h2gj87: How can I train my red nose pitbull?
Ok so I would like to train my 5 month old Pitbull, I don't know if age matters when training a dog. He's really playful but I would like to teach him to stay off the couch and off the beds and also the basic dog tricks, sit, stay, talk etc. He's already potty trained. Also why do people teach dogs to attack? Is it so in case of an emergency like when you get robbed or something and should I teach him that too? I don't think I can afford obedience school and if there are any alternatives what are they?
Photo by nineball2727/Flickr CC
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Answer by cbuck90
The only people who train pits to be attack dogs are fools. They are destroying a great dog. The pit wont do very much in the way of guarding except maybe using his appearance to keep the wary away.
When ever he gets up onto the couch, set him down--dont push because he will think you are playing. Pick him up and set him on the floor. Give him a treat for staying on the floor. Pits are very smart dogs and will pick up on stuff quickly if training is kept up. sit is pretty easy. Push his butt to the floor while using the command to sit. Once you push his butt down, give him a treat. Do that a couple times, then try it with out pushing his butt down. If he responds, praise him like he is the best doggie EVER!! Stay is one that might take some time. Start at small intervals after getting him into a sit or a down. start with like 3 seconds in a stay. treat him. Then a couple successful days later, aim for 6. then just go up from there. I can, with my dog, leave him in a down/stay for 2-3 minutes while I am out of sight. It is possible!
You can train him yourself, just as long as you know what you are doing. Join http://www.pitbullforum.com and they can help you out with training options and ideas.
Also, just so you know, "red nose" is just that. Means he has a red nose. Nothing special unless he comes from the champion Old School Red Nose line, which is unlikely, there arent too many of them out. there is no difference between the red noses and the blue and the black or pink or purple. It's just the color of the nose he was given.
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jjmoody75 says
Hi I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback, these are naturally aggressive animals used in Africa for hunting lions. I am sending you a link to one of there sites because I believe it will help you ALOT. You have a dog that can possibly be aggressive and there are certain things you should do as a responsible dog owner and training the first step. The best time to start training your dog is a few weeks old 6-8, when they are young there minds are like sponges. Have fun I hope this info helps!
This has been the best site I have found for training any dogs
I have also checked out Petsmart, they have dog training pretty cheap, so check one out in your area you might be surprised.
KarenS says
If you can afford a dog….you can afford obedience school. I'm not being smart…just realistic. Obedience school is a one time deal..not that expensive…and will cost you alot less than the vet bills and feeding bills will.
I think all dogs should be obedience trained…but it is especially true with strong dogs. The schools are actually teaching *you* to train your dog. You will be very happy you did it!
Contact local shelters…some offer lower cost obedience classes…or can tell you where to find them. Some also offer lower cost veterinary services.
I hope this helps you!
TommyGirl869 says
They teach these dogs to attack because they are ignorant fools. The mere presence of a dog like this is enough to scare anyone off. So no don't teach him to attack -the robber would probably turn around and sue you.
Sit-with a treat hidden in your hand, extend your index finger out and say "sit"-make him follow your hand back with his nose(he smells the treat). In following your hand back he sits-accidentally-but you say "good boy" and give him the treat. Do this 3-4 times. Then try it without the treat and just petting and a "good boy"
Down-is the same basic procedure except your hand is flattened out as much as can be (and still hide a treat. I tucked the treat between my thumb and palm.) gesture your hand to the floor and say "Down" or Lie Down. The dog should follow your hand to the floor and accidentally lie down-tell him "Good Boy!! and give him
the treat.
I don't know how much obedience classes are but check them out-often local pet supply stores have classes. There are a lot of good books on the subject as well
imderanged says
reward and praise work best to train a dog, just like you probably did when you house broke him. Start right away, I always started much earlier then 5 months. Give a command(sit, stay, off..etc) in a clear firm voice , once, and then make sure he does it, then reward him immediately. Say you are teaching 'sit'…you tell the dog "SIT" you put your hand on his rump and push his butt down. while he is still sitting give him a treat(we like little pieces of hot dog or liverwurst for this since they can eat that more quickly then bis cuts so it doesn't interrupt the training session) and tell him good boy. Keep doing this over and over until you don't need to put him into the position, and he will learn to respond to your command. Consistency is key, if you give a command follow through.
Also, I would not recommend you train a dog to attack.People who train police dogs and the like are very experienced. You don't need to train a dog to protect their owners. they will do that on their own. teaching a dog to attack is for if you would need to "sic" him on someone, and most pet owners don't or shouldn't need to do that. obedience school is good for socialization, but you don't NEED it, there is plenty of good information out there you should be able to get further info on the web or at the library. good luck!
Diane L says
APBT's are really smart, I got a book and began training my pup. We started at 3 months, and he knows sit, wait, lay, leave it (things he picks up that he shouldn't have), off (the couch), and down (jumping). He also knows come, and walk with me (when he pulls on his leash). My commands aren't the usual…. but they say to stick with what you say, so I did. Although, the books says to use one word instead of a combination of words. Anyways, treats work well, but don't give them to your pup once they learn otherwise he'll expect them every time. Verbal praise works wonders.
Don't expect your pup to get it all in one day, and only do training sessions for about 10 mins at a time… MAKE IT FUN!! Good Luck!!!
cagney says
you need to find a way to afford obedience school. you and your dog would both benefit greatly from it. a class will run you around $ 100-$ 140, depending on the area. some local dog clubs will offer great training classes at cheaper rates or check with your local humane society. this class will help you and your dog to bond, and teach the dog to respect you and listen to you. they will train you on how to train your dog to do the things you are asking about. and the benefit of the class is your dog is socialized and learns how to act with distractions, other dogs and people. also please do not do any guard training with your dog. they are protective by nature, and will do so without being shown. guard training your dog opens you to serious responsibility and possible legal trouble, which you definatly will not be able to afford. please do this breed a favor and be a responsible pit owner, take the dog to training. you can also research some tips online to get you started until you can afford a class.
nervousenergy73 says
There are lots of books available out there to help you with training go to Petsmart or Petco and they might can help you with a few pointers, Pit Bulls can be aggressive enough without being trained to fight, and also if someone such as a pit bull rescue, thought you were trying to get your dog to be aggressive them could take him away from you, for his safety and yours, I personally love pit bulls they are very strong dogs and thick headed LOL Have fun and good luck