Russian guard dogs are famous for their strength, firm protective instinct, and devotion to their owners. Caucasian Ovcharka (Shepherd), Black Russian Terrier, and Central Asian Ovcharka (Shepherd) are among the best guard dogs in the world but are these Russian dogs right for you?
Caucasian Shepherd Comes to the US
In this famous video, National Geographic introduces the Caucasian Shepherd dog to the American public and discloses many interesting characteristics of the breed. Please watch it to know the breed better.
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Some of your comments
AD: Jesus Christ! The guy in the video has some issues as I think most owners who want specific aggressive dogs do. Where in the world do you live that you think you need such an aggressive dog. I think these types of people have such grandiose ideas that they are soo special and important that everyone wants to harm them (get over yourself). The chances of an innocent person getting hurt are far greater having this type of dog than the chances of something happening that you feel the need to have this type of dog. These types have people, especially the guys, are trying to compensate for something, and I think that something is in their panties.
Katrin: If you want to go to a social event – get a chihuahua in a fancy bag.
If you want to traipse around the town – get a golden lab.
If you live in a remote area with fenced in yard and you desperately need protection – get caucasian shepherd.
These overly aggressive dogs in videos behave like that because of the mistakes of their owners. I´m not saying that CS can´t be aggressive, they are GUARD dogs and take their job very seriously.
My CS hardly ever barked and when he did there was a reason for it, not a car or a pedestrian going by. He knew his territory, he made his rounds regularly, he was thinking himself, evaluating the situation and then took action or not. He never attacked any guests, but he didn´t trust them either.
He was one of the smartest dogs I have had the pleasure of knowing and I am happy for the 13 years that we could spend together. He and my first rottweiler were smarter than most people I know.
And he smiled like a human. When I praised him, his corners of the mouth turned up, no teeth showing.
Kyle: Although I don’t want the breed in its original form to be ruined, it would be nice if they could breed some “friendly” variants of this dog. I really love the look of this dog, but I don’t think I’d want or need such an aggressive dog unless I had a farm or had some real security concerns or something. But if I could have an identical dog that wasn’t nearly as aggressive, that would be very cool.
This is the most horrible injustice to a breed of dog I think I have ever seen. These dogs are acting aggressive because their owners are really stupid. Dumb doesn’t cover it. I guess ignorance is better. the woman doing the “temperament testing” is agitating the puppies and causing them to react negatively because of the way she is treating them. This is not a test of their innate “aggressiveness” but their reaction to being mistreated at a young and defenseless puppy. they are babies and don’t understand why they are being grabbed and shaken. This is a threat to them.
The stupid man who insists on “walking” the dog he can’t control is a danger to himself and his dog. If he can’t control it, even, as he says using a CHOKE collar, he has no business taking it outside of a confined area. He is putting himself and the dog at risk by taking it out uncontrolled then allowing the dog to chase a car. These dogs that are aggressive are so because of mishandling, lack of knowledgeable owners, terrible misconceptions about the origins of behaviors in their dogs, and massive “breedism” that blame the breed of the dog for its behavior. And with the woman in the film who “raises” them, the young puppies are subjected to threatening behavior by humans at a very young age, a dangerous precedent.
Good “guard” dogs are under control at all times and trained to stop the arousal mode on command. They don’t drag their handlers down the street on the seat of their pants chasing cars, dogs, and people, and they don’t need to be choked! Can you imagine the police using a dog like in the video? Outrageous!
- Caucasian Mountain Dog Attack
- Caucasian Shepherd Rescues a Child - a Heartwarming Video
- Can Caucasian Ovcharka be Trained Not to Be Aggressive?
- 7 Best Guard Dogs for a Young Woman in an Apartment
Jim: Guy in first video talks like former nypd. A man that knows what danger is.
Marcel: The aggressiveness of Caucasian Shepherd dog is extremely APPEALING to me. Why would you want to have a Caucasian Shepherd dog if you prefer that it may behave like a couch potato? I am going to get 3-4 of them very soon and I am 67 years old. If they would eventually eat me up, that would be the best reward for me at the end of my life. Nevertheless, I am going to train them, socialize them and so on. Hence, my Caucasian Shepherd dogs will be my best friends. Finally, I hope that my dogs would eat anybody who would be trespassing my property.
COD Fan. & Responsible Dog Owner: The HIGH protection ability of Caucasian Shepherd guard dog, plus it's HUGE size, plus its ability to do damage, I could NOT in my right mind suggest this breed to anyone, unless they have livestock to protect, out in the middle of NOWHERE with LARGE predators they need protection against! I grew up around dogs in general, and different breeds, since I was very young, (early 30's now),
This dog is NOT your neighbor's beagle that you can walk down the driveway to get the mail, this dog is what's called an LGD, Livestock Guard Dog. It defends it's flock/herd with its life, if need be, it WILL take over if you are intimidated or scared in ANY way.
This, like the American Pit Bull Terrier, takes a special person, a RESPONSIBLE person who will be its guardian for the rest of its life.. NOT a person (use that term loosely) who has a BIG ego and wants a BIGGER dog. They are NOT safe in the wrong hands. The human either gets locked up/pays a hefty fine, and the dog, (whose only crime was doing what the owner told it) dies..
PLEASE RESEARCH BEFORE YOU GET YOUR DOG! I also stress purebred rescues. Don't support breeders who only want to churn out puppies for a buck.
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