shaun: Caucasian mountain shepherd "ovcharka" dogs?
I want to get a Caucasian mountain dog mainly because of their size and look. But do they make a good pet or will I be getting in trouble?
Answers and Views:
Answer by Anne
I can't imagine anyone wanting a dog of this breed unless it would be to guard prisons or enormous flocks of livestock. Even then, this type of animal should never be among people and only a marine type of man as its handler. I would very much like to see this breed let loose on ISIS.
Answer by Emma
I own two Caucasian Mountain Shepherds (Ovcharka) and they are great dogs. Yes, they are great guard dogs. But just like any other dogs, they have to be socialized and trained. They are what the owner makes them become. They can be great family dogs.
Answer by Damon’s Mom
Please do your research before getting one of these dogs!
Caucasian Ovcharka dogs are wonderful dogs if brought up by the right owner. These dogs need a FIRM leader and tend to not be good with children. So if you have children in your home or in your neighborhood then this is not the breed of dog for you. They have a very strong protective nature that can cause them to become overly aggressive at times. And even go into a full outrage. If not properly socialized they will snap at humans they do not see as Alphas in an attempt to herd them and show dominance. They do not do well with strangers at all. They have also been known to attack their owners if they view their owners as not “Top dog” or Alpha of the pack.
If you or your neighbors have cats or small-medium sized dogs then you should not get this dog. They have a very high prey drive and will and have been known to kill smaller animals even with proper training and having grown up with them.
I hope I could shine some light on this breed. Please keep in mind while not all of the dogs in this breed will be like this you will have to be a strong-willed person to train them and keep them under control. Good luck and please try to find another breed of dog.
Answer by Barbara
First, call your home owner's agent to find out how much your insurance will be with this dog or if you can even be insured. Then find a breeder who's dogs are titled in obedience. Then go and meet the parents while the litter is still being planned so you can get an idea of what your puppy will be like. A good breeder will know these puppies' personalities and choose a puppy for you, based on your needs and it's personality, not what the puppy looks like. That is if the puppy you need was even born into that litter.
There will be puppies who grow up friendly and some will be vicious from the same litter. You can't train the viciousness out of them; however, you can turn a relatively gentle caucasian into a monster if you don't stay on top of it. While it may not be the end of the world for you if you screw up your dog, it will be the end for the dog. You really have to be in tune with a CO and be able to spot the signs of impending rage and stop it before it happens.
- How much would a typical Caucasian mountain dog cost?
- Caucasian Mountain Shepherd Dog Attack Video
- What dog food does the Caucasian Mountain Dog need?
Since you will be choosing your dog from a breeder/trainer you will get your advice from this person and not people who have never had a CO. Plan on lots of interaction time with your CO for bonding, training, grooming, etc.
So if you NEED the level of security these dogs provide and you can provide the proper containment and care, and can stop rage before it happens, go for it. If not try a Leonberger
Answer by linze2go
You need to do very careful research before you think you are ready to get this dog, this is a dog that needs a job, like guarding a flock or something similar. You can buy one and they will cost you around $ 2,000 to $ 4,000. They need extra amounts of socialization and very strict training from an expert in this breed.
The reason I know this is I know of someone who got one and did not train the dog and it bit a child and had to be put down. It used to 'guard' the waste bins in an office as it had nothing else to guard and bite, or lunged at everyone there, was not good at all with the other dogs in the office and was aggressive with all who came into contact with her.
Careful, careful, careful on Caucasian Shepherd dog breed. Not for anyone who doesn't know what they are doing with large, stubborn, strong and protective dogs.
Answer by dan
Caucasian Mountain Dogs are related to the cms... these dogs are extremely large, powerful and dangerous!
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Kathryn Nissen says
What a load of rubbish I read about this breed. They do not have “rage syndrome. My girl was rescued from Romania when she was about 5, we have had her for 5 years. In all that time she has been nothing but a lady. She is calm, gentle, absolutely no prey drive, We have 2 cats, she is gentle with them, She ignores dogs which bark at her and is an absolute joy. We have a small garden and house, We take her to the park where she is off lead and is absolutely reliable with dogs and people. She comes to the pub, she comes shopping, kids love her and many have their photos taken with her. She accepts anyone into our home. She is a dog.. some poodles are nasty, some are gentle. Some German Shepherds are aggressive some are not.. I would suggest that you meet as many Caucasian shepherds as you can.. and judge for yourself before you get one. The original and current job these dogs are bred to do is as livestock guardians. They live with sheep they look after lambs for goodness sake. They are not hard wired to be aggressive.. it is people who turn them into soviet guard dogs and aggressive dogs. Their breed characteristics are, steady calm, loyal. it is people who are changing this wonderful breed into something to feed their own macho egos. Be careful where you get one from … do not get one from a breeder breeding for aggression.. They are the ones to blame for corrupting a truly amazing steady breed. I bet you would protect your kids if someone threatened them.. does that make you aggressive and unsafe to be around people or to play in the park ?? Of course not.
Angela Pacitti says
We have a female had her from 10 weeks old
Great with small dogs very friendly loves everything and everyone just loves on you in general and sleeps a lot very lazy.
Family from aberdeen Scotland
Emma says
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Anette says
I own a female Ovcharka after 25 years of owning Pit Bulls. The one I have is only calm and gentle and shows normal dog behavior toward strangers. She loves driving, she loves cuddling and she loves everyone in the family. I really don’t understand what some people are writing here. They are demonizing the breed.
Lisa Rizk says
Thank you! I own one and will be doing my best to make him social as possible. Although I want protection I want something I can control and teach not a crazy dog that kills everything as others are stating. He has met the farm animals and shows no aggression towards them same goes for our house cats. He does show teeth when picked up sometimes and I’m working on that. It’s hard to find good information on raising one to be somewhat social. I don’t want to lock him away every time our family comes.
Barbara says
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andrew says
Is it ok to get two of them from the same litter, girl and boy?
RussianDog says
It depends on how experienced you are in handling such a breed, and their living conditions.
Steph says
Unfortunately my husband made an impulsive decision and purchased one. I socialize and train effectively positive and firm. I am alpha my dog is terrified of it a 53 lb mix breed is terrified of a 10 week old pup. It listens to me and tried to eat my husband tonight in the backyard. I do not see this working out. No matter how much I train exercise and try and integrate the dogs i do not see a silver lining i feel danger lurking in my home and eventually my gut instinct that I have told my husband will prove itself right and my husband will open his eyes. I pray that I am the only one hurt not our children or my pup. Unless you have acres of land and want to live fenced in go stoop style do not get one
RussianDog says
The puppy is trying to find his place in the pack. He doesn’t want to be mean. Of course, he wants to become a leader and then defend those who are weaker. Probably, he puts himself in the second place, after you. It’s time for you to talk to an experienced trainer.
lina says
didn’t *
lina says
I know nothing about dogs but the only one caucasian mountain sheperds i saw was so nice.
It surprise me to read your comments: he doesn’t know me and i was allowed to hug him and play.
he was also very calm
So i presume he just have fantastic owners
laughing says
I hate to break it to you, but this is an old breed that hasn't changed at all over time, and was used as Soviet army's guard dogs. These dogs have what is called "rage" meaning they just switch over to attack mode. No tolerance for strangers, no tolerance for anyone that may be threatening, and are highly protective. This dog naturally protects their families, property, other animals, items, etc. But this isn't a warning growl, this is a full-blown reaction.
They can be socialized, but it is a very tough task, since this is an instinct and from when they are born it is installed in them. That means an 8 week old puppy is already demonstrating this behavior. Too many people get this dog and don't realize how strong and built in this protective nature is and if your dog is 150lbs and upward, that's a daunting task. Most people claim shock collars, chock collars, and prong collars don't ever phase them because they get into "rage" mode where they don't even feel it.
Plain-and-simple, these dogs don't love anybody but you and your family. It sounds nice, but that means strange people can come onto your property, you can't take them out, vets will have to make home visits, etc.
The only people I feel should own these dogs are very strong people willing to socialize, professionals in this breed, or someone who needs a protective dog like this to protect a property of some sort.
Save yourself a heart break and chose a different breed. There are many with those looks!