Q: is it true that a Caucasian Shepherd dog can kill a wolf?
Answers and Views:
Answer by amol
Yes, I agree, I own two of them. They took down 7 grey wolves within 2 years. In a one-on-one fight, my male took down 4. And 3 with his mate.
And yes males are bigger than a male wolf.
Answer by OldFarmer
I imagine that both dogs joined up against a single wolf. I know sheep and cattle ranchers who tried this breed in wolf country only to in time walk away from them.
I have not found any breed effective against N. American wolves.
Answer by CF_
It's a Caucasian Mountain dog. they are supposed to be the nastiest dog there is, although to be fair there are probably some nice ones - watch this video.
they were used by the Russian military as guard dogs.
they are dogs that need to be handled by an experienced handler only
Answer by Danica
Actually, both names are correct. They are known as Caucasian Ovcharka (Mountain Dog), and Caucasian Shepard. They're amazing sheepdogs. Very headstrong, and must be taught not to hunt the livestock they're protecting.
A Caucasian Ovcharka is a fierce proud dog, that would never back down from a fight. They will stand up to man and beast alike. Even if the Caucasian Ovcharka didn't win the battle with the wolf, or was outnumbered, the Caucasian Ovcharka would still stand its ground.
Considering most people buy guard dogs in pairs, so they won't be alone in the field. Two bear-faced Caucasian Ovcharka (Mountain Dog)'s, would easily take a wolf down. That's their job.
So the answer to your question is yes.
Though they sure are adorable
Answer by Ted Greene
you are all nuts. a wolf would kill any dog including this one.
Answer by Cliff.Pitbulls #1
Ted Green, the comment you made about no dog can take a wolf. Caucasian shepherd, a one-on-one fight the Caucasian would have no trouble winning-(fact). Also, I have a pitbull under 50lbs one on one the wolf would be dead, believe it. I don't know about any other dogs but the two I wrote about would beat the wolf. I'm 47yrs old been working with dogs for 30yrs or so, nothing that calls itself a dog or wolf would ever best a game breed Pitbull-(fact).
Answer by Kevin
I don't care what breed of dog you've I would not want my dog locking ass with a wolf! First, a wolf has no choice but knows how to hunt and kill its prey that is how he or she eats they're not fed.

Answer by Aurelius
There are dogs that can hold their own bs the wolf, just depends on the way the dog was raised and if the breeding was for fighting. Pitbulls#1 is somewhat right, a Pitbull whose breeding is to fight until death would have a good chance against a wolf if it can get its neck first. Pitbulls are smaller and tend to go under to get the neck or that a guard position but again go for the neck. I’ve seen these dogs and they are feed raw meat and blood from birth which really changed a dog.
A breeder I used to know would tie cats by the neck and dip in blood then hang from a tree and the PB would shred it. Pitbull#1 is only half-ish right because other dogs can kill wolves and can definitely be more aggressive and kill Pitbulls as well. The same friend actually was a breeder for the main purpose of dogfighting to the death and some of the other dogs he bred were Rottweilers, Doberman, and chows. He said he had to keep the chows away from the other dogs because the chows would constantly attack kill them. He also said that because they were always fed raw meat from puppies the chows would sometimes eat the other dogs. I even saw a German Shepard own a Pitbull in one of the fights, got a first good bite in, and got it on the top of the neck and then the side/bottom and tore it up.
The point is there are dogs that can kill wolves and Pitts.
Answer by Samuel
I just discover like most cases, people who have smaller less aggressive dogs would talk down on a Caucasian or Kangal. Those that have it will promote it. The answer is simply to own it alongside a German Shephard, Rottweiler, and a Boerboel. This breed is really impossible. Very stubborn, determined, never drops his guard, a very agile guard dog-2-4-7 alert vicious and deadly. Very long tooth that she is always in a hurry to use in attack or defense. She uses size to push down anything that stands in her way.
At 8 months she almost decapitated my very aggressive 14 months Rottweiler. I am very familiar with dogs. Some time ago(18yrs) before I got this new set of dogs in a new environment, I fed my 2 GSD’s with raw cow meat and cow blood and kept them unfed from 1 pm to the next 1 pm. That means at night they are very hungry. They grew up killing and eating very armed dangerous robbers who invaded my house( and even shot the dog) and were constantly terrorizing the vicinity.
With the temperament of my CO, I concluded this would be dangerous. My reason for feeding with raw meat and blood was to make them grow up to bite ( taste and smell blood) and kill and eat for a meal. After my incident years back, all robbers stayed off the vicinity permanently. Even with a bullet in the thigh, the dog went ahead to kill and eat. The robber is seen not just as an Intruder but as a meal. U don't train your dog as a cow or goat and want it to act on the day of battle as a lion.
A well-trained caucasian will take down any wolf for the meal. Man has been known to use knowledge and wisdom to conquer his environment. If the CO’s of the caucus mountains and Georgia were not successful in killing wolves, the aborigines would have found a better alternative. There was a good success rate. With all the efforts over the years to make the breeds less aggressive and tolerable to our present-day society, you can imagine what they were over 3000 years ago!!!
Come to Africa and see how their genes are been bastardized. Hardly will you find a pure breed. Yet I got something as Bad as what I have. In a fight to the death, size and weight, agility, Will to continue to the end for a good reason stubbornness, not to back-down, diet type, bite force( over 700psi) for that lethal bite, protective coat of fur for opponents bite will determine who comes out alive. For the normal wolve, I give it to the CO, for the large N.Wolves, it’s a 50:50 game.
NEVER will any wolves have their way to kill a real breed guard CO, not these pet dogs you guys keep and feed with can foods and as pets for your kids. An untrained real CO will still take-on on the bigger wolve till the wolve determines if the sheep is worth having in a hurry or not. Remember, the wolves need to be un-injured to fight for survival another day just like the tiger
Answer by dkoriss
Nice Caucasian Shepherd is the one who bites mercilessly any intruder and attacks any beast to defend its territory, family, and flock.
Anything less makes a BAD BAD caucasian for the last 150000 years when the crime rate was considerably lower than today.
I hope you do not mean that we have to change even a bit the temperament of this dog in the name of modern (more criminally society to my view), unless if there is a way to make it more aggressive and suspicious against strangers.
Any attempt to make this dog nice in other ways should immediately refer to a new breed with a completely different name, not even a trace indicating caucasian ovcharka/shepherd dog/mountain dog, etc.
- Is a Caucasian Shepherd dog good for guarding and a good pet?
- Should I get a Caucasian Shepherd?
- Is Ovcharka the largest dog?
It would be a CRIME to let caucasian follow the sad path of degeneration, that german shepherd, doberman and so many other, nice once upon a time breeds, took.
A CRIME against the ancestors of the breed, both dogs and humans, who struggled for centuries to inborn the specific instincts and pass the specific trait to THEIR breed, IN ORDER TO SERVE FOR GUARDING AND NONE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ANYTHING WITHIN FEW BREEDING AND SOCIALIZATION CRAP!
If one cannot handle the breed then he should choose from another breed (there hundreds out there with the eye look of the cow, caucasian MUST have the eye look of the tiger or it is not caucasian), but under no circumstances haw the right to contribute destroying the breed.
STOP ABUSING TRUE GUARD DOG BREEDS, choose Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, Leonberger, English mastiff, great dane, instead, it's a good motto to start with.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
CherylHaskins says
Have you ever considered the ethical implications of owning a breed specifically bred for guarding, and whether this aligns with modern values of responsible pet ownership?
Samuel says
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Robert says
There is also one dog I left out it’s called the borebel and it’s from Africa they have a Bite force of 800 psi now think about what that means before you Pitbull fans start saying the Pitt is the top competitor.
The African Lion has a bite force of 640 psi so let that one sink in. Obviously this Dog couldn’t kill and African lion but it could probably protect its owner against one for a couple minutes and if it got its massive jaws around the African Lion it would cause internal damage it doesn’t matter that it’s a lion either because Bite Force Is Bite Force now it would lose because the Lion is faster and would tire it out same reason the Pitbull would lose against the more agile wolf however let’s compare a wolf or spotted Hyena the borbel dominates also eats your Pitbull for breakfast.
Robert says
LOL…… what about the werewolf could he kill a wolf Owwwwwwwwwwwhhh. Haha grrrrrr
Robert says
Remember the movie White Fang Nobody seems to remember but in the movie was a hybrid wolf dog they grow to about a 180 pounds and have about 440 psi for bite force this would definitely give the wolf a run for the money. Also nobody has seemed to mention the French Mastiff which has a bite force of 500 psi or its close relative the Cain corso which has a bite force of 740 psi a Pitbull in my opinion has zero chance but the breeds I just mentioned however do and here is why size and comparison the French mastiff will do massive damage to the wolf when it chomps down perhaps even landing a fatal blow but it’s weakness is it’s a lazy dog but it’s cousin Mr Corso has even more bite force and twice the agility however the negative is it’s size the wolf out weighs it by 100 pounds also one thing I don’t think I’ve mentioned and in my opinion this is why I give my top vote to the Wolf Hybrid dog is that wolves fight to the death while even pit bulls no matter how Vicious they are fighting breed in there natural environment they live among owners as watch dogs wolves kill and take down large animals twice there size not mention face Cougars and Bear if Dog had any of these challenges it would pee it’s pants and that’s why my friends the hybrid Wolf dog wins because it has the size and even though domesticated it has a wild nature more so then your pooch it also has 440 psi and has the agility to face a Wolf.
Aurelius says
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Cliff.Pitbulls #1 says
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Brian Burdick says
Hi again folks!
I don’t know who can beat who, but I do know it’s Thanksgiving and I do know that I wish you all the very best holiday ever!
Love yourselfs, your family and your furbabies and have a wonderful life!!
Mac says
I believe the Kangal Breed of Turkey have been noted to kill Wolves
Brian Burdick says
Hi Everyone!
The comments I’ve read concerning CO’s fighting wolfs and who is better sound to me like who was the better sniping round….the.338 Lupia or the .50 BMG. They are both fatal if placed correctly. I just want to sum it up with the worn out old saying, ” It’s not the dog in the fight, it’s the fight in the dog.” Try seeing the SOP dog. (Siberian Defense Dog) and let me know what you think. I’d bet they could kill any breed of wolf!
Thank you again fo reading this!
RussianDog says
Sorry, Brian, not “Siberian” but “Serbian”. Those Balkan Mountains dogs just like Caucasian Shepherds all descend from the same common ancestor – the ancient Molossus. Nowadays in Serbia and neighboring countries they try to revive some of the old breeds, for example the ancient Shar-Mountain Shepherd.
ygor kabinkanaiks says
I owned a CO he was mildly insane, he attacked me, my wife, mail man, I had to get
rid of him, just as he was coming around. The dog knew no fear or pain, strong vicious
natural fighter. Could he take a alpha male wolf I don’t know, but he destroyed pit bulls
boxers, rots, anything he thought challenged him. I think only a Kangal or CO could take
on a wolf one on one and win
Here is a interesting story I saw it and it was true A Shepard is being stalked by a leopard the
dog, a Kangal breaks the rope attacks the leopard. Leopard retreats charges Kangal, takes him
down, spins around, clasps his jaws on its head, holds the dog with its claws.
Holds him motionless, this is a dog that can pull a 2 ton tractor, grabs him,
and is ready to take him up a tree
when the shepherd shoots. Now that is power.
OldFarmer says
They can not take on an American wolf as far as one on one and even several will not stop a pack which is why they fell out of grace by farmers near Yellowstone .
They are great if you have a ”hobby” farm, back yard livestock in non wolf areas as they will keep coyotes, black bear, bob cat, cougar and feral dogs away .
Jack Woods says
Dorkiss: You don’t know what you are talking about when you speak of the “degeneration” of the German Shepherd over the “centuries.” In the 1st place the Breed is only 115 years old. The first German Shepherd (GSD) was Roland 1 in 1901. Moreover, the GSD is the most regulated breed in the world. The SV (GSD club of Germany) totally regulates breeding, wherein the owner must submit their papers and the SV will give them a selection of dogs in the country with whom they are allowed to breed. Allowing owners to only register 6 pups per litter. Every parent of registered puppies has to have a Schutzhund (Protection/Tracking/Obedience) working title (Sch I minimum) and is temperament tested and has to have Koer-Klass X-rayed hips. No breed compares to the German bloodlines of German Shepherds in terms of regulation. No way the Caucasian Shepherd compares to this sort of monitoring.
Rusty Fox says
I have seen a lot of comments about the name – people saying thtat it is not a Caucasian Shepherd, but a Caucasian Mountain Dog. I understand that everybody is trying to be helpful, but it really does muddy the waters a lot!
Ovcharka (овчарка)is Russian for ‘shepherd’ – from ‘овца’ (ovtsa) for ‘sheep’. Ovcharka is not Russian for ‘dog’ – that is ‘собака’ (sobaka). So ‘Caucasian Shepherd’ is the correct English translation for ‘
Кавказская овчарка’.
‘Caucasian Mountain Dog’ would be ‘Кавказская зенненхунд’ (Kavkaskaya zannenkhund), or perhaps ‘Кавказская горный собака’. I never heard either of these names during my seven years in the former Soviet Union.
Djordje says
Just want to say that this is not Caucasian Shepard in the video. This is Sharplaninac breed from Serbian Sharplanina. I am linking a video with original narration from Yugoslav TV.
Annonymous says
First of all, you must recognize that Caucasian Shepherd is not a Russian breed, but Georgian. And secondly, these dog has been bred in order to protect sheep from jackals, wolves and bears. It can fluently defeat a wolf, and there has been many evidences in Georgia. They tend to be a lot bigger and stronger than wolves. They are also very agile, giving them a huge advantage over wolves.
Dante says
I completely agree with this post. I have seen old films of this dog in “ACTION,” protecting his herd! What a sight to see! One dog…one Caucasian Shepherd dog…took down two…not one…but two, wolves in a matter of minutes! Done! These dogs are fierce…very fierce, strong, smart and fast!
I felt sorry for the wolf…he was pleading for his life. I like wolves.
Akaalis Aristorenas says
I’m not doubting that those wolves were killed. However, I’m questioning whether those wolves were a wolf-subspecies or perhaps were tranquilized(or weakened) a bit since this film was a blatant and obvious setup for those dogs to encounter each other as they are also artificially setup in those classic black & white “lion vs tiger” videos.
Cause there is a video here of 5 Ovcharka dogs who absolutely who couldn’t do $h!t to a single large grey wolf.
RussianDog says
The dogs do not look much like COs, more like mongrels, and they are not seriously getting into a fight.
OldFarmer says
Great video thanks . This is certainly one dog vs 2 wolves but they are not North American wolves and think that is what some are asking.
You are correct as they can kill what I think are called Asian wolves but cant fathom one dog taking on an adult N. American wolves.
Rusty Fox says
I just have to point out that Ovcharka does NOT mean ‘mountain dog’. Ovtsa is Russian for ‘sheep’. Ovcharka is Russian for ‘shepherd’ – both the man who tends the sheep, and breeds of dogs bred for that reason. Otherwise you’d have to call the Nemetskiy Ovcharka the ‘German Mountain Dog’ instead of the ‘German Shepherd’.
My Russian isn’t perfect, but I lived in Kiev for seven years, and picked up enough to handle most conversations. I also know many words which I can’t decline properly. There are six cases, three genders and both a singular and two plural forms to learn!!!
Frank says
Just the statement “large as a grizzly bear almost” adds question to the knowledge you might not have about theses dogs! At 110-180 pounds they are dwarfed by a grizzly that can easily grow to over 5x that weight! Likely they are big as dogs go, but they are NOT SUPER dogs. And raising one for protection may put innocent people at risk who simply walk by or ..?????
admin says
To Natasha:
People often ask questions like that about the Caucasian Ovcharka. I would suggest that you read some answers on our site that would help you to make a decision:
Natasha says
I’m a single mother with 3 children my oldest has special needs. I’m very strong and have handled big dogs and I also have had a couple of wolves and I’ve been thinking about getting a caucasian mountain shepherd puppy. I’m moving up to Alaska and I want a good protective dog But I’m kind of worried that this dog might turn on my children because of the few things that I have heard about them. But I also know that all dogs are protective and they can turn on a person. What I’m asking is if this Dog would be a good dog for my children and I or if you know of one that is? Thank you for reading :-)
bernhard boegner says
To say any dog breed can fight with a bear is pure stupidity. Your regular full grown male black bear with an attitude would shred that Caucasian breed in a matter of seconds no problem. If anyone doubts this introduce your Caucasian dog to a mother black bear with her cubs and see what happens to that dog. Yes I know these are bad ass dogs but let’s keep things in perspective people.
Matthew says
Once spray to the face of any dog and there dead within seconds. Nothing beats a alarm system. Sorry
liz says
Can they kill wolves ? yeah . This dog has a bite force that exceeds a wolf . and their paw and body strength is greater than any wolf . This dog can kill bears without much difficulty . This is a badass dog . The Ovcharka is no joke . Make no mistake about it , The Ovcharka is weapon with fur . This dog can kill just about anything except perhaps the higher powered predatory animals . Polar Bears , Crocodiles , Lions , and Tigers .
Brian says
Maybe small wolves I.e, red wolf or a coyote wolf hybrid, but during my 20years of research with Wolves, it is a fact my friend the bite force of a full grown wolf will in fact always be greater than that of any dog due to the wolf having a superior bone structure supporting more muscle mass in I it’s head and jaw. As for this dog killing a wolf alone? Hardly, these wolves when in the wild train daily for survival by attacking and taking down animals such as bison and moose. Great dog my friend but to say it could kill a full grown wild wolf is laughable and of legends told over much vodka !!!!
Tim says
I lived with my dads brother at one time in Russia and he owned one. We once had 7 wolves on our property and it killed 3 and the rest ran away. We had to go and pickup wolf bodies and shovel up all the red snow
Brian says
Hardly, these wolves when in the wild train daily for survival by attacking and taking down animals such as bison and moose. Great dog my friend but to say it could kill a full grown wild wolf is laughable and of legends told over much vodka !!!!
workhorse says
I have personally seen this dog and it was owned by an ex fiance cousin which the family is from Russia. This dog is very scary and is huge and I am told can fight off 5 wolves and even kill them at one time in Caucus mountains. I am experienced with large dogs and would not even be in same room with this dog. They are only loyal to owner and are as big as a grizzly bear almost and you do need to be experienced handler only. I was amazed this young Russian father even had this dog in house with 1 year old baby and his mexican wife. I feel that is too dangerous. I would only have this dog if I raised him myself as a puppy and he was outside with lots of room. He would only be safe and loyal with me and I would still have to caution others. Don't recommend unless you raise this dog and keep away from alot of people. Must be trained around other animals even when small too.
georgianmen says
if interested you can read about the Caucasian sheep-dog here:
georgianmen says
georgian shepard dog(georgian mountain dog)can kill a wolf.in Georgia, these dogs are often killed by wolves during the protection of the sheep.