Q: How to stop a dog from peeing on his front legs?
I am training a service dog but I can't give him public access because he pees on himself 1-3 times a day. He has feathering on the back of his front legs so it is difficult to just wipe it off. You would have to use shampoo and conditioner to make it possible to comb through it again.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Amanda
My groom told me to keep the hair on the penis longer (don’t ever cut it all off)...she would form/allow or cut so it was longer and was like a guide for the urine...that seemed to help lots!
Photo Credit: audi_insperation/Flickr CC
Answer by Kat
I just call my pup “tinkle toes” and wipe his feet off at the door every time. They also now have theSe paw cleaners you can dip their paws in. Not sure it will help for every dog, depends on their aim I suppose.
Answer by A.
I'm a dog trainer with years of experience which I share on my PupsGuide website. I ran across this issue twice in my practice. Positive reinforcement and consistency are the keys to solving it. Keep a tight eye on the dog and try to educate him on how to urinate correctly by gradually lifting his leg higher. When he urinates in the desired posture, give him praise and treats as a reward.
Answer by Katy
Okay, my male German Shepherd lifts his back leg to pee and it gets all over his front paws. It’s worse when we are at the park because he’s excited and starts to walk before he’s finished.
Back when he was younger and I was putting in a little bit more effort into the issue. I would gently pull on the front of his leash and put my arms out in front of me while he was peeing. It would encourage him to take a step forward with his front paws, but not be enough to interrupt his business.
It took about a week for him to realize what I was asking him for. But eventually, he learned that a gentle pull on the leash and my arms out in front of me meant that I wanted him to take a step forward with his front paw. I would also look at his feet when I would tug on the leash to let him know what I was forced on.
Answer by Frank Baumann
I came up with a solution for our King Charles Caviler. I invented a doggy urine deflector that fits around his midsection with the deflector hanging down which deflects the urine straight to the ground. He has not urinated on himself once in the past 3 years since using it.
I recently filed a patent and have started a Kick Starter Campaign. I am in the process of ordering all the materials to produce these for retail. Please take a look as this could very well help you out like it did us.
Answer by Julie Mahana
To be honest it'd not something your dog will grow out of. My dog lifts his leg to pee and every darn time that pee hits his front legs and he is 3. It has to do with sheath opening and confirmation. My standard poodle is tall and short-backed.. he lifts his leg and his penis goes straight towards the front elbow. It's not something I can train out of him... if he squats the pee hits the back of his front hocks. I show poodles... so while growing his hair out every time he had to pee I would have to put waterproof left warmers on him called pee legs.
He is now a finished champion and I can't keep him nice and fluffy because he constantly pees on his legs. I spoke with my vet.... a surgery to adjust the penis hole is my only option. It's a few hundred dollars to keep my boy clean.. even though he gets weekly baths... it's one I'm planning on doing very soon.
Answer by Chris
Our poodle, Sherlock has the same issue. He's black and white and urine turns his hair yellow. He hikes his leg but just can't aim out. Like the urine deflector idea!
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- My dog pees and poops in the house when no one is watching
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Answer by Brandon
I just got a dog from a rescue center. I've been searching the net to see if I could find any tips to help with the dog peeing on his front legs. the problem with mine is the stance he hikes his leg but he arches his back like a cat. also, he always has one front leg a bit back. he is about a year old. he does better when he squats but he pees right through his front legs. I love this dog very much and I'm never gonna give him away.
Answer by dorothy s
Your dog sounds like a contortionist. Although I have never seen a dog do this, he is still very young. Mature dogs lift one of their back legs when they pee. If he is a rescue dog, he may be younger than you think, however, when he starts to lift his leg to pee there is no way that he can pee on his front leg.
Most of my dogs have been females, however, my friends who have had male dogs appear to be concerned until their males lift their legs to pee. Be patient, at present his front legs might be a bit smelly, this will cease when he cocks his legs to pee. In the interim sponge his legs with vinegar and essential oil of lavender.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Jeff says
Are you still going to manufacturer? Or is it dead cause of lack of funding? It’s a great product
RussianDog says
Looks like the funding was unsuccessful, unfortunately.
Syd says
My 14 week old puppy currently gets pee on his belly when he squats but I think most of this is from him standing up to walk before he is completely finished and “wiggling” it everywhere. Wondering if trimming the hair in the area would help at all?
George says
I’m hoping to find a simple legging that’ll work. Poor Scout tries to clean himself to no avail and I constantly am wiping his legs. Aussie doodle so he’s woolie. A nightmare.
Batman says
I have a 3 year old pure bred German Shepherd rescue and he has a … rather sizeable instrument and for some reason he never quite learned to lift his legs to pee, though he sometimes does and most of the time he squats a bit. Either way, he does seem content when his very strong stream hits his front paws or even sometimes sideswipes his belly/chest area.
Is there any hope for this? I read somewhere online that surgery might help, but when I brought this up to his very reliable vet, she simply laughed that idea off.
Amanda says
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Kat says
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Rachel says
I have two male standards. The older 4 year old is very tall and large and exceptionally clean. Never had a problem. However, his little brother has much more of a junk yard dog mentality…my 8 month old recently started lifting his leg and almost every time, pees all over the back of his front leg or legs. It’s driving me crazy! I was hoping this was a phase and am so disappointed to hear many adult dogs have done this thier whole life. I keep the backs of his front legs shaved close so it’s easier to clean and wipe him down after but it’s such a pain. I would think dogs would not like that smell on themselves. I’m hoping he will grow out of it but grateful to hear about everyone else’s experiences. Thank you.
Jess says
Has anyone found a remedy? My husband is over my dog smelling like urine. Someone mentioned surgery. Has anyone done this?
lisabeesims says
I have a call in to my vet .. fingers crossed <3
Doris says
Hope it goes well
Chris says
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Frank Baumann says
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Chuck Newman says
What r pee legs. My dog hikes his leg but still pees on his front legs almost everytime. Is there a surgery my vet can do to stop this. Like maybe adjusting his pee hole. Please help.
Dora says
You can ask your vet but I doubt there’s such a surgery. If he’s still a puppy he will probably grow out of it. Think of some training to make him lift his back leg higher and thus changing the direction of his peeing.
Djanqa Vallai says
Does anyone know of a dog-safe product that could be applied to the front legs to repel and shed the liquid? I have in mind something like Scotch Guard, or Rain-X.
Sabine Clarke says
I don’t know how old some of these comments are, but it doesn’t matter. My standard poodle (10 months) not neutered yet lifts his leg while peeling and he pees on his front legs just about every time. If I don’t wash his legs each time he stinks and so does everything he lays on. I’m trying to find a solution, but nothing yet.
Jolene says
I read a comment about putting vinegar and lavender on the dogs paws , but how much of each do you mix
Diane says
My Chinese Crested pees on his front legs and chest. I wish there was a way to train him not to do this. In the winter it is worse because he pees all over his clothes too. Is there any shirts or jackets that I could get so this wouldn’t happen? He is not a rescue and he is two years old. And he does lift his leg to pee.
RussianDog says
There’s a nice dog coat on Amazon
. It’s warm, water resistant, and has a shorter belly part not to worry that your dog will pee right into the vest.
Katy says
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Jeremy says
Answer by dorothy s
Your dog sounds like a contortionist. Although I have never seen a dog do this, he is still very young. Mature dogs lift one of their back legs when they pee. If he is a rescue dog, he may be younger than you think, however when he starts to lift his leg to pee there is no way that he can pee on his front leg.
^ Fake news. My dog lifts his leg when he pees (seldom does he “puppy squat”) and he pees on his front left leg about half of the time. So yes, there is a way he can pee on his front leg. If anyone has any recommendations on how to fix this, let me know! He’s a German Shepherd if that matters.
Kristih says
MY poodle does this too. Pees on his front leg while lifting one back leg.
Junior says
Yeah, my does it if he lift his back leg or if he doesn’t lift it. Don’t know what to do, srly
Julie Mahana says
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Brandon says
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