Q: My husband wants to get a shar-pei dog, however, we have small children. Are they good family dogs?
Are they aggressive? Is there any reports of attacks from these dogs?
Photo Credit: emdot/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by I Love my Pyr.
I don't think they are among the most popular breed. I have heard that they are mean when they get older but I don't know of any personally and that could be in the raising. Just socialize it well and lay down the rules in the beginning.
Answer by ChickenLiLsydney2770
I have a 7-year-old female shar pei and have never had an ounce of trouble with her fully toilet trained after 3 days most loyal and faithful dog I have owned and I have had quite a few she can be stubborn at times if there's an open gate but never goes far and always returns to a whistle. I'm also a new father and have a son of 6 months who she is rather fond of wants to always be close to him when he's nearby. The moral of my story is don't judge a dog by breed or apparent breed analysis.
Ps I originally purchased the dog as a guard dog and she has only had minor contact with friends and neighbors and has never shown any real aggressive behavior she will snarl a bit and stand her ground but I don't believe that she would hurt ANYBODY.
Answer by Lissa
Have to agree that it completely depends on the dog’s personal temperament and socialization as a puppy.
My family has had another shar pei before, but our current pei is just over a year old now. Extremely leery of strangers, but he is always friendly with kids no matter if he knows them or not. But we made sure he was exposed to children when we brought him home as a puppy and the breeder also had a young son so he was definitely properly socialized.
Even still, definitely not a dog for everyone. Mine listens to me well and is a serious love bug. Quite full of personality and even shows some manners. But he can be extremely stubborn (especially when it comes to listening to other family members) and it's really true that they need to understand the pecking order. A great plus, as mentioned by other reviewers, he was extremely easy to house train- very very few accidents from day one, and not once has he ever chewed anything up in the house. The only issue he has is being alone, he loves to be around people even if it's just a matter of being able to see you from down the hallway.
Overall, they’re extremely loyal and affectionate dogs but each dog has his own unique personality and needs serious training and socialization. And if you’re going to get one, who you choose to buy from is a big factor.
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Answer by Serch
Shar peis are not for everyone. If you are looking for a cute dog to play with you better get one of the smaller breeds. Shar peis are strong dogs, both mentally and physically. They need a strong leader who would set the rules from day one.
When I say set the rules, I mean it., I have a Shar pei, and she is very stubborn, but since I am the Alfa male of the house, what I say goes. If you can get your dog to understand it, you will have one of the most rewarding experiences ever. I haven't found a dog that is more loyal, affectionate, smart, sensitive than a shar pei. But watch out, you MUST be firm, but never violent with the shar pei (or any other dog for that matter)
My shar pei is EXTREMELY sensitive to family situations. The other day I had quite a strong argument with my brother and she just kept on licking my hands and did not leave my side. The next day she did not eat at all. Was very depressed. When we play and she bites me a bit too hard, she stops immediately and licks my “wound” like if she were apologizing… :D
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Cindy k Figley says
I have had 2 SharPeis, both was great with small children, though they do like to use their body at time to herd the into a corner together, the better they could keep a eye on them. Never played rough with toys and letting them shake them, I was told it was okay to play tug of war but not to encourage the shaking, which is what a animal does to kill a animal such as a rabbit or squirell. Neither one of them ever bit one of the children or me. They are so clean they almost potty train their selves as long as you offer often enough to go out. One of the most lovable dogs you can get and very intelligent. When my grandson was born she would sniff him when he came in, and they lay near by, if he cried she would come get me and give me the look of what kinda of Granny are you, he is crying.
Lauren Oneill says
I have a shar pei 8 months old. We made sure he socialised with people and other pets from day 1. He is walked twice a day well trained. And today he attacked my son totally unprovoked my son had to have stitches 2 injections and is on an antibiotic. I am absolutely devastated that we have to rehome him but I do not recommend these dogs round children. We done everything right from day 1 and he attacked today for no reason.
RussianDog says
Sorry to hear about that.
Leah says
My sharpei is extremely good with children and all people, a little hyper so the greeting is always warm however he often jumps on people and with his size thats not always good, though he loves children and is always very gentle and sensitive with them, he’s my gentle giant and I would never hesitate to bring a chid in the house as he loves and is great with them.
Elaine says
My Pei is 6 years old and she is the most loyal dog I have ever had. She senses seizures in my Granddaughter and she alerts us by a single bark and lays on our grand. She has never been trained for this, she just knows. Terri also has allergies. She is allergic to all grains! Before we figured out what was her allergy she lost all of her fur and itched terribly. She loves all children. We have a busy young neighborhood, she sits in our bay window and watches the kids play all day. When I take her outside she stays by my side as we walk. Once a ambulance took a family member to a hospital 7 miles away and I rode with them. She must have followed us to the hospital because when my husband come to visit several hours later he asked me why Terri was in the parking lot of the emergency room. She’s very smart, kind, loyal and wants to be with her family all the time! I take her everywhere I can.
RussianDog says
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karen says
I have 2 shar-pei a bitch and a dog !!! he is adorable and whilst she is loving she isnt keen on strangers yet they have been brought up exactly the same ?bit like my kids really
Suzanne Jackson says
We have a 10month shar pei brilliant with kids soft and gentle always by there sides when playing they love him , always out soicializing with other dogs x never had a problem with him x
Sarah-Ann says
We recently bought a sharpei puppy as a friend for our maremma sheepdog. We are now considering re-homing him, He has only been bought up with love, and has turned into an aggressive and tries to over power everything and very territorial, He randomly went and bit my almost 4 year old on the side the other day, he will attack our maremma for her dinner so after he scoffs his i have to try and make him sit and keep him away but he is so angry more so when it comes to food. Loves older people but not keen on sharing with dogs or kids, even though hes been around his brothers and sisters since birth, then our kids since very young. he looks like a great dog. But i think they suit more of a child-less home with someone who can afford the vet bills if needed, and the time to train these dogs aswell, they are the most stubborn bread! and i thought our maremma was stubborn! over all it depends on the dogs personality. I love our sharpei but he isn’t for us. And i feel so guilty thinking of rehoming him, but with a 4yr old and a 6 month old i wont have an aggressive dog. He needs a more suited home with no other dogs, no kids and full human attention.
Really says
I would love to appreciate/take into consideration your comments, however, your spelling is atrocious and if you can’t be disciplined enough to educate yourself and approach situations such as this, attempting to offer sound advice to others who seek it, being a “Pei” owner myself, I do recommend you focus on your improvement, not your passing of judgment on an animal and it’s behavior. If you take no pride in your presentation, then it’s not credible you take pride in disciplining/raising a dog who needs consistent work…for at least the first 2 years…poor “puppy”.
Chaz says
Wow, you are smug and condescending little person! Does that make you feel better to cut down someone else?
Reallyfuckoff says
I agree with Chaz and thank you Sarah Ann for sharing your experience, my friend also had a similar experience with regards to her dog being agresive towards her children and cat.
Liam says
We have a year old Pei (we had her since she was a pup) and she has been reared indoors as part of the crew. To date I have no complaints- she is really really good with our boys (6 & 3) she has an excellent temperment. As previous posters have said it all depends on the rearing. I know there are lots in shelters that need rehoming but like everything else be very careful as some may not have had a nice upbringing and may come with a few issues.
Health issues are heridetary- so always have a check on the parents before buying.
Liam says
Well here’s the update to our experience with our Pei- she has been the most mild mannered dog I have had to date. Yes she is supprisingly stubborn- that characteristic I have never come across before with my previous dogs. But perseverance does pay off. She is so loving even with our boys who love the rough and tumble and our pei throws herself into the middle of it, but I keep a close eye and never once have I had to come to the aid of the kids. Like all pedigree dogs there are heridetary issues- our poor girl is allergic to tree pollen so requires regular bathing. But other than this I have had not one bad experience to report.
Dog_trainer says
I've known some that were lovely dogs if they were raised properly, but as a family pet generally not a breed I recommend. They were originally bred as fighting dogs, and many are aggressive towards people and other animals. They are also expensive to buy and maintain – lots of health problems with their skin.
Go with a Lab or a Golden Retriever or another of the Sporting Breeds from a good breeder who selects for health and temperament.
neonlights1971 says
Never heard of them being mean to kids, but I can tell you they drool like mad mans and they stink even when given a bath.. my friends had one, they finally gave it away cause it stunk all of the time even with bathing him.. GOOD LUCK
Plus you have to teach the kids to respect the newest addition to your family as well.. there only defense will be biting.. And even lil dogs can bite hard..
~emerald dream~ says
get a poodle
Schatzi says
I have a rott/shar pei. My vet was a bit apprehensive around her at first, as he said many shar peis have bad temperaments. He was not worried about her being part rottweiler. I love my dog.
That being said…
I have read about them, and they can have aggression issues. Of course, many dogs can, regardless of breed, but it might not be the best choice for a house full of children. Plus, there are health issues regarding their eyes and their coat (for people) that you should read up on first.
Big T and A says
Shar-pei are good dogs but do become protective of thier familys. They also cause allergies in some people. I worked at an animal shelter and we couldn't care for them because two of our workers and our vet was allergic to them but not any other breeds.
miaugh says
I know of a few that are standoffish that I wouldn't trust around kids–and a few that are excellent with the children in their own family. Even if you get one with a great temperament. you should know shar-peis can be prone to recurrent skin infections and allergies.
queenB says
i have raised shar pei for 10 yrs,and have 5 little girls,they are the sweetest things,they are very smart,and easy to train,
i dont know were people got they were mean,cause mine are the biggest baby,i love shar pei and trust me once you get one you will never have another dog!
jeanette brennan says
Totally agree with this message,our 10yr old shar-pei has never given us any problems,he is gentle,loving and adorable,its the little dogs that you have to watch,but its the way you treat them,give them love and they will love you.
JennyAngelicGirl says
Somewhat aloof to strangers, the dogs have a natural instinct to guard home and family and are intensely loyal to their owners
Fetch! says
~ If you get a puppy, this is of no concern. If you adopt a dog you will already know the temperament of the dog before taking it into your home. I personally LOVE Shar Peis. I have a male named Caine. He is an awesome dog. They are extremely loyal dogs and will be very protective of the whole family. Not aggressive but will alert. They are wonderful family pets and a very clean breed. They are super easy to potty train. I have one now and had two in the past. I also belong to the Florida Shar Pei club and it is very common for a Shar Pei to be housebroken at or before 5 months of age. They are easy to train behavioral and will get along with other dogs if properly socialized and raised with other pets. I highly recommend them. If you do get a puppy please research the breeder as this is super important to finding one that has temperament and quality. Not all breeders are created equal. Everyone that comes over is first taken by my Great Danes but once they are around long enough everyone falls in love with my Shar Pei. He and many others are just amazing pets!
Bonnaboo says
Well, Shar Peis can be VERY troublesome with other dogs, and are not for the novice owner. Their coats can give people and kids rashes because of their unusual texture. I would be very careful with a dog of that breed and your children. they are rather aloof. I personally wouldn't do it.
Iggy's Screamin says
Yes Shar Peis can be aggressive,,,,I have never in all the years in the show ring or otherwise of a Shar Pei attacking.
you need to research any breed before buying or getting a dog from a shelter, you have to make sure the dog fits your life style first.
we have a lot of them in our dog club, even tempered dogs, but all say, can be aggressive, but so can any breed.
go to
and research any breed you want for free
Skeeter says
We had one years ago and we loved him dearly but we had to watch him closely around kids and strangers. Also they can come with lots of health problems too especially with their eyes. Ours died at 3 years old from many health problems but mainly cancer..
Jasm says
Any dog is good as long as you train it right. My aunt has had pit bulls all her life and they have never ever once even tried to attack anyone or any of the kids either. I brought my 2 1/2 month old puppt over there for x-mas and she played with her 2 year old pit bull and they were fine. My puppy was biting her and everything and that pit bull just played right back-never tried to hurt her at all. All depends on how u raise your dogs. Good Luck.
Bonzie12 says
Here's some info on the breed:
If the dog meets cats and children while it is still young, it usually will not have a problem with them. The Chinese Shar-Pei has a frowning expression, but is surprisingly easy-going, calm, independent, and devoted. They make a delightful companion and good watchdogs. The Shar-Pei needs a confident handler. If you are too uncertain, too inconstant, too soft, or too mild in the dog's eyes, it will take over as the boss. Shar-Pei need firm, but gentle and extremely consistent training. They are stubborn and bold and need firm obedience training to establish your leadership. They may refuse commands from family members who have not established leadership over them. They need an owner who as the ability to be "Top Dog". These dogs are very clean and almost housebreak themselves. Shar-Pei generally hate water and try as hard as they can to avoid it. Puppies grow very quickly and must be fed accordingly. Mixing other dogs can sometimes be a problem and socialization is important. However some Shar-Pei are less dominant then others and show lines tend to be less dog-aggressive, mixing well with other dogs. Some Shar-Pei tend to slobber, especially when in pain. It is important to find a reputable breeder when seeking a Shar-Pei. This breed was very popular in the 1980's. It was referred to as one of the "Yuppie Puppies", meaning the breeds that were carelessly over-bred. A lot of this breeds personality and health depends on the lines it comes from. Good Shar-Pei lines will get along well with other dogs and will not have skin problems, which is a hereditary condition.
di says
Any dog can be aggressive. It totally depends how they are trained. Friends of mine have 2 shar-peis and had small children when they got them. They had no problems. They also walk their dogs twice daily and they are very well trained.
My Dogs R Better Tha says
my mother's neighbor's shar pei attacked their 4 year old son and took his arm really bad bites.
i would think twice before getting one of these. what about a lab or golden or a big slap happy mutt from the shelter?
also shar peis have alot of health problems and are very expensive.
God is #1 says
there good and there rolls are adorable