Q: Can I get my dog papered if her parents didn’t have papers?
I got an American bulldog about 2 years ago. Her dad had papers, but the owners rescued the mom and didn’t get her papers. Is there someone I can take my dog to see if I can certify her or get her papers?
Answers and Views:
Answer by JG loves HOOCHIE (BS
American bulldogs are not a registered breed so cannot be registered with any reputable organization. I don't know what registry her father is registered with but I bet you it is some crappy registry that would register a pet rock for money. Yes, she probably CAN be registered with that same registry as the rules for eligibility will be very lax, but why would you want it? It won't make her worth anything.
Photo Credit: Primitim/Flickr CC
Answer by ArtFl
American Bulldog is recognized by
Continental Kennel Club http://www.ckcusa.com
National Kennel Club http://www.nationalkennelclub.com/
United Kennel Club http://www.ukcdogs.com/
Try to get your papers there.
Answer by ♥life is great in southampton uk
both parents have to have papers so the answer is no!
Answer by Brittany
ACTUALLY, my cousin had almost the same issue, she talked to someone and hey told her to go to the vet, they will do blood draws, and if the dog shows up in the database u might be able to get papers… however, it cost a lot of money i think its like 700$ for the blood and that's not counting the time and more money trying to get the paper. Also, this can only be done IF the dog without papers had papers before so chances are slim because if she didn't have papers and was just a mutt it would be a waste of money,
but I do agree that breeding a dog from a rescue isn't right. and don't sound right the dog should have been fixed before they brought it home…
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Answer by narn
hey, I was just wondering if I could get papers for my American bulldog, the father is a purebred and is registered in both Australia and America but the mother is only registered in America and only has her puppy papers just wondering if there was any way I could?
Answer by nick
I get all this paper stuff but y can't it be as easy as a blood wrk to get papers for our dogs if we don't have it like me I got a pup from my friend my dog is a pit bull razor edge' the parents' the male has papers but female doesn't but she's full-blooded. if a dog is a full breed wouldn't it show in the blood wrk?
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Shelia George says
The thing alot of people don’t understand about “people” that “rescue pets” is that more of those “people” than you realize can barely do for themselves but they come across this wonderful soul in need of help and that is that person’s calling so to speak, they may not all have the money to take them for everything as far as it goes, but they take them in because they were lost as such that person may have been all things happen for a reason some people are just blind to that reason. I’ve seen situations where people are animal hoarders which is a bit more on the extreme side but for a person to take in a single animal because it needed someone although they may not have the funds to spay/neuter (which obviously meant it didn’t come from a shelter because they are very strict on that) sometimes things happen just like in our human lives; the only thing that should matter is that it is loved and cared for in the best ability of the person taking on the responsibility… We need more people like that in the world that open their hearts for the love not the credit!!
Brittany says
Can I get my daschund registered if he mother is the only one that was registered? You can tell she is purebred but the lady I got her from got the father from a family member. They had a feud and won’t give the papers to her.
RussianDog says
It’s not easy. You may want to view one more discussion on this problem How do I register a dog without papers?
Yahoo Supports Puppy says
If you get the dog altered, you can get an ILP thru the UKC, but that's it https://www.ukcdogs.com/
It wont do you any good to contact AKC.. they do not recognize the AM Bulldog.
casey moore says
ABA American Bulldog Association. i had an American Bulldog and had both his mothers and fathers papers but never bothered to register him because it didnt matter to me. kinda funny to go back and look at some of the names people have chosen in the past. And wtf do you have against american bulldogs. you sound stuck up like your better than those with A. Bulldogs or something. How do you think all the other breeds in the world came to be? i would be willing to bet my American Bulldog is better looking and is more obedient and listens way better than your chihuahua or whatever fags like you have
AHickman23 says
Nope unfortunately you cannot… you could have the best dog in your breed and you're still tough out of luck……. sorry
micki says
The reason for papers is to keep track of a bloodline. A break in the process nullifies it from that break forward.
Papers can only be issued for AKC registered breeds as well, and the American Bulldog is not yet a recognized breed.
Crisis Drill says
CKC.org or CKC.com I forget which it is. I'm not supporting you in breeding don't do it, this is only if you want for fun and AKC has a nice mixed breed dog program your pet must be spayed.
KoAussie says
You can apply with AKC for performance paperwork called PAL that would allow you to compete in obedience, agility, rally, etc…
To qualify, the dog must appear to be a purebred dog and be spayed or neutered. This is not the same as individual registration papers that allow a dog to be bred or prove ancestry, they are only for competitive purposes.
JenVT says
No. The dog has to have papers from someplace for the UKC to register them. Why the heck are people breeding rescue dogs? A little irresponsible if you ask me…
bells3011 says
nope…you would need papers on both parents..
but you could always contact AKC for any info regarding certification/papers.