fdd f: Canine Wolf or Wolfdog vs Dog Breed?
There are a lot of breeds, like English Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog that can kill a wolf, but it's important which of them is taller. I think wolfs are no bigger than German Shepherds that is 24 - 26 inches and 75 - 140 pounds. But I know that English Mastiffs, Irish Wolfhounds, and Great Danes have to be taller. I know that the tallest is Irish Wolfhound then Borzoi and then Great Dane and English Mastiff. HOW TALL DOES A MATURE GREY WOLF GET?
Photo Credit: Tambako the Jaguar/Flickr CC
Also, Irish wolfhounds were bred to kill wolfs, actually, they made a wolf species go extinct.
Answers and Views:
Answer by Max
In Europe, people use dogs specially designed for stock protection against wolves. They work in packs and they don't fight against wolfs as single dogs. Wolf is a predator who kills dogs for food as well.
Answer by Arnold Carilo
Anytype of tall bulldog mix, mastiff/mastiff mix, great dane, pitbull can kill a wolf. They were used for these reasons in the past while herding animals and some were used for hunting bears and yes even lions which can kill a wolf easily. However, they must be fit dogs who are well exercised at least gets an hour a day walking, or else it just a poor weak dog.
There is a reason wolves hunt in a pack and that's because they are not powerful animals and need backup so I don't know why people keep saying wolves are strong and can kill such dogs. There is proof if you look really deep in these dogs' history. Wolves attack in a pack and will run away if alone.
Mastiffs were even used in wars when people used swords to fight alongside knights. Dogs and wolfs don't get alone for some reason and are each other's worst enemy so the idea that dogs come from wolves is just a theory that doesn't have concrete evidence to prove it. Just cause an animal looks like another shouldn't mean they evolve from another. Apparently, two similar-looking species couldn't be created at the same time, or it's hard to believe so.
- Can a single Irish Wolfhound kill a wolf by itself?
- Can a Caucasian Shepherd dog kill a wolf?
- A Shepherd Dog Kills Two Wolves Documentary Video
- Who would win in a fight between a wolf and a pit bull?
Answer by Cory
a lot of people think pit bulls and other dogs can kill a wolf. remember one thing all those dogs have to be trained to kill a wolf. wolves don't have to because wolves are always HUNTING AND KILLING
a lot of animals wolves know naturally how to kill a house dog has to be trained to kill one more thing when wolves are done with one meal they start hunting for the next meal so naturally wolves
are the DOMINATE SPECIES OF DOG. If you don't like what I said you can kiss my fucking ass
because I know what I said is true peace out
Answer by W.
Sounds like you have done your research on dog breeds. You can find the info on the wolf the same way. ;)
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Max says
The comment was moved into the body of the post.
kaekae says
I’ve seen some of these European dog fights in Germany where I’ve witnessed Presa Canario defeat Kangal, Caucasian Ovcharka and CAO. It does indeed depend on the individual dogs. Here in America it’s been proven that wolves are no match for cougar one on one. Yet Dogo Argentino have been documented killing cougar one on one. All I’m saying is wolves and necessarily the baddest canines on the planet if the whole pack isn’t present.
kaekae says
Also, the wolf my Presa killed is bigger than 50 kg. Somewhere between 140-150 lbs. Very fit animal and looked very healthy upon prior observations. My neighbor had pics of it and some of its pack members he'd taken last year. They are probably the only predators in this area for many many miles, so food was plentiful. He just ran into a bigger, badder dog. It happens. And my dog ain't even trained for fighting. Instinct just kicked in.
kaekae says
Also, I read up on Irish Wolfhounds. They were bred to kill wolves one on one and did it very efficiently for generations. So much in fact that they pretty much made wolves extinct in their homeland. Making the breed obsolete. They were said to not only kill wolves, but had the power to snatch up the dead wolf by its haunches and carry it away. So to say the wolf is superior to most dogs is believable. But to all dogs, simply isn't true. Not every wolf is equal, same as any dog. Healthy or otherwise.
Ben says
Irish Wolfhound is extinct more than a hundred years ago. Today ‘s Irish Wolfhound is a shadow of the original breed. The kind of dogs you mentioned are no match for wolves. The few breeds of dogs can take on a wolf one on one are the shepherd dogs. The great Kangals, Alabais, Tornjaks, and related breeds are the proven dogs that will give the wolves a run for their money. We also have to consider the northern wolves are bigger than their southern cousins. Grey wolves from Yellow Stone, the Canadian, or the wolves from northern Eurasian continents are huge. Can a Kangal/Alabai/Tornjak defeat an alfa wolf one on one? The logical answer is up to certain individual dog. Check out dog-fights from Eurasia or Eastern Europe. These dog-fights are necessary for the shepherds. This is a realistic way for the shepherds to breed the best fighting dogs to guard flocks against wolves, leopards. and bears. In these dog-fights, most of the dog breeds you mentioned are easily defeated by the great Alabai/Kangal/Tornjak dogs. A few game APB terrier can outlast the great flock guardian dogs but even so, took tremendous punishments. Some fights were not stopped in time, the much larger flock guardian dog killed the APB terrier.
fred says
Ben, you are right in that the irish wolfhound became extinct but not for more than a 100 years. it was extinct for less that 10. it was brought back by Captain George Augustus Graham using half-breeds, deerhounds (closely related to the wolfhound) great danes(used for killing deer and boar) russian wolfhounds and mastiffs. but mostly he used the irish wolfhound half breeds that looked like the pure breds.. when he was finished he had a dog that looked like a dog from the old bloodline. why? because it was mostly that dog. but did it have the killer instinct to chase and kill a wolf? It did. in the 1900’s a couple of CO. ranchers bought a pair from the east coast to handle their wolf problem. they put them in with the pack of dogs that they had for hunting wolves, coyotes, etc. and the next morning the alpa male of the pack was dead, killed by the male wolfhound. they took the two wolfhounds out to hunt. they saw a wolf and let the male chase it. it chased it down and killed it – its first outing. so you need to read up things before you write. the irish wolf was the same size as the timber wolf. the big difference is the irish wolf did not hunt in packs as much as the grey wolf does. wolves, for their size, have a stronger bite that a dog, it;s because their jaws are formed in a different way. their teeth are longer and sharper because that are used to bite and tear so the prey dies from loss of blood. even with these advantages, if all things are equal, a 170 lb dog that was bred to kill wolves will do a nice job on a 100 lb wolf.
kaekae says
I've breed pit bulls for years, Snooty, Tabs, Kolby, Jeeps, Alligator Lionheads and trust me, some had incredible killer instinct. So much in fact that some oils had to be separated from the litter at 6-7 weeks. They simply hated other animals and they're intent was to kill if I didn't separate them. I know someone with a Tosa Inu. Very powerful dog, much like my presa, but less agile. I once saw a video of one killing a chimp in Japan. I doubt a wolf could do that. My aunt has a Dogo Argentine. Very athletic. And my buddy owns an Akita, which is highly people and dog aggressive. The pit bull I own now is a small female around 55 lbs. She's very fast and athletic, but doesn't have dog aggression. She's simply a great pet. That's all in need my dogs to be. I've known people over the yrs to make hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting their dogs. But I would never attend. I could stand to see an animal hurt like that. But u're right, its more than just the instinct to kill, its also about pain threshold. And a game dog would rather die than quit.
houuudak says
You basically say the same about pitbulls, it's interspecies agression. You can have gamebred APBT around other animals but not around dog. My friend breed them too, they hate dogs so they must be separated but they play with other animals quite without problem. For the dogs mentioned above i just refered to people talking about best fighting dog and similiar bullshit. Everyone think his breed is the best and can(t understand that the small, well bred 20 kg pitbull will fuck their monster dog up. The big dog arent just build up for long fight they were never bred for it. In 20 minutes they get hypoglycaemic shock and refuse fight on. As for the killing chimp, i think itš sick but does it prove anything?
There used to be videos on the net where Dogos kill the cougar, Gull terr biting chained bear in Pakistan and similiar shit.. At first it's disgusting and secondly when you dig deeper, look at the video carefully so you can see the cougar doesn't have claws, is drugged and the same goes with the bear. So what do i think about these videos? Sick fun for sick people..They dont wanna see good fight they want to see dogs killing defenseless animals..
What i wanna say, wolf were created by nature to work best in nature. Since the small cub they play games, fight for hierarchy and so on. The casual dog doesn't. So for me, as i said the healthy male 50 kg wolf is a superior fighter to any dogs. As for the killer instinct I dont think that there is just one dog that has same prey drive as a wolf.
kaekae says
Yeah, that's crazy. This chimp wasn't drugged though. He'd killed several dogs prior to this Tosa getting in a crucial bite. In China and Japan, they fight any and everything. No dog nor wolf could kill a cougar one on one. He's too agile and his claws are like knives. However, they can outlast him, because cougars have very limited stamina. U're pretty much right about pit bulls, but I will say this. I knew a top notch pit bull breeder that literally paid his way thru college and med school by fighting his dogs. He was the person who first introduced me to the Presa Canario breed. He'd owned, Rottweilers, Cane Corso, Neapolitan Mastiff and English Bulldogs. He always maintained that his pits were the superior dog……until he got a 130 lb. Presa named Dirty. Dirty absolutely dominated his best 4 pit bulls, and this changed his whole mindset. He now breeds monsterous Presa!!! Incredible prey drive, pain threshold and stamina. They have a far superior bite to a pit bull, so one mistake is all they need. For fighting purposes, I'm not in need of any dog. But for guard dog purposes, my Presa is outstanding. His sheer size is so intimidating that people are afraid to even get close. But he is highly socialized and likes small animals and kids. He's just super protective of me. So what is ur opinion of the Caucasian?
kaekae says
I'm not really sure what rank that wolf held. He was by far the biggest in this pack and where I used to see them regularly, since his killing, neither I nor my neighbors have seen any of them. As far as a strange or unfamiliar area, they live in these woods and were often seen on the outskirts. I truly believe the sent of my other dog in heat made him bold. As for Roosevelt's journal, I've read much of it, and I'm not a fan. Sounds like a bunch of needless killing of animals. The dogs that he described were mostly hound dogs crossed with whatever for certain purposes. Mutts. I remember him saying his greyhound whipped a mastiff. That had to be a scary, clumsy, fat, lazy ass mastiff, because the mastiffs I know only need one bite and a greyhound would be dead. I totally disagree with dogs back then being better. Modern dogs have evolved. My presas mouth looks like a sharks mouth. Huge teeth and almost a 700 psi bite force. It's been tested. Agreed its more the individual than a particular breed though. But think about it like this. With all the money in dog fighting, there's a reason u don't see wolves fighting in dogfighting rings. Against a trained, well bred pit bull that wolf would jump out of the ring or die. I would bet its been tried before. I'm gonna research that.
houuudak says
Its pleasure to have a conversation with you:) About the journal you are right about needless killing but i refered to that just because of wolf hunting.. As for the greyhound x mastiff..Well, i dont believe hound would stand a chance nowadays but at the time why not, i guess they looked different..I have to strongly disagree what you disagree with,hehe:) The reason why i think so is then the dogs were bred for runction not like today.. What you see nowadays thats just rubbish..GSD, boxer, rottweiller, most of the mastiff breeds etc..Poor temperament, health problems..You are right about the pit, wolf would get killed there.. That was done in Russia but wolf was so shy and nervous of people and noise he didnt fight back at all… So i agree with you about ring but in wolf's territory or somewhere without people it would be different.
kaekae says
I too enjoy this debate. And my respect for wolves is definitely growing. I've been around and owned several fantastic dogs. Some of which were simply born killers. However, I would never intentionally put two animals against one another. I just like fierce, strong, aggressive animals. I'm reading more and more about grey wolves in the Midwest and Northern U.S. killing hunting dogs and backyard pets that have been left tied up. These are irresponsible owners. If u know predators, not only wolves, but cougar and bear are in the area, why would u expose ur pet to incident??? One pack of wolves recently killed a mountain lion. So a dog wouldn't stand a chance against a pack. People need to be more responsible. As for the fighting dog breeds of today, they're built to kill now, just like wolves. And unlike the hunting dogs of that era. In fact, some of these dogs are bred specifically to kill. Nothing else. I looked at that wolf's teeth and they were large, but its canines were no larger than my Presas, and the presa's head is much larger. The coat of the wolf was very thick though. So u're right, based on that alone, a good many dogs couldn't get a good enough bite, unless it was an immediate throat bite. My dogs combination of size, agility, fearlessness, and unbelievable jaw pressure was just too much. I really think he broke the wolf's neck. Either way, it'll never happen again because I'm fencing in my entire backyard, and the dogs will have their own covered area.
houuudak says
I dont like people who force the animal fight too. I think it's not about size of the canines. The best pit dog is APBT, hands down.. No other breed was specifically breed for the gameness in dog fight, although many people say other breed,Japanese say tosa inu, Argentinians talk about their mastiff, Turkish about Kangal etc. But it's bullshit, no other breed of dog is comparable to APBT. Trouble with APBt is that they dont have killing instinct they have unblocked social skills. Jagdterier has killing instinct but not APBT, it's interspecies agression.
Breeders also say that gameness is lost after breeding with wrong dogs, thats the reason why Amstaff, although biggest, stronger "show and standardized" pitbull has no chance against game bred pitbull. Although nearly the same, these are different breeds. Also, in dog fighting circles isnt most valued the dog that wins but the dog that never give ups, dog with dead game( it's also interesting as all hunt terriers that were tested against quarry are highly game dogs)
Reason why i write it, these type of selection based on survival of fittest, with killing instinct was never interrupted with volves.
houuudak says
i dont wanna argue with you. I just think you cant see it from my point of view. Just imagine fight between neanderthal man and modern man. In most of the cases modern man lose because of evolutionary body changes while older man was completely well adapted for hunting and killing. Thats all i mean, of course there are dogs that are able to take on wolf, but itš not breeed but individuals. But i still think that against healthy eastern europan or canadian male wolf, they wouldnt havce a much choice.. And to your Presa, the wolf killed definitelly wasnt alpha male as he would never go to unknown environment. It was more probably omega wolf but its my guess.
Anyway, read the Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches by T. Roosewelt, he basically says the same I do, and the dogs at those time were gamer than now.
kaekae says
I read an article today on CNN.com where a pack of 7 wolves attack 3 women and their two dogs in Alaska. One dog got attacked by 3 of the wolves, but that dog was a pit bull. He fought all 3 wolves off by himself. I also read a story today about a Rottweiler fighting off 2 wolves that were stalking 2 children. He injured one bad enough for his owner to get a gun and finish the job. Evidently the other one ran away, but came back later and ate the dead one. So like I said, all dogs aren't punks.
houuudak says
can you post a link? i have read about the rottweiler too.. It had nothing to do with a fight, wolves were just stalking. The one was shot, not injured at all. Itš quite an old new and I have read about 4 diffierent version. As I work in media bussines i know how media works so dont trust everything you hear and read:)
kaekae says
I found both stories on Google. But the actual news link about the pit bull was on YouTube. The victims told the story. Basically the ladies were trying to save themselves, so the dog had to fight 3 wolves alone. He fought them off and was injured, but nothing serious. The link about the Rottweiler called him a hero. I've read many links now of wolf/dog conflicts. In each case, its either a whole pack of wolves on one or two dogs, or a dog being killed while its chained up and can't fight. Both incidents give the wolves an obvious advantage and most of the photos I've seen are of dogs that aren't built to defend themselves any way. Which takes me back to what I said originally. In a one on one fight with an aggressive breed that is built and trained to kill, the wolf is in trouble more times than not.
kaekae says
I have a question though. There are very few cases of wolves killing humans in the U.S. How often does this happen in other places? Or are they typically afraid of people? I was wondering because I cut my grass pretty close to the woods behind my house. Should I be looking over my shoulder, just in case?
houuudak says
You dont have to be afraid at all. I dont know how in other places but wolves try to avoid human here.
kaekae says
Ok. Good to know. I haven't seen any of them since the big one was killed. And I saw 2 rabbits in my yard yesterday. The rabbits, deer and geese had disappeared for a while there. I assumed the wolves were eating them. But now they're back, so maybe the wolves are gone. I really hate that incident happened, but my dog was defending his yard as well as my other dog. I guess its just one of those things.
kaekae says
Oh no. I agree with u that if u put a wolf against majority breeds the wolf would probably win. It would depend on the circumstances and how smart, strong, athletic, determined and most of all how much heart and pain threshold the dog may have. The wolf had a jump in, jump out style. Went for a head bite, but my presas ears are cropped, there was nothing to grab. The wolf simply couldn't get him off once he got on top. My neighbor thinks he broke the wolfs neck because he got a really good bite on the back of its neck that made it cry out. It was over shortly after that. I hated it though. I don't like to see animals die. But I wasn't taking the chance of getting bit either.
asfadrahman says
You dont know much about wolfs fighting style.how you described that the wolf went for your dogs ears are fictional cause a wolf never goes for the ears but goes for hind legs and skull.and they eat domestic dogs.not all breeds though.
kaekae says
No, I'm not confused. I know what I've read. No I don't own a Boer Boel, I own a Presa and he has now killed this wolf which had to be pack leader because the pack is no longer in the area. As far as the Boer Boel goes, check it out. They guard against Leopards, Hyena and yes, Lions too. I've owned a Rhodesian Ridgeback, my Olde World Mastiff used to dominate him, even though he was quicker and more athletic. Sometimes, it comes down to pain threshold. Who can take it the most, not so much who can give it. It had a game bred Snooty pit bull that used to crush golf balls and bite 2×4's in half. And much like my Presa, but half the size, he enjoyed dragging my SUV up and down my block. Some dogs are born killers, just like wolves. I've been fortunate to own several. And dog fighting is not what I'm into at all. I just know some extremely dominant dogs that have been well bred and have passed every test presented. As far as the Caucasian, guess I'll see cause that's my next dog.
houuudak says
You dont have to be sorry, its just discussion:) the dogs i talk about are very well bred dogs, trust me. The dogs that wont even breed i know as well, you talk about game bred pits, right? my friend breed them and said the same but i still think you are a bit confused. Boerboel hunting lions?? you make me laugh, really.. they are too slow, ridgebacks were used to hunt lions but only as bay dogs.I guess you probably own one so you think it is a top dog but it’s not. i have seen only a couple of them in tests( not pitbull style) as here are done mixed match to determine breeding quality of a dog but theyt didnt do well and i personally rank them bellow Central asian ovtcharka(CAO), Caucasian etc. I talk from my experience but i dont think you do the same. No offence, you just dont have any proper arguments. When you talk about hyena, was it old, ill, small male?? In that case yes, it might happen I would say it is exception from the rule.
kaekae says
The Snooty pit I was referring to bit my 165 lb Rottweiler's shouldering blade in half in under 20 seconds. He broke my friend's German Shepherd's neck and killed an Akita at the kennel I was housing him in in under 5 minutes. It was the kennels fault because I warned them of his dog aggression and they chose to ignore me. I had him put down because he was no longer safe to have around me children. This was a dog that was raised by an older Rottweiler and a Chow Chow. He had no aggression ever with these two, even during feeding. After they both passed of old age, the new Rottweiler I got bit him on the nose and he turned killer ever since. I had to literally choke him out to keep him from killing that dog. It's just born in some.
houuudak says
I agree with you about pits,about dogs born like killers,that's all true and you are right about dog agrresion but it's no proof about fight against wolf..It might happen , i have never seid it is impossible but i still think it's exception..You have your point of view i have mine
kaekae says
The wolves that live behind my house are deathly afraid of my 200 lb Presa Canario. They run at the sight of him. Even the 150 lb male that appears to be the leader. A Presa, Dogo, Caucasian, Fila, Tosa,Kangal or Tibetan Mastiff can and in many cases has killed full grown wolves. Even Rottweilers have been known to kill wolves. Boer Boel is another breed that could take a wolf down.
houuudak says
What a bullshit.. I can see you know shit about dogs and wolfs either..i have personal experiences as my relaytives in Slovakia rear sheeps and use the slovakian čuvač dogs and CAO..They had many cases of attacks on sheep but dogs have always fought the wolfs off.. So i thought the same, that proper dogs can be able to beat the wolf..uncle always said that one on one against healthy wolf male the dog has no chance but i thought he underestimated his dogs.these are working dogs, highly agrresive with great stamina as they work all the time. When i was 13 i saw one of these attacks, dogs fought them off but one of them started to chase one of the female with a pup(9-12 months old).. he cornered the female but what followed was a slaughter. female was 35-40 kg, dog was 60, but she tore him apart very badly.The dog was tested on dogs, great fighter but was beaten badly.Only reason, why they avoid your dogs is that they may be harmed and it's much dangerous for wolf in nature than for your dog as he cant be able to hunt and thus die. After what isaw i believe to my uncle as he said he had seen and heard about other cases. The female used completely diffirent style of fighting tan dog, using body blocks and biting all parts she could. Accvording to me the wolf is a much superoro fighter to any dog.
kaekae says
The only thing I agree with is the fight style of the wolf was different. And it was one of those attempted body blocks that got him overpowered and thus killed. Ask anyone who has owned any true well bred dogs. Some dogs are born killers. It instinct just like a wolf has. I know dogs that won't even breed because they only want to kill and don't care if the other dog is male or female. I'm not sure of any other breeds or how they'd fair, nut I can show u what my dog did.
kaekae says
One more piece of knowledge for u. Boer Boel dogs fight off leapords and hunt lions. Not cougars, African lions. They've been known to take down hyenas, one on one. A single wolf would have zero chance fighting off a cougar, let alone a leapord or hyena. In parts of Siberia, tigers have hunted wolves to near extinction. Even a pack of wolves can't chase off a single lone tiger. While these African Mastiff chase lions. I'm sorry wolf man, but there are a few breeds of dogs that can and have killed a wolf. My uncle, neighbor and myself witnessed it a week ago.
AmericanBullyDog says
Actually i breed own and sometimes show bullmastiffs, english mastiffs, dogo argentinos, american bulldogs, boxers, border collies, and rottweilers. He was right english mastiffs weigh 170 – 250 pounds. Bullmastiffs, get 24 – 29 inches BUT 27 inches is prefferd. English mastiffs, are the heaviest dog breed. With saint bernards in second place, weighing up to 220 pounds, and tibetan mastiffs, the same, but genarly get 180 pounds. English mastiffs, do infact get 28 – 36 inches, and great danes 30 – 35 inches and 32 preferred. And 100 – 200 pounds, BUT genarly get 120 – 160. Irish wolfhounds can get as tall as 37 inches with 30 – 36 inches preferd. I think you should find better research tools, cuz i breed and show all these dogs, and he was exactly right, sorry. http://www.pets4you.com/
http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/dogbreeds/index…. just cick reveiw and scroll all the way down after you click on the breed
Heres something for you to work on. I breed them i would know.
EDIT: Also borzois get 28 – 34 inches.
And scottish Deerhound get 28 – 35 inches.
PackLeader says
The person b4 me is wrong. I have a 125 pound dogo argentino male. And we live in crystal River florida. Theres allot of timber wolfs. And well one day i was walking him ( King ) And a grey wolf was like 65 feet away from me, Back in a field. And King barked and then kept walking. The Very next day i let him in the back yard, left home, came back, there was two dead wolfs torn apart. SOOOO then my dogo took them on 1-on-2. AND i know for a fact, that many breeds, have balls, againts wolfs. English mastiffs, neo mastiffs, dogo argentinos, rottweilers, american bulldogs, bullmastiffs, great danes, saint bernards, irish wolfhounds have all hunted and killed wolfs. American bulldogs, rottweilers, boxers, english mastiff, bullmastiff, and many others, have been pitted againts humans, dogs, wolfs, lions, tigers, angry bulls, bears, and many other large agressive dangerous animals, and all the records state the dog NEVER lost. And also like someone else said, the irish wolfhound made a wolf species go extinct. And the irish wolfhound isnt even a good guard because they dont wanna be, there ok watch dogs though. How about you do some research, on yahoo, or google, or anybody that knows a thing or two about dogs.
afrim d says
Hello! I thought this question on Yahoo! Answers might be interesting to you.
The wolf grows up to 90cm high and 120 long.
I strongly disagree that a dog(any size dog)can kill a fully grown wolf.
Believe me i know what i am talking about.
I have seen those wolves with my own eyes(life).
I have had a farm in my country(the wolves came to eat my sheep).
One more thing,not many dogs have the bolls to even attack the wolf.
Bruce says
Ok, I have been doing some research of my own, the grey wolf is bigger than a normal German Shepherd. They are 26-32 inches at the shoulders in height where as the German Shepherd is 24-26 inches. The Grey wolf is 4.5-6.5 in feet from tip of nose to the tip of the tale and weights in at anywhere from 55lbs to 130lbs. German Shepherds are about the same in length but usually stay under 100lbs. In fact the grey wolf is the second heaviest of the wolves next to the artic wolf. The artic wolf male can get up to 175lbs.
As for the other breeds you mentioned, the Irish wolf hound stands 28-35 inches at the shoulder at weights between 90-150lbs. Mastiffs, or English Mastiffs males, stand 30 inches and weight up to 160lbs, where bullmastiffs stand 25-27 inches and weight between 110-130lbs and the Neapolitan Mastiff stands 26-30 inches and can weight up to 200lbs. Great Danes are 30-34 inches and can weight up to 200lbs. And Bozois are only 28 inches and weight around 100lbs. So it would appear that mastiffs are not large, weight wise or height wise than Great Danes. Where as an Irsih Wolf hound may be an inch taller than a Dane, it is not has heavy. I hope this information has helped you.
smmastiff says
Wolf height depends on where it is from, different packs can have different height and builds . some a bit shorter muzzled some longer legged , it is all the genetics of individual pack , , wolves here are only about 24 inches at the shoulder , I think the average is between 23 to 27 inches at the shoulder .
tommysgirl says
I had 2 grey wolves, they both stood 6ft on their hind legs. Two of the best animals i ever had. Why did you put in here, that can kill a wolf. Wolves are natural hunters, so who would be killed? Wolves are not dogs, dogs came from the wolf.
Kristin B says
The height of the wolf depends on genetics of it's pack, environment, and breed of wolf.
I know the wolves here in Alaska are often tall, lanky, and gangly, but I have seen pictures of short stocky wolves.
Tarkarri says
26 – 32 inches at the shoulder, 55 -115 lbs.