eat anything left out). Later, I put my dog out again and put the bowl down for mom's dog, still didn't eat. The second day, the same thing. On the third day, he was so hungry he ate the dog food right away. After 2 weeks, my mom took him home and asked us what we did to him, he always eats right away when she puts it down.
What you have to teach your dog is that you are the pack leader and he only gets what pack leader allows. And he better appreciates pack leader's gift. And he doesn't touch anything pack leader owns unless it's given to him.
Answer by wonder girl
I went through a very similar thing with my German Shepherd.
In the morning serve him his food and wait 4-5 minutes and if he hasn't eaten it or is still just sniffing/licking the kibble, put the dog food back. then skip the mid-day snack (for now.) and then at his final meal, pour him his kibble and wait 4-5 minutes, if he still doesn't eat, take up his food and let him go hungry and continue this as long as he doesn't eat (maybe 1 night, maybe 5 nights..but trust me! he will eat eventually!). I know you are going to feel like the worst person on earth for starving your dog… but it has to be done (and trust me, it is going to hurt you a lot more than it will your dog)
Eventually, he will eat just out of complete hunger, when he starts to do that, then you give your shep his midday bone!
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Vera Decker says
My daughter’s small dog (10 years old) has been eating “people food” only for years and will not eat dog food….She always refuses to eat dog food and “faints” when not eating, so my daughter will break down and give her people food because she worries she will die from not eating…I have tried to tell her that her dog will eat….won’t starve, but she gives in after a day….What can I do?
What is the best way to try to get her on dog food? Mix chicken or beef broth in dog food? what will help?
thank you.
admin says
You can follow most of advices here and choose which one works better in your case.
DP says
Feed him twice a day. Good quality kibble, put it down and leave it for him.. He'll eat.. Just don't give him more people food.. Don't even mix in a little bit to encourage him.. Just dog food.. Might be a day or two but he'll eat it.
.mickey. says
You should mix the table food with some dog food. Less table food maybe every day or so. Or you can mix the dog food with canned dog food, they have different kinds: chicken, beef, etc.
Kristie says
Slowly introduce it to him let him have a taste of it if he likes it put a little of it in his regular (people food) then slowly increase the amount. If he refuses to eat it try canned dog food I don't think that he will refuse to it because it is kind of like (people food) but healthier for dogs. GOOD LUCK !! =) Hope that this will work for you!
mattbudreau says
stop feeding him people food, and leave his dog food in his dish. when he gets hungry enough he'll go for the dog food. but only if he knows you WILL NOT give him food if he begs.
layla says
try making him some boiled rice and maybe some chicken stock in it mixing it with dog food and ease off eventually if you like. It is healthy for your dog. Also, one big serving in the morning so he wont use the bathroom in your house at night if he is an inside dog. If not 2 times a day regular serving.
Monica M says
Dogs like smelly food like hamburger and rice etc. Mix people food with dog food for one week to wean him off of the people food altogether by the second week. So the first week would be 1/2 people food and 1/2 dog food.
Good luck. He will eat it if he's hungry enough. I would recommend a good brand of dog food also.
darlyngirl1982 says
2-3 times a day depending on when you are home.
And to make him eat dog food you give him no other choice. You put the food in front of him for 20 minutes- if he doesn't eat you put it back up. Eventually he will get hungry and eat- no dog will starve itself when food is available.