Q: How can I get a Doberman with legally docked tail and cropped ears? Near UK?
I'm looking for a female Doberman puppy with a docked tail and cropped ears.
I know the law in the UK doesn't allow that, but I'm used to Dobermans looking a certain way and I'd like one like that.
Does anyone know of a breeder who does it, not far from England?
Photo Credit: da_bomb_987654321/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by sam_ziani
I wish I can help you mate as I know very well how you feel, what a stupid law!! the only thing I could suggest is to get a Doberman shipped from abroad and ask the breeder to dock and crop the ears. where they haven't introduced this stupid law I bet they never will.
Answer by Emma R
It's illegal and Cruel! how would you like half of your ears chopped off just because someone thinks it looks better!
Answer by Dave
I have a 2-year-old Doberman docked and cropped he looks great I use him for work I got him from Yorkshire.
Answer by Sal
So to those who are making stupid comments about cropped and docked you are not true dog lovers.
These puppies/dogs still need a loving home, even though we may be against the cropping and docking.
So just be happy these puppies/ dogs are taken care of rather than trying to put people off getting them.
Answer by Shane
As far as I am aware the ban of ear cropping is pretty much European wide, and the docking of tails is fast becoming a no-no too, and not without good reason!
All the garbage about the cropping of ears being beneficial for a Doberman is unproven, and to be fair, anyone saying that it looks natural is talking out of their backsides.
I don't understand why anyone would want a mutilated Dobie anyway, they are absolutely beautiful dogs if left unaltered, and regardless to what all the pro croppers/dockers say it is cruel, and painful to the dog, how in gods name can it not be?.
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If that's how you want your dog to look then forget it, just get a picture to hang on your wall.
My old girl who is unfortunately no longer with me had the full tail and ears, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
The law has been in play no for some time, and I would be very surprised if you would find any reputable breeder willing to take the risk, they would have too much to lose.
And would you be willing to take the risk from a back door breeder, considering all the checks a Dobie needs to ensure that it's healthy?
Answer by Pam
Cropping is no worse than circumcising a baby boy, and cropping heals A LOT faster!
If you have one shipped in from a reputable breeder from an area where cropping & docking is still a choice, it isn't illegal to own one that is already cropped & docked.
Owned by 4 cropped/docked & one docked/natural eared Dobermans
Answer by marjorie m
There are some breeders in Ireland that are still docking the tails, though as far as I am aware not the ears. It is now incredibly hard to find a docked Dobermann puppy since the law changed in April 2007. Reputable breeders in England, Wales and Scotland will not dock. I have two Dobermans, one with a tail and one without and can honestly say that the tail only adds to how handsome he is and detracts nothing. There are mixed feelings amongst Dobermann breeders about docking, some even not breeding for the time being, but as the law is here to stay, it's something we will all have to get used to (the breed standard, judges and breeders and owners alike) Good luck finding your pup.
Answer by jules77
According to Doberman ear cropping UK laws, it is illegal to sell a Doberman with a docked tail and you could have the dog taken from you. Have never heard of a UK breeder cropping a Doberman's ears. Both practices have been banned for a reason here in the UK, unnecessary and cruel.
Answer by Joanne
It's not easy to get a cropped and docked Doberman in UK. To have a docked/cropped Doberman you would have to have it imported from another country where it is legal to dock/crop.
I have only seen one ad for imported docked but not cropped Dobermans.
you should try the American Kennel Club
but it will cost you a lot more money to get it imported compared to just getting an unaltered dog from here.
also for other posters, I don't agree with docking and cropping I'm just answering the question.
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