juda: a rottweiler and chihuahua puppy?
ok my boyfriend really wants a Rottweiler puppy and i really want a long haired chihuahua puppy. We really want to get both, but i wasn't sure how well they would interact. The Chihuahua will be indoor and the rottweiler outdoor. I thought maybe getting them both as puppies would help and maybe they would grow up thinking it was normal and used to it but i wasn't sure since both can be kinda aggressive? any thoughts?
Answers and Views:
Answer by taylorswifts#1fan
yea that's a good idea to do it as puppies. they might actually fight at first but they should get over it as they get older.
Answer by VMK_narutoshadowclone
I think they would be okay together, as long as they know each other really well.
Answer by Rosy
Generally, if you keep them together from a very young age, they will get along fine.
And rottweilers are not that aggressive, I'd say if anything the chihuahua is more testy. But really, the personality will depend mostly on the particular dog, regardless of breed.
Just supervise them in the beginning to make sure they don't fight, and if they do then make sure to keep them separate!
Also, you should consider getting dogs from the shelter. They often have many less issues than a purebred, and in my experience have a much better temperament.
If you are going to get male dogs, make sure to have them neutered! Especially if you're worried about aggression. Neutering really helps the dog's temperament, almost completely eliminates their risk for testicular/prostate cancer, and will keep them safer around other male dogs also.
Answer by thing
Get both as puppies. It might be a good idea to keep them together rather than one inside and one outside as they will spend more time together, and the rottweiler won't get jealous. Keep both of them inside or outside, though I think inside is better as it's easier to train the dog unless you're outside all the time.
I agree with Bree.
Answer by Ashley♫
Getting two puppies at a time is alot of work , and you have to give that work 24/7 , with training them both (house training) and if one had medical problems it would even be harder work.
Also think of the money that would be going towards one dog
then think double that , it really is alot of work. So i would advise you to get one puppy at a time , getting both at the same time will be very difficult. Maybe if you went with the chihuahua first because they would be easier to deal with then after the chihuahua is trained you could get another dog , the Rottweiler . Also i would choose the smaller dog first because , they are cheaper (food etc) and because chihuahuas are not as energetic
I really hope you choose carefully on your choice
Hope this helped =]
Answer by bullyfree4me
get them as pups and they will be fine. my friend has 2 pittbulls 1 rottweiler and 2 chihuahuas. none are aggressive. the vet always tells dog owners the way you raise a child (with lots of love) is the way to raise a dog to be kind gentle and loving.
Answer by Bree
Rottweilers were bred to share in many aspects of a family's daily life, as protective guardians, willing workers, and happy playmates. They thrive on companionship and they want to be wherever you are. They need human contact and socialization in order to remain well-rounded. A Rottweiler who does not receive adequate socialization and attention is likely to grow up to be unsociable (fearful and/or unprovokedly aggressive), unruly, and unhappy. He may well develop pastimes, such as digging or barking, that will displease you and/or your neighbors. If you don't want a Rottweiler as a pet first, then you should look into a breed less oriented to human companionship.
There's no reason to have an "outdoor dog". A dog can be just as good a guardian from the inside of your home. Keeping the dog outside does not eliminate or reduce it's need for daily physical exercise. And the dog should be trained regardless of where you keep it.
Honestly, I think you should choose one dog at time that you can both agree on. Training and keeping one puppy is hard, time consuming and costly. Training two is more than twice that. If you socialize and properly train one dog, it should be possible to get another later on.
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