Q: Can a Chihuahua be too old to give birth?
I have a 12 yr old female Chihuahua. She has never mated with any dog in the past. But just today she connected with a mixed breed Dachshund.
It wasn't purposely but it happened and I'm worried that she may be too old for pregnancy...I want to know what risks I have and if there's anything I could do to make the pregnancy smoother?
Photo Credit: Wanna Be Creative/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by lotta
With all animals (and humans) pregnancy gets harder when the dog is older.
Answer by italianrose59
A chihuahua at any age (if small) can have difficulty giving birth to pups without the need for Cesarean surgery. There are injections you can get within the first few days to abort but it is BEST to just get her Spayed. A Female that is not Spayed can develop many Problems as she ages, one being Pyometra (an infection of the uterus) which can be deadly and a lot of times fatal before You realize she has it. if cost is a Problem there are Numerous Groups that will help to cover the cost of Spaying your Dog.
Besides the costs of trying to save your Dog due to complications from Pregnancy, Birth, and Raising Pups or Problems because she is not Spayed far outweigh the costs of Prevention and even if you spend all the money You can your Dog may still Die after a lot of suffering...
Answer by chetco
12 years is WAY too old for her to have the first litter. If she can have them at all, it would likely need to be by C-section. Please call your vet and have him clarify the risks involved. I really think that having her spayed would be much safer, but the vet knows her condition better than I do..so you REALLY need to talk with him this very week.
The dog's pelvic bones lose the ability to stretch if they haven't had their first litter by at least 6 years old. After that, it is very dangerous, as the bones won't stretch enough to allow the pup to pass through the pelvis.
Answer by maajake
I think it might be risky. Go to the vet instantly! 72 hours after the intercourse it's possible to give the dog an injection and puppies are never born. Think that there are so many mixed breed dogs that don't have homes, will you be able to find new homes for them? If already more than 72 hours are passed then I'd consider an abortion with sterilization to avoid further problems.
Even if you are against abortion then definitely consult a vet to get professional advice!
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Answer by Tara D
Definitely talk to your vet. She is old for her first pregnancy, but this isn't the first elderly dog I have heard of. Talk to your vet, he or she will be able to tell you the honest truth, the risks, and the options.
Best luck!
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