LisaJ: How can i get AKC papers for my full-bred pup?
We purchased a full-bred boxer pup without papers from a backyard breeder. The mother & father were on site and the mother had her papers, but the father did not. The breeder informed us that we could take our pup to a vet and have a breed test/exam done which runs about $ 100 and they will mail us papers. I've never heard of such a thing and was wondering if that is true.
Answers and Views:
Answer by miaugh
No. Unless both parents have KC papers, you cannot get papers for the puppies.
Photo Credit: Teesorte from Pixabay
Answer by For the Love of York
For a dog with papers from another domestic registry :
If you cannot obtain AKC papers, AKC has a new program where we are researching pedigrees of dogs that do not have AKC paperwork to determine if the dog comes from AKC registrable stock.
In order to determine AKC registration eligibility, you will need to send AKC a copy of your dog’s pedigree, registration application and/or registration certificate from another registry.
You can also submit documentation provided by the breeder such as a contract or bill of sale.
The dog may qualify for registration if the pedigree shows no break in AKC lineage and the dogs in the pedigree originate from AKC registrable stock.
Should the dog be deemed registrable, AKC staff will register the dog in question for $ 30. All late fees will be waived.
When you submit your paperwork, please include your name and phone number. You can submit the paperwork in one of three ways:
Fax the information to 919-816-3770. Mark it attn: Registry Research.
Email images to Place Registry Research in the subject line
Mail to:
AKC Registry Research
Attn: Special Services
8051 Arco Corporate Drive Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27617
Answer by Daniel
It is possible to do without paperwork as stated by For The Love of York. AKC has a program called alternative registration and is not to be confused with Purebred Alternative Listing. I know this program works because I used it for my Great Pyrenees. I called AKC and they walked me through the steps. My Pyr is a very healthy, intelligent, and beautiful dog. The reason his sire and Dam were not registered was that the breeder wanted a quick buck. I acquired him from a Pet Store of which I won’t name the Company “hint hint”. Anyways after AKC did the research they found he had a titled lineage. I know that I will catch some slack for going through a pet store but I have my reasons for doing so. I feel that getting a pet from a store is much like getting a pet from a shelter because what happens to the PUP if no one buys it. Either way, I went off subject. AKC will register your dog if it has a valid lineage. Oh and AKC has a Pedigree look-up so you can do the research yourself before you call them.
Answer by jess
It is not true. The only way to get papers is if both parents of the pup are registered and the breeder registered the litter the puppy is in.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Wolf Femme says
Why would you knowingly buy from a BYB?
That's not ethical.
You *can't* get papers for a dog who's parents didn't have papers.
You *can* get a PAL registration, however.
JenVT says
You can get a DNA test done, but that will not enable you to register your dog with the AKC. If registration is important to you, you sould have purchased your dog from a reputable breeder. In order to register with the AKC, both parents must be registered.
science chick says
No, they both must be AKC registered and they will not accept DNA tests. They may be able to get you worthless papers from another club, but there is no point. The Continental Kennel Club does it just for pictures, but it is so worthless I have heard of them registering rabbits and stuffed animals.
bluebonnetgranny says
Back yard breeders do not produce quality pure breeds.
Both parents are only pet quality & so there for your pup may be a pure breed but it is still just pet quality cause the dog does not meet the standards.
No, you cannot register your pup. It is just a pet quality dog & paper would server no purpose.
I have a pure breed GSD but she is just pet quality. She carries so many faults it is obvious that the breeder didn't know what they were doing. She is huge, too big for the standards for a female. She does not have the typical sickle hocks, she is more square than long, she does not have the slant from head to butt like she is supposed to, she is scared of people even though she has not had a negative people experience, her ears don't stand erect, the tip falls. She is just a pet quality dog cause she carries so many faults. I did not list all her faults.
An inexperienced eye would not see the faults but a competent breed would know this as soon as the pup is born. Reputable breeders are usually show breeders but they do sell pet quality dogs but they have to be spayed or neutered & you would sign a contract that you will get it done so the defects of that dog will not be passed on to future litters.
Sorry, I hate to bust bubbles but truth is truth. You will love love her just the same as if she was a high quality dog.
alexis88883 says
You can get AKC paperwork done if you follow all their rules and get the papers signed by the Dam and Sire owners. First you have to get an AKC blood work (DNA Testing) done at your Vet and yes it can be done for around $ 100.00. Then you send that paper wrk to AKC. They will in turn return paperwork to you from them to get signed by the original owners (Dam and Sire). If they will sign the papers you can get your dog registered. It does take a while to get all the verification from everyone. It does also cost money with AKC to do this. One point is, if the owners do not want the dog registered and will not sign off to AKC, it can not be done. Many breeders, especially very good ones, do not allow you to have full registation on their pupies. There are many reasons for this but the most common is they do not want just anyone breeding Boxers. That can result in poor breed quality.
When you contact akc at they will instruct you on the procedure. It is time consuming and a bit expensive though.
JeNnn says
go to the AKC website and it will explain in detail, but AKC is a little more strict than CKC so you will probably need the parents papers to get them on your pup but I believe with CKC when your pup turns 6 months of age you can take several pictures of him (to prove he is full blooded) and for a fee you can have him registered. either way both AKC & CKC have websites explaining all of this and that will prob be your best bet for the right answers to your questions. I hope this helps! good luck
dogtrainer7 says
Sorry but both parents need to be papered for the litter to be registered first.
The breeder normally would send in the paper work on the breeding and in return she gets an individual form for each pup that in turn you as a buyer would send in to get your registration.
What this BYB is telling you is nonsense about a breed test exam.
Just another gimmick by a BYB to be able to make a buck.
Good Luck and God Bless
Oh boy it`s the weekend and all the kiddie thumbs down TROLLS are out today.
Go Play in the yard or something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me says
If you aren't planning on showing or breeding your dog, then there is no reason to get papers for her.
♫♪ Nekkid Bootie says
you can not get papers.
The breeder lied to you. If it was that easy to get papers.. then why wasnt the father registered? Simple, because you cant get papers that way!
BOTH parents must be fully registered and of the same breed. The breeder then registers the litter and gives the individual registration forms to the new owners. That's the only way to get AKC papers.
There are "breed id" tests, but they are NOT accurate. None of the tests will put a guarantee that the dog is a purebred, and no reputable registry will accept them either.
Papers are not important unless you plan on breeding or showing.. your dog is not likely a show or breeding quality dog anyways.
You CAN get an ILP/PAL listing if you get the dog spayed/neutered tho.. dogs with an ILP/PAL can compete in any non-conformation event. Both AKC and UKC offer this program. AKC will only put this on an AKC-recognized breed, UKC will do this for any dog, including mixes.
Rayven-Fried Sea Kit says
And you knowingly purchased a dog from a byb why?
No you cannot have the dog registered that way. No papers on the father = none registrable litter = no papers for your dog.
If you wanted a pet that could be registered you should have gone to a reputable breeder.
So since you went to this WONDERFUL breeder you did also make sure that the parents had the proper genetic clearances and that you were given at least a two year guarantee for genetic issues right?
thing says
BYBs sometimes sell purebred dogs, but to my knowledge there is no such thing as a breed test (of this kind). There is a dna test which is supposed to tell you what breed of dog you probably have (what mix etc) but you will not get papers from it, and they're generally used on mongrels by curious owners.
Doggiefroggie says
Be prepared to get flamed by the animal rights activists on here. LOL
Backyard breeders pull that kind of stuff all the time. There is absolutely NO REASON to have to pay extra for papers. BYBs just want money, so anything that they can sell extra, they sell. They're just scamming you. There's no reason to get a breed test done at all. Even if you did, why would they need that to mail you the papers? They know if their dogs are purebred or not.
*sigh* People should have to go through some serious government training before they're allowed to breed animals. Seriously.
Holly C says
that's not true do not do it, you cant get the pup any papers because the father is not registered with any registration group. i would take the pup back and get your money back if you paid for it, other wise keep it but you cant get any papers good luck
Shar Pei Lady says
Nope! Not true.Both parents MUST be registered parents with AKC to be accepted by AKC.Sorry.
Harlee be a Sled dog says
It cannot be considered a purebred if it's from a BYB. why did you knowingly buy there? Your dog will never make it in show, if that's what your going for.
The parents have to have been papered to get a dog registered.