Q: At what age do female Chihuahua go into heat for the first time?
I have a 5-month-old female deer head chihuahua and I am breeding her with my male. I need to know if she can breed the first heat or do I need to protect her from him?
Photo Credit: Jose Antonio Tovar/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Earl E Morningwood
6 -8 months. But it varies.
Answer by Amber
She will come in heat about 6-8 months old. But it is very very important that you wait to breed her until AT LEAST her second heat cycle. chihuahua's are such small dogs that the older and bigger they are the easier the pregnancy and birth…FYI a C-section is common in small dogs so make sure you have a vet on hand when you are expecting pups….C-sections can cost between $ 400-$ 800 so be prepared for that also!! So yes, protect her from your male chi. until her 2nd cycle!! Good luck with that!!
And it is NOT good for your dog's health to let her have a litter of puppies before she is spayed. Actually having a dog spayed before their FIRST heat cycle greatly reduces the chances of ovarian cancers and tumors!! The more heat cycles a dog goes through the more you are increasing the chances of her getting cancer in her lifetime!! Have her spayed ASAP!!
Answer by Jazzy B
No dog needs to be bred before a spay.. They do not need to have a litter at all that is an old wives take.. There are enough unwanted dogs in the world.
Answer by Michelle
You should wait until they are 2 yrs old to breed. You should make sure the male is smaller than the female. Be careful as this is not a matter to take lightly and it is possible she would have to have a c-section or worse that she could die. Please keep in mind that there are tons of dogs that are homeless and being euthanized in shelters daily. Please be responsible and do not add to these numbers, spay/neuter your pets.
- How Old Should Chihuahua Be Before Spayed?
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Answer by Jos
Don’t breed first heat. Don’t breed at all if possible please spay her.
Answer by Monica G
Usually, it is best to wait until the pup is a year old before you breed her. When we had our female chihuahua, she went into heat for the first time when she was 6 months old. We had to buy dog panties and pads! It was a mess! We were actually considering breeding her, but after that, we changed our minds.
The first time your dog goes into heat, it will last longer than any consecutive times. So just bear with it and once she reaches a year old you should be able to breed her with your male. Good luck!
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Sandi says
I honestly
Marcel van Hattum says
Hello everyone,
My Thai partner/wife and I had the pleasure of witnessing the birth of 6 adorable pups.
The mothers name is Joy.
We waited until Joy was two years old before we started the ball rolling
She sired 5 boys and one bitch/girl. Everything went well. Sutchaya had on her hands, what I call jokingly, love gloves and right beside her was Marcel with the sterilized scissors to cut the em biblical cords
I did a lot of research before asking my wife to assist Joy with her first encounter with a male Chihuahua.
I firmly believe that If you have ever grown up with dogs, cats or any living creatures during the course of your own childhood, you should not have to much trouble with being able to take care of other worldly beings.
N.B. Please!!!! before you get all emotional with any dog in particular, try to make sure that you have your life in order so that your pet/child can have a happy existence.
2nd important thing is the pups all need to be touched softly and spoken to softly during the early stages.
Plus also when they start to get around 5/6 months old they will all like to do walking exercises with you.
Trust me, you will never have a better companion/friend that will share their instinctual love with you to their dying days. You will never be able to en[JOY] a better feeling. 55555.
5 in the Thai language is [Ha].
Signing off for now,
Marcel. Xoxo.
P.S. My mobile phone # is 0983167328 if you wish to speak with Khun Marcel.
Thailand put +66 in the front and take off the 0.
Tracey Macks says
Hello my name is Tracey Macks Johnson . I am deaf . I am mother of 2 daugters and 3 boys chihuahuas and 1 girl chihuahua . I have own 4 chihuahuas .. I knw how is doing with chihuahua have on heat .. Boy chihuahua can smell her heat .. And he try "sex" on her heat . Sigh i will take her go vet and she will get ties her overy or something .. Hope she will be ok .. I don't want her have lots of puppy make me carzy .. Oh lord god help me !!
Hope chat me anytime wink smile !!
Thank u
traceyalonlem says
my vet says to wait till the second for them to finish growing
Linda L says
She will most likely come into heat about 6 to 9 months of age and it is not recommended that you let them breed for the first time let them come in and then out. It is usually recommended that you wait until they are a year old before you breed them. A chihuahua is subject to many health problems when they become pregnant so make sure she has plenty of calcium in her diet or she could become sick and have seizures
amy_lee says
when we were breeding jack russels, we skipped the first heat, then started breeding in the second heat.
she was a very good mom, and we got 6 pups!! and better yet…all of them lived!
just so you know…it's healthy for a dog to only breed a few…2 or 3…times…and for your dogs best health, if you're going to spay her, let her at least have one set of pups…
Trisha says
The vet told me to wait until my chihuahua came into heat for the second time before breeding….Then when she did come into heat the second time we had her breed with a smaller male chihuahua. But it was unsuccessful….
moonhuntz says
The average estrus cycle in a dog is approximately twenty-one days and this cycle usually occurs every six to seven months. The first cycle will often depend on the size of the dog. Small breeds such, as Chihuahuas or Toy Poodles will come into heat between five and seven months. Large breeds like the Collie, Mastiff or Great Dane may have their first heat cycle at six months but it isn’t unusual for them to delay until they are a twelve to sixteen months. Larger dogs develop at a much slower rate than small dogs.
patclem2 says
Most breeders will let a dog go into heat at least once before they breed them