Takara's mom: Are St. Bernard dogs Good with Kids??
We would really like to get a Saint Bernard but we have an 18-month-old baby. She loves my brother's Great Dane, but do you think having a big dog around could be a problem?
Photo Credit: tikicat90/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by stilleww
you own a damn great dane!
if you can train them then you can train any dog in the world!
Answer by Laura
Generally, St bernards are good with kids they are slow and gentle. Make sure to teach them not to jump when they are little, they are never aware of just how big they are. While they aren't super active, they still need daily exercise. They slobber and they shed.
Big dogs CAN be great with kids, and kids can be great with dogs. It all depends on the parents/owners. You have to be able to control your pet to ensure your babies safety, while its likely nothing will happen you need to be confident you can intervene if needed. Having said that if you're up for it then go for it. I love big dogs and think st bernards are great dogs.
If you truly plan on getting this breed research their breed; ask a reputable breeder, shelter, or trainer.

Answer by marci knows best
First, toddlers and dogs are a recipe for potential disaster. The kid accidentally hurts the dog, the dog bites the kid to make it stop doing what ever hurts and the dog is in big trouble. I would wait until the child is 5 or 6 and even then never leave them unsupervised.
St Bernards are huge not too bright dogs who shed and drool. They are fairly placid and don't need lots of exercise so depending on your lifestyle maybe that is an advantage.
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Answer by *Show Breeder or NO
With an 18-month-old, I'd wait. I say this because adolescent giant breed dogs are CLUMSY! They are constantly knocking things over, and I'm very afraid your child would be one of those things!! If you want a breed that big, wait until she's 4 or 5, and is able to protect herself a bit more. I'm not suggesting that the dog would do anything to hurt her purposely (with proper training, and growing up around a small child, I don't think that's a concern), but he could very easily push her down. She could fall on the edge of a table, or down the stairs. I just don't think it's safe right now!
Some disadvantages: they drool and they shed like maniacs.
Answer by Hoolagal
st. bernards are big teddy bears but the drooling is gross … if you can handle the drool and serious grooming maintenance I say go for it … a neighbor got an st. bernard puppy and he was the star of the neighborhood he was so cute … and he was so huge at only 10 weeks, twice the size of my dog full grown if not more :O) I am also of the mindset that babies and kids are fine with dogs, but as much as the dog needs to learn boundaries, so do the children
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kiwimash says
St. Bernards are very sweet and great family pets, also very loyal. If your baby loves a great dane, then I’m sure she will like the St. Bernard.