Russian guard dogs are famous for their strength, firm protective instinct, and devotion to their owners. Caucasian Ovcharka (Shepherd), Black Russian Terrier, and Central Asian Ovcharka (Shepherd) are among the best guard dogs in the world but are these Russian dogs right for you?
Caucasian Shepherd Comes to the US
In this famous video, National Geographic introduces the Caucasian Shepherd dog to the American public and discloses many interesting characteristics of the breed. Please watch it to know the breed better.
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Some of your comments
AD: Jesus Christ! The guy in the video has some issues as I think most owners who want specific aggressive dogs do. Where in the world do you live that you think you need such an aggressive dog. I think these types of people have such grandiose ideas that they are soo special and important that everyone wants to harm them (get over yourself). The chances of an innocent person getting hurt are far greater having this type of dog than the chances of something happening that you feel the need to have this type of dog. These types have people, especially the guys, are trying to compensate for something, and I think that something is in their panties.
Katrin: If you want to go to a social event – get a chihuahua in a fancy bag.
If you want to traipse around the town – get a golden lab.
If you live in a remote area with fenced in yard and you desperately need protection – get caucasian shepherd.
These overly aggressive dogs in videos behave like that because of the mistakes of their owners. I´m not saying that CS can´t be aggressive, they are GUARD dogs and take their job very seriously.
My CS hardly ever barked and when he did there was a reason for it, not a car or a pedestrian going by. He knew his territory, he made his rounds regularly, he was thinking himself, evaluating the situation and then took action or not. He never attacked any guests, but he didn´t trust them either.
He was one of the smartest dogs I have had the pleasure of knowing and I am happy for the 13 years that we could spend together. He and my first rottweiler were smarter than most people I know.
And he smiled like a human. When I praised him, his corners of the mouth turned up, no teeth showing.
Kyle: Although I don’t want the breed in its original form to be ruined, it would be nice if they could breed some “friendly” variants of this dog. I really love the look of this dog, but I don’t think I’d want or need such an aggressive dog unless I had a farm or had some real security concerns or something. But if I could have an identical dog that wasn’t nearly as aggressive, that would be very cool.
This is the most horrible injustice to a breed of dog I think I have ever seen. These dogs are acting aggressive because their owners are really stupid. Dumb doesn’t cover it. I guess ignorance is better. the woman doing the “temperament testing” is agitating the puppies and causing them to react negatively because of the way she is treating them. This is not a test of their innate “aggressiveness” but their reaction to being mistreated at a young and defenseless puppy. they are babies and don’t understand why they are being grabbed and shaken. This is a threat to them.
The stupid man who insists on “walking” the dog he can’t control is a danger to himself and his dog. If he can’t control it, even, as he says using a CHOKE collar, he has no business taking it outside of a confined area. He is putting himself and the dog at risk by taking it out uncontrolled then allowing the dog to chase a car. These dogs that are aggressive are so because of mishandling, lack of knowledgeable owners, terrible misconceptions about the origins of behaviors in their dogs, and massive “breedism” that blame the breed of the dog for its behavior. And with the woman in the film who “raises” them, the young puppies are subjected to threatening behavior by humans at a very young age, a dangerous precedent.
Good “guard” dogs are under control at all times and trained to stop the arousal mode on command. They don’t drag their handlers down the street on the seat of their pants chasing cars, dogs, and people, and they don’t need to be choked! Can you imagine the police using a dog like in the video? Outrageous!
- Caucasian Mountain Dog Attack
- Caucasian Shepherd Rescues a Child - a Heartwarming Video
- Can Caucasian Ovcharka be Trained Not to Be Aggressive?
- 7 Best Guard Dogs for a Young Woman in an Apartment
Jim: Guy in first video talks like former nypd. A man that knows what danger is.
Marcel: The aggressiveness of Caucasian Shepherd dog is extremely APPEALING to me. Why would you want to have a Caucasian Shepherd dog if you prefer that it may behave like a couch potato? I am going to get 3-4 of them very soon and I am 67 years old. If they would eventually eat me up, that would be the best reward for me at the end of my life. Nevertheless, I am going to train them, socialize them and so on. Hence, my Caucasian Shepherd dogs will be my best friends. Finally, I hope that my dogs would eat anybody who would be trespassing my property.
COD Fan. & Responsible Dog Owner: The HIGH protection ability of Caucasian Shepherd guard dog, plus it's HUGE size, plus its ability to do damage, I could NOT in my right mind suggest this breed to anyone, unless they have livestock to protect, out in the middle of NOWHERE with LARGE predators they need protection against! I grew up around dogs in general, and different breeds, since I was very young, (early 30's now),
This dog is NOT your neighbor's beagle that you can walk down the driveway to get the mail, this dog is what's called an LGD, Livestock Guard Dog. It defends it's flock/herd with its life, if need be, it WILL take over if you are intimidated or scared in ANY way.
This, like the American Pit Bull Terrier, takes a special person, a RESPONSIBLE person who will be its guardian for the rest of its life.. NOT a person (use that term loosely) who has a BIG ego and wants a BIGGER dog. They are NOT safe in the wrong hands. The human either gets locked up/pays a hefty fine, and the dog, (whose only crime was doing what the owner told it) dies..
PLEASE RESEARCH BEFORE YOU GET YOUR DOG! I also stress purebred rescues. Don't support breeders who only want to churn out puppies for a buck.
Read other opinions in the comments section. Share your views.
[email protected] says
This show introduced me to the Caucasian, looking at it years later it’s a little over the top, but I still am wanting one.. I used to live in town so I didn’t get one …it would’ve been a hard life for it.. now I’m on land in the wilds of Appalachia I plan on getting one , hopfulysoon to add to my pack…I still have the bandogs /presas had in town ,now I’m gonna add an ovcharka,..planning on goats and chickens to…my lgd will then have a job…I love aggression in my self in my comrades in my wife and in my dogs …I think the first poster poopooing on aggression and the rest of the safety first community are rank cowards…terrified of there own inevitable deaths and avoiding dealing with that internal issue by trying to make the world safe …he should’ve read nietchie as a teen, instead of the week milk the wests victim culture promoting schools have him…omerta honor arete , nic
Don says
A Chow Chow will guard the same way but in a much more manageable 75lbs frame.
RonP says
I am amazed at all the critical “experts” that think they know what they are talking about. Dogs have temperaments that you may not be able to override, regardless of their upbringing. I have been a K-9 handler and have done a substantial amount of protection training and police training of several breeds of dogs. The Kangal and Caucasian Shepherds have a different temperament from what I have seen and learned from others. I have worked with GSDs, Rotts, Dobies, Mals and many various breeds over the years and I am considering getting a Kangal; but I already realize the training and level of control is not going to be what I am accustomed to with my GSDs. That said, to consider getting this type of breed requires one do their research and consider their life circumstances (for the next 10 to 15 years, not just this month). It is a huge responsibility and not for the new dog owner or person with the wrong temperament or attitude. They sure are impressive though!!!
Angel Uribe says
I would love to have one but there’s no one in my area that would have them or has heard of them. And I’m going to assume there cost is pricey there to pretty not to be.
Elizabeth Wallace-Lashua says
We raise German Shepherds and own 1 CS . We raised her with an abundance of love and wanting us to be happy with her. We live in the country she knows everything that is happening on the farm. She has been handled constantly. She is perfect to be brushed and combed, ears and teeth cleaned and nails done. She comes when she is called and does not hesitate wondering if I have to mind. She was never agitated or hurt when she was a puppy to see if she would become aggressive (How stupid is that). I do not know any people that I would recommend to go get one. But for us she is a joy to live with.
JK says
Prior to commenting you should learn; where the breed comes from & why it has this level of aggression! Commenting that this level of aggression is unnecessary or should be ‘bred down’, not only shows your level of ignorance, but supports the destruction of breeds use; both physical & mental. These dogs were/are bred for sheep & Shepard protection on the Caucus Mountains against bears, wolves, leopards, & jackals. Therefore, too even suggest breeding out this level of aggression is absurd! Yes, I’ll agree, the man with ‘Nicholas’ is a bird brain that created a liability, as well as, negativity towards this breed! I see him as no different then the people that created public hate of the Pit Bull. The fault also lyes with the breeder! This breed of dog should only be owned by people capable of socializing, training, & raising them, which this man does NOT have! Their level of aggression, guarding, possession paired with their independence is NOTHING like the Rottie, German Shepard, Pit Bull, etc! Livestock Guardian Breeds (not affected by the AKC); Kangal, CAS, Ovcharka- Caucasion/Russian, Spanish Mastiff, Tibetan Mastiff, Komondor, etc are, TRULY, in a realm of there own. Till you gain the experience of owning 1 of these breeds, and using them for their true purpose; Guarding livestock; your comment is just an opinion of ignorance!
JB says
Well spoken. I couldn’t have said it better myself. I live in rural Alaska. Hundreds of miles from any “town.” Raising livestock out here has been a real challenge. Having an OC around would be a huge weight off of my mind, and an ideal animal to have at my side. The obvious challenges of training myself to handle a dog like that. Prevent me from seriously considering this amazing breed! I have owned several dogs over my lifetime. No dog has ever failed me… Rather it was I that failed the dog. Training is for humans first. The dog will fallow.
Rooski says
All you commenters need to get a grip and stop your little pussies from hurting
Kate says
yeah dude, wanting a *choke* collar to walk his dog under control? Was he “teaching” himself to work with the dog because he certainly wasn’t doing much.
I’ve had “pain insensitive” dogs but never looked like that with them. Hell- he has no business taking that dog out of his yard until the dog walked at a heel consistently.
Max says
The comment has been moved to another post about Russian guard dogs.
Rex says
From my experience living with dominant-breed dogs like the Bouvier des Flandres, German shepherd, and Black Russian Terrier dogs, usually sick dogs in pain are overly aggressive and super nasty bordering on the vicious — very unpredictable animals. Hip dysplasia will cause a dog to be extremely aggressive and downright nasty — of course, nothing a top bred, big-boned German shepherd can’t handle. But that’s stupid to use an innocent German shepherd dog as the enforcer of a sick dog. All dogs should be fully tamed, trained, and socialized from at least the age of four (4) months old. Those dogs, which are unpredictable, must be muzzled at all times. Eventually these dogs may calm down, but strangers can never enter the house unless the owner wants to be sued and jailed. Dogs, all dogs, escape their property at least a few times. If a dog is overly aggressive, the police will not hesitate to shoot the dog dead. It doesn’t end there. The owner of this dead, aggressive dog is then fined thousands of dollars. If a person is incapable of handling a smaller, dominant, aggressive breed of dog, they have no business owner a much larger, dominant, aggressive breed of dog. If the dog is incapable of socializing with other dogs and poses a threat to the general public, the dog should be sent off to boot camp. If no police or U.S. Marines retired instructor wants to handle such a dog, the only option is euthanasia.
Aarno says
Dear readers, whether ladys or gentleman. I lost my heart to Tibets Mastiffs, which is a similar dog in many ways to Owcharka. Both dogs have evolved protecting cattle, people and assets in a really Darwinistic circumstances. I have lived with Tibets mastiffs for two decades and only other dog breed I could imagine living with is Georgian variety of Owcharka. Both of these wonderful breeds can be very troublesome. My companion Hilma for example thought she was boss of the family when she was puppy and tryed literally to eat the corner of the house in order to make her own passage.
I was contacted when the family realized they had a major problem. Circumstances(suburb) and inability to handle a 6 month 100 pound puppy were obvious. These types of problems are quite common with both TB’s and Owcharkas.
We’ve lived ”happily ever after” and even travelled a lot, so I can only appeal to both people raising Owcharkas and TB’s and people considering having one of them to think whether the circumstances and attitudes match.
One should never take neither TB or Owcharka as ones first large dog. Experience with smaller dogs might not apply.
When provided right training and right living area there are no dog breeds in world that really become member of your pack like these dogs. I wish you all nice summer.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your well-considered comment.
Katrin says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your nice comment. We’ve published it on our Facebook page
David B Wade says
I have one Caucasian Shepherd, right now he is about 9 1/2 months old and 115 LBS. I have traned and properly socilised him since he was 9 weeks old. He is a proper animal NOT agressive he does NOT pull the leash he has NEVER had a choke or a shock collar. He plays with kittens and babies. He is a gentile giant. A creature will be what ever you show it that the world is. If you had never seen anyone use a hammer for anything other than hitting people in the head, how would you know its for nails? Check my facebook page for pictures if you want to see his progress Its public. Tho Id just look at the pictures of Mojo, cause I get a lil randy on facebook sometimes. – Have a nice day. – Information is power.
Brian Burdick says
Hi Folks……
These beautiful dogs are just like tools. You need the proper tool for the job at hand. You wouldn’t use a wrench for a hammer or a screwdriver for a saw. For their intended purpose of guarding livestock, personal protection, and family dog (to their own family, that is…) you can’t beat them.
They are not stuffed teddy bears. They are nothing to be trifled with. They are Big, Beautiful but can be really Dangerous if not handled properly.
I’m 75 and my 4-year-old Kangal can almost pull me anywhere he wants when he gets excited. It really doesn’t happen much anymore, but when he was a pup (1-2 years old) he was a handful! Him, my Dogo female and the crossbreed they made are probably the last really big dogs I will have. That’s the problem with getting up there in age.
In the meantime, I will love them and enjoy them for as long as I can.
The last thing I have to say is Never let a sagging ego get you and most especially that beautiful dog into a world of trouble.
As Dirty Harry so wisely said, ” A man’s got to know his limitations!”
Thanks, and the very best to you all,
RussianDog says
Thank you Brian! All the best to you and your dogs!
grizzmax says
Tamara very much does know what she is talking about although I do not care much for the way she “sweet baby”‘s the dog in order to control it in public. I mean, she treats it like it’s a little baby learning to walk. She feels she still has to do that in order to have control of it in public. I mean seriously, I can FEEL for the dog going “Oh Jesus, this lady is just embarasing the hell out of me “. Dogs bred like this are not stupid as they are born already knowing EXACTLY what they are born to do and they do have EGO’S and IMPORTANT SELF ESTEEM needs like dogs especially of this type.Talking to it like it’s a baby dosn’t cut it. The man in the video is a joke. He has absolutely NO CONTROL of his dog AT ALL. NO WAY should ANY DOG behave like this in public especially one of this type. It obviously was not socialized or trained AT ALL. I mean the dog was threatening baby’s for God’s sake. Another thing; his neighborhood is one of the most expensive and safest neighborhoods in America, which is not an environment which this dog is bred for. It’s not needed there. I’m all for a dog like this in the proper context. I’m very familiar with this breed and it was very specificly trained in the Soviet Union to be the most dangerous dog in the World! I’m a strong 2nd Amendment Supporter (by his behavior, I feel quite certain he’s not), but absolutely no one should own or posses a firearm unless they are VERY well trained in SAFETY FIRST, respect for the danger of it and exactly how and when to use it, and as a last resort! This man and his dog are as dangerous as a wild cannon as he has absolutely NO CONTROL OVER IT. The man is overcompensating for his sence of wimpyness with this dog. Learn how to fight man, learn Martial Arts, learn how to use a firearm and keep it in your home, away from your children. But you, sir are a danger to the public. Your neighbors are frightened to death and I guarantee your neighbors are floating a petition to have your dog taken away as it is a danger TO THEM, and they are right!. Very, very sad.
ATrue Animal Lover says
anyone saying this is an aggressive dog is stupid and does not know it is not the dog that is aggressive, but the owner that trained it! there is no problem dog, only problem owners! – and these are the ones that should be put down, not the dog!
a true animal lover
D R says
You are incorrect. The COS is naturally aggressive. It is historically documented for centuries. They guarded entire villages from invaders. You have to train them to not be aggressive. This is a breed unlike all breeds in the USA. However, worth its weight in gold for protection. But one must be an expert dog trainer to have one. There are videos you can watch of even the most champion aggressive dogs in Russia that can be handled off leash by their owner. It can be done, takes dedication.
Dawn Valfre says
You may be an animal lover but you are clueless. COs need early, consistent and lifelong socialization and training, adaquate exercise and a knowledgeable owner/trainer to be able to live in civilized society. No wimps need apply, as evidenced by the guy who’s CO tried to eat a car
Panda says
Like most people who raise attack dogs, this woman is a show- off who is not really skilled at anything and so has become ( a self – proclaimed) “expert” with this attack breed. As one of the previous commenters stated, Why in the world would you want a dog like this and where does ANYONE live who would need this sort of protection? Also as stated previously, well- trained guard dogs do not follow cars and do not pull down their own owners!! This woman is no expert: she decided to become one. One of the things that irritate me most about her is that she thinks the outrageous aggression of these dogs is okay. It is NOT OKAY!! THIS is why so many municipalities have outlawed rottwiellers, pit bulls and even German Shepherds . This is no animal expert – I know bc I have purebred dogs who are raised by a KNOWLEDGEABLE breeder – not a fly- by – night like this woman. This whole video is disgusting. There should be NO DOG LIKE THIS on residential property!! The harm these beasts can do is far more than any contrived good they may do.
ATrue Animal Lover says
Dear Panda, it seems you live in a city maybe? or at least in a municipal area? well imagine Darling there are a whole load of people that do not live in apartments, houses, with cars, roads, other dogs and people around – it is THOSE, like me who DO NEED just such a guard dog! This is why they were bred in the first place in the USSR – if you can read, please do try! read up on their history and the reasons why they were artificially created for this purpose and this purpose alone by the army.
These dogs should NEVER be kept in confined spaces, amongst building, in built up areas.
Catilieth says
This woman hasn’t a clue about dog behavior and is setting her dogs up for disaster. I have an ovcharka. He is well mannered and friendly. He likes people and adores little children. He will play with a toddler and NEVER knock the child down. But he has been properly brought up. He has no reason to believe that every person he sees is an enemy (which is what this woman has done). He is sure that everyone is just waiting to meet him and to pet him. I take his to the Home Depot and Lowe’s, to Tractor Supply and Pet Smart. He loves to visit. He thinks the bank drive through is a doggy treat dispensing machine. I do have to keep an eye on him with ill-mannered yappy dogs because he would dearly love to put the little beast who is trying to bite him in its proper place, But since I am in charge, a low spoken reminder for him to mind his manners and ignore the little idiot is enough.
At home he knows his job. The coyotes and foxes no longer wreak havoc with my chickens, nor do stray dogs kill my geese… and the bob cat hunts elsewhere.
They are not mindless attack idiots unless their owners are idiots. I am 60 yrs old and have physical disabilities which limit my ability to get around, and I assure you, it would not cross DRUG’s (as in the Russian word) mind to drag me around like that. He is, in fact, very handy for getting up when I need a hand up. He is a big boy, I try to keep his weight under 170 lbs. He is safer by far than the typical German Shepherd or Rottie.
D R says
Good for you! BRAVO! These dogs are the only known breed (and its variations) that can take on a wolf singularly. Other breeds can but in a pack. The ultimate livestock guardian dog!
PS German Shepherds that are well bred and trained are awesome for the average family needing protection, so I do disagree with you on that. Rottweilers are not really bred for guardian nor protection work.
gem615 says
Watch the 2nd video – in Russia… Owners sure do make sure to stay out of their way while still trying to wrangle them…
RussianDog says
The link has been removed because we don’t support dog fighting.
R.A. says
Thank you. I think people that intentionally fight dogs should be thrown in a ring to fight for their own lives. Horrible! Horrible! people.
gem615 says
This breed will be the next PitBull epidemic – where every a$$hole guy will want on just BC they think its cool… then they end up being automatically euthanized BC they killed someone or someone else’s kid, dog, whatever… It is beyond IRRESPONSIBLE for this woman to be breeding them only to be sold to Joe Schmo who thinks they’re a dog whisperer when it comes to training – just BC they had a Dobie or German Shep once upon a time, then learn quickly that they have ZERO power to control it, which I agree – should be on command, NOT FORCE (as it obviously drags you down the street!). These dogs need extensive socialization from puppyhood thru maturity & then some… aggression is an innate response with this breed, so there should be no encouragement at any time if you do own one. STUPID STUPID PEOPLE….
The same situation has also happened over the years w wolfdogs, where they’re still legal. I rescue all the screwed up ones that people think are so cool to own, only to find theyre nothing like a regular dog & then dump them at a shelter BC they have no idea what they’re doing or want to be bothered taking the time to learn how to train them or provide for all their special needs. The shelters do NOT adopt them out – EVER & are auto euthanized, even where they are legal to own… On occasion, only wolf & wolfdog rescues will be called when they have an especially sweet tempered one that hasn’t been tied up & left outside to live a miserable life with no socialization (& owners then become even more afraid of them). They are a challenge when you know what you’re doing, nevermind the idiot that doesn’t. They should NEVER have been breeded for sale the first place! The same goes with this breed – that was originally bred to also take down BEARS, & you think you’re going to have a neighborhood friendly pet – in the case when they ultimately will get away from you… morons! Go get yourself a rescue dog in need of a good home – theres plenty of cool looking dogs there that you can show off to your friends without ultimately getting them hurt the next time they walk into your house for an unexpected visit
Laura says
This is a breed who will soon be in shelters and put down as no one can have a dog like this and not see them kill or hurt someone really bad.
So IMO you are breeding dog that are mostly going to be put down.
Charles Shapiro says
I want a Caucasian Shepherd dog need a breeder close to Maryland
Charles Cater says
I would LOVE to have one I’m in Louisville,Ky
RussianDog says
You may want to follow our page Caucasian Shepherd for Sale or Adoption.
Andrew says
I love these dogs but I live somewhere the average temp is in the 90s. If you want a warm weather slightly smaller hardcore guard and family dog look at the Fila Brasileiro. You will have a hard time finding a more loyal dog.
I wanna buy a puppy of that breed and take it with me to India so wanna ask wether it will be able to survive in the Indian climatic condition and how much will it cost me ? Pls tell me as soon as possible
RussianDog says
Thank you for your interest. A dog should not “survive”, it should feel comfortable. Caucasian Ovcharka is a double coated dog that prefers cold to heat. Like any dog it can accept the normal summer weather but high temperatures and high humidity are not for the CO.
As for the prices please view and
Robert says
I am interested in your dog. I live on an average and work within corrections. I need additional protection such as a dog like this. I am a big man that would be able to handle this dog. Or believe I can….
requesting more information.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your interest. We have a lot of information about Caucasian Shepherds on this website. Please view the list of posts.
Mrs Kathryn Coluzzi c/o Botkin says
As I continue to read these posts I realize there are two types of pet owners, the first owns a working dog trained to perform and always acknowledged as an unpredictable animal requiring tight control and guidance and 2) a person who wants a companion animal,
I have companion animals and acknowledge they are beasts. However the animal loves and desires to please a person who is good and kind to it. I don’t find it necessary to do more than speak harshly to my pet for it to become very subdued. I keep them on a schedule, give rewards and correct the dog by saying “No” or screaming ‘”No” which can be very scary to puppies. I don’t know why people make such a hubaloo over owning big dogs. Perhaps because big dogs gravitate to me. My fiance took me to a Scottish festival where the games featured a parade of Matiffs, Wolfhounds and Terriers. The Wolfhounds surrounded me, nudged me with their heads and pushed me to their kennel master. The Mastiffs came to me lunging on their toe leashes and licked my hands. Pit bulls like me, we had one at the pier where I used to live, it would fetch the rope of sail boats coming to dock and try to pull the boats in. Everyone loved her. I intend to take my next dog to obedience classes offered nationwide at PetsMart, I have never been able to train a dog to heel without a leash but I will have time and space to teach my next dog this game. I will not train my dog to attack, I will train my dog to sit when people arrive at my house. This is easy when your guests are asked to cooperate while you introduce the guest to the animal. The worst thing people do to my dog at dinner parties is offer food scraps, dog is not allowed in dining room but kitchen is okay. I stopped inviting three people for dinner and told them why, “I asked you not to feed the dog at the table or encourage the dog by offering food from your plate. Dogs can have reactions to things we use in our food, pepper, chocolate and other things we eat can kill dogs, not to mention I simply don’t have dogs at my table, the bed is fine.” I really need this dog where can I buy one? I respect the animals nature, they usually mirror my own.Thank You Kathryn
John Dunne says
Hi Kathryn,
How are you?
In your circumstance if you are not certain and experienced with such a Beautiful animal like the Caucasian Ovcharka, and the requirements around a primitive pack guardian dog of old, then it would be best not to attempt to own one,; as this breed of dog needs full attention and above all a life commitment of a family, this is were the Breed excels – I have 10 full adult caucasians and I was lucky to have been mentored in how to train and own this wonderful breed, by a person who was selected to breed and train this dog breed for Russian Governments and Royals. I can say that mentoring gave me a great insight but there was so much more to the Breed, So please consider if you need one of these beautiful animals or do you want one, as if you stay true to this question then this wonderful Breed will survive unhindered and enjoy the future,
This breed is very unique, and the key is to find a breeder that knows and understands the breed and they will choose a pup for you and your personality, Please do not take offence to this they have a lot of knowledge when it comes to the Breed and they are doing this to protect the Breed and you, The key to a C.O. is in the first 15 months of their life they are studying you and how you reqct to everyone so when that 15 – 16 month age comes along if you have not trained the dog then, they will act the way you did in that circumstance and they will do so with the intention to purely protect their owner/s – family and property to the death, literally, and when you have a dog that has as much power as a C.O.
I would like to take one of that breed to India so will it be able to survive there and how will it cost me to buy a puppy of that breed
Kathryn Stewart McDonald c/o Botkin says
HELLO, I just learned about this beautiful breed of dog. I have always had large dogs, when my last dog died about 20 years ago I could not even think about having another dog. I grieved forever. Our dog was considered feral, he came to our home and adopted us, our neighbors wanted to have him killed. We talked them out of persecuting our newly adopted animal.Within very little time, and a lot of love our dog became the happiest dog alive. People have , mean dogs because the people are cruel. I would love to have a dog like this, I have time, space and love to give to an animal. I don’t cage my dogs, I don’t beat my dogs, my dogs seem to train themselves. They are friendly to a point but will defend me , I wouldn’t want to sacrifice my dog over a television set, I would save the dog. If my dog attacked anyone I would immediately take dog to a friend then lie, telling anyone who asked the dog ran away. I left a nice house because neighbors teased one of my dogs. I do need a dog with presence, a dog which would appear intimidating. My job is somewhat controversial. Do you know of anyone who breeds these dogs in the USA or do you sell them. I am not rich. I am in love with the dog. My friend wants to know why I can’t have a crush on a movie star or find love with a miniature poodle. I told him when he can afford a security system for me I won’t need him but I will always need a loyal dog. Let me know where I can find a dog like this to buy. I take dogs to the vet and do not let others abuse my animals. Lucky you, and you have a beautiful family. Kathryn
COD Fan. & Responsible Dog Owner. says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
Marcel says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
Caucasian shepherd owner says
I’m the owner of Caucasian shepherd and Maine Coon cat(25 pounds+)
That’s so NOT TRUE that they are aggressive!!!
Don’t lie to people about those dog breed!
We are responsible for those who are tamed.
It’s depends how you raze them, depends what qualities do you put in them when they are puppies. Because they are big – doesn’t matter that they are aggressive. .The bigger animal – more aggressive animal? Bigger person is – more aggressive?
My Maine Coon is 1 yo and he’s 25 pounds. He’s very come and cute. That’s how we raised him.
But you can train your animal to be aggressive.
You can train your animal to be friendly, but protect you in dangerous situation. Yes, you will need money to spend on specific classes for your pet to learn how to protect you. This is what I was doing. We are responsible for those who are tamed.
Your Caucasian shepherd will be what you will make out of her/him. Just like a child.
By the way – I’m Russian and in Russia Caucasian shepherd breed is very common (not like in US) and I NEVER heard from someone that they aggressive.
Yes, when big dog is barking – it’s scary.
But I know a few people who are afraid of my Maine Coon – because he’s SO BIG and have a very wild look (breed feature). 2 people asked me if it’s he’s a bob cat
So, big is not equal aggressive or bad.
We are responsible for those who are tamed.
Lisa says
Ready these comments are hilarious most are uneducated comments and are people that should never own these dogs….key to any ownership is being a responsible owner, DO NOT SET YOUR DOG UP TO FAIL, CONSISTENCY AND TRAINING. I own one, he’s 16 months old, I walking with a Halti/gentle leader he stays right by my side, zero pulling. Now at home, friends and family know NEVER walk in my house unannounced. He likes 6 people he would just a soon kill everyone else. When I have company he goes to another room. He is only like this at home. However in public he’s extremely well mannered, I’ve taken him to petsmart, parades, the post office…..I never let anyone pet him just because I never want to take the chance of him hurting someone. It’s funny everyone will avoid my pitbull and she wouldn’t hurt a fly, and they ask to pet my CO who would attack in a heartbeat. I think it’s his size and all the fluff that makes folks think his a big teddy bear….lol he’s actually more like a grizzly bear!
Sol says
You sound like that rarest of creatures: the Responsible Dog Owner. Sadly, I fear they’re becoming an endangered species.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your comment. We’ve quoted it on our Facebook page
James Long says
My dog is just over three months old and already shows the strong defensive traits this breed is known for. We got him at 9 weeks and began training and socializing immediately. There is no getting away from the aggressive nature of this breed. You must be firm and consistent all the while knowing this dog could go off at anytime. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. My wife and I put a lot of time and money into making sure his life with us is a success. If you don’t want to put in the effort required for this breed please stay away or you will regret it.
Caucasian shepherd owner says
I’m completely agree with you – ” there are people that should never own these dogs”…I have one – and very attached to him.
Wayne S. Roberts says
I would like to receive more info on the Caucasian dog. I love the way he looks. The wife and I are elderly. Need a good dog.
Eric says
Elderly? All due respect, this is not a dog for you.
Having said that, take that video starring Tamara Follett and that little putz who fetishizes protection dogs with a whole shaker of salt. Was reading some posts by a couple of other breeders who were appalled at what that video did to the CO’s reputation.
Jim says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
Saeed khan says
Love this breed . amazing .
No reason why I should put my name here says
That Martin guy is clearly NOT equipped to own such a dog. The way he handles him, enables the aggressive behavior by pulling the leash and in no way shape or form intervenes as its owner, he’s basically allowing his dog to be a killing machine. In my opinion that’s dangerous behavior, irresponsible and ignorant. That’s not even a happy dog, holy crap.
Sol says
Yeah, I had the same thought. Always wondered why she would put that on the internet — it certainly doesn’t look good on either her or the breed, never mind that owner.
Steve Taylor says
If you’re going back to Kenya, can you please take Barrack Hussein Obama with you?
yangluc says
I love the dog. I currently live in America and planning to relocate in Kenya. I would like to own a female and male puppy of the caucasian mountain dog. Pls help.
Bright Olime says
I love this caucasian dog and i will like to own one so i need all information that will help me on how to get it. Looking forward to get your response thanks.
admin says
It depends on where you're living. There are a lot of breeders in Europe and quite a few in the US.